1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,015 How many times have you read copy on a website, or 2 00:00:03,015 --> 00:00:08,018 watched a video produced by a brand, and really felt like you understood them and 3 00:00:08,018 --> 00:00:12,800 that they understood you, where it felt like these people were speaking your 4 00:00:12,800 --> 00:00:16,728 language, so much so that you wanted to learn more about them? 5 00:00:16,728 --> 00:00:21,195 When you can form a connection like that, users become more engaged and 6 00:00:21,195 --> 00:00:24,180 interested in everything a brand has to offer. 7 00:00:24,180 --> 00:00:28,612 It's a lot like meeting someone in real life and sparking up conversation, 8 00:00:28,612 --> 00:00:31,946 only to realize, hey, we've got something in common. 9 00:00:31,946 --> 00:00:35,431 Too many brands play it safe and try to say the right thing, but 10 00:00:35,431 --> 00:00:37,119 end up saying nothing at all. 11 00:00:37,119 --> 00:00:40,761 We value quality and integrity. 12 00:00:40,761 --> 00:00:42,149 Well, of course you do. 13 00:00:42,149 --> 00:00:43,130 Everyone does. 14 00:00:43,130 --> 00:00:46,479 Brands can provide a better experience than that. 15 00:00:46,479 --> 00:00:47,330 They need to. 16 00:00:47,330 --> 00:00:52,330 To form strong personal connections and generate emotional responses, 17 00:00:52,330 --> 00:00:55,243 we need to create transparent UX content. 18 00:00:55,243 --> 00:01:00,065 Content that reveals who we really are behind any corporate facade or 19 00:01:00,065 --> 00:01:01,487 personal web page. 20 00:01:01,487 --> 00:01:05,855 It allows us to build trust with our customers and followers, 21 00:01:05,855 --> 00:01:09,719 reveal the meaning or purpose behind our efforts, and 22 00:01:09,719 --> 00:01:13,499 create a deeper connection between us and our users. 23 00:01:13,499 --> 00:01:17,985 By being genuine, honest, and direct, you could have accomplish these goals. 24 00:01:17,985 --> 00:01:22,358 So let's explore how to create transparent UX content. 25 00:01:22,358 --> 00:01:24,840 If you check out the team behind Wistia, 26 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:29,882 you'll discover their About Page shows you more than just a list of team members. 27 00:01:29,882 --> 00:01:33,548 It's an interactive array of photos that dance and move and 28 00:01:33,548 --> 00:01:36,200 do whatever else the person decided to do. 29 00:01:36,200 --> 00:01:39,325 They could've written something obvious, like we're a cool company. 30 00:01:39,325 --> 00:01:44,557 But instead, Wistia delivers this cool experience that reflects who they 31 00:01:44,557 --> 00:01:50,299 really are, a company that values their fun culture and isn't afraid to show it. 32 00:01:50,299 --> 00:01:53,154 Now, at first people might think dancing pictures, 33 00:01:53,154 --> 00:01:55,379 why would we create something like this? 34 00:01:55,379 --> 00:01:57,806 Why does this even matter? 35 00:01:57,806 --> 00:02:02,144 Wistia did it because they wanted to connect with their audience in 36 00:02:02,144 --> 00:02:03,391 an emotional way. 37 00:02:03,391 --> 00:02:08,440 They're basically saying, if you value fun, we're the right company for you. 38 00:02:08,440 --> 00:02:14,019 An audience that identifies with the values you display through UX content will 39 00:02:14,019 --> 00:02:19,857 be more likely to trust you, connect with you, and be influenced by your content. 40 00:02:19,857 --> 00:02:24,631 So using content to represent your values is one way to connect, but 41 00:02:24,631 --> 00:02:27,920 explicitly stating your beliefs is another. 42 00:02:27,920 --> 00:02:32,101 One of the causes Starbucks supports is the environment. 43 00:02:32,101 --> 00:02:36,495 So on their website they've prepared mission statements that detail what they 44 00:02:36,495 --> 00:02:39,853 do, inside and out of their stores, to support this cause. 45 00:02:39,853 --> 00:02:42,989 Their transparency about their beliefs and 46 00:02:42,989 --> 00:02:47,909 actions help followers understand why they care and do what they do. 47 00:02:47,909 --> 00:02:52,827 And those customers that share the same beliefs will probably support the company 48 00:02:52,827 --> 00:02:53,547 even more. 49 00:02:53,547 --> 00:02:58,920 So if you've got specific beliefs and values you're passionate about, 50 00:02:58,920 --> 00:03:04,042 how could you raise awareness of them through UX content on your site? 51 00:03:04,042 --> 00:03:07,695 You could be like Help Scout and state this plainly, 52 00:03:07,695 --> 00:03:11,526 our mission is to help you build a company people love. 53 00:03:11,526 --> 00:03:15,636 You might consider an approach like Southwest providing bilingual 54 00:03:15,636 --> 00:03:20,479 versions of multiple kinds of customer commitment statements and documents. 55 00:03:20,479 --> 00:03:24,518 So their commitment to you, the customer Is clear and in writing, 56 00:03:24,518 --> 00:03:27,993 no matter where you're from or what language you speak. 57 00:03:27,993 --> 00:03:33,069 Or you might take the TriNet approach and state on your homepage the number of 58 00:03:33,069 --> 00:03:37,999 customers and the amount of payroll processed through your HR platform. 59 00:03:37,999 --> 00:03:43,070 By sharing this data, you're establishing your expertise and abilities. 60 00:03:43,070 --> 00:03:46,974 Other people or brands might take a different approach and 61 00:03:46,974 --> 00:03:51,834 offer transparency by telling their own story to help people understand 62 00:03:51,834 --> 00:03:55,676 why they do what they do and what brought them here today. 63 00:03:55,676 --> 00:04:01,126 Like a comic book superhero, some brands will detail their origin story, the spark 64 00:04:01,126 --> 00:04:06,050 of creativity, or the unique event that drove them to begin their efforts. 65 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:10,841 They might also include their life lessons, the key pieces of advice they can 66 00:04:10,841 --> 00:04:15,645 share based on the various ups and downs they've experienced along the way. 67 00:04:15,645 --> 00:04:19,453 Ironically, though, some of the best stories focus on the user. 68 00:04:19,453 --> 00:04:23,642 When you read Dropbox's story on their site, they start by saying, 69 00:04:23,642 --> 00:04:27,630 we've always been obsessed with making work better for people. 70 00:04:27,630 --> 00:04:33,076 But they end it by stating, so you can focus on what matters. 71 00:04:33,076 --> 00:04:37,123 Remember, we want our users to identify with us. 72 00:04:37,123 --> 00:04:39,634 So when you relate your story, 73 00:04:39,634 --> 00:04:45,341 your users need to see very clearly how they fit into the story as well. 74 00:04:45,341 --> 00:04:50,043 Buffer has regularly published insightful posts about the inner workings at their 75 00:04:50,043 --> 00:04:54,809 company, openly talking about the lessons they've learned, creating budgets, 76 00:04:54,809 --> 00:04:57,848 making deals, and even defining their core values. 77 00:04:57,848 --> 00:05:01,880 One of those core values, by the way, is default to transparency. 78 00:05:01,880 --> 00:05:05,062 And there's a great quote within the presentation they've shared online. 79 00:05:05,062 --> 00:05:10,887 As a company, we view transparency as a tool to help others. 80 00:05:10,887 --> 00:05:14,112 This is an important point. 81 00:05:14,112 --> 00:05:17,249 As someone who will create an experience, 82 00:05:17,249 --> 00:05:21,695 you have a responsibility to provide many opportunities for 83 00:05:21,695 --> 00:05:25,630 users to do things, try things, or consume things. 84 00:05:25,630 --> 00:05:30,262 By creating content that's genuine and honest and allows your users to 85 00:05:30,262 --> 00:05:34,817 understand you and your motivations, like your values and mission, 86 00:05:34,817 --> 00:05:40,396 you can build a relationship that's deeper than just someone using a website or app. 87 00:05:40,396 --> 00:05:46,378 It'll be the beginning of a relationship you can grow and build upon.