1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,093 [MUSIC] 2 00:00:05,093 --> 00:00:10,059 Forms are notoriously difficult to use for even the most capable users. 3 00:00:10,059 --> 00:00:15,093 Online shopping carts, for example, have an abandonment 4 00:00:15,093 --> 00:00:20,037 rate of almost 70%, according to Baymard Institute. 5 00:00:20,037 --> 00:00:26,169 While many users are merely browsing and not ready to buy, Baymard found that 6 00:00:26,169 --> 00:00:32,504 over 40% of abandonments are due to problems with checkout form usability. 7 00:00:32,504 --> 00:00:35,135 In the final stage of this course, 8 00:00:35,135 --> 00:00:40,046 we'll be using Figma to build a mock-up of an accessible form. 9 00:00:40,046 --> 00:00:44,184 We'll cover form design accessibility principles and 10 00:00:44,184 --> 00:00:46,920 take a look at resources to guide us. 11 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:48,999 And by the end of this stage, 12 00:00:48,999 --> 00:00:54,115 you'll be better prepared to communicate accessibility concerns to 13 00:00:54,115 --> 00:00:59,329 your development team as you reach the designer-developer handoff. 14 00:00:59,329 --> 00:01:06,206 Before we open Figma, let's examine the components of an accessible form. 15 00:01:06,206 --> 00:01:10,827 One critical principle when you're in the planning stage 16 00:01:10,827 --> 00:01:14,324 is to avoid asking unnecessary questions. 17 00:01:14,324 --> 00:01:19,322 Many users object to providing a phone number unless it's extremely 18 00:01:19,322 --> 00:01:22,689 obvious why the form recipient might need it. 19 00:01:22,689 --> 00:01:27,211 But requiring a phone number can be a particular burden for 20 00:01:27,211 --> 00:01:32,101 deaf or nonverbal users who, depending on the availability of 21 00:01:32,101 --> 00:01:37,195 Video Relay Services, might be unable to make or receive calls. 22 00:01:37,195 --> 00:01:43,290 If you're a food delivery service and rely on phone calls to clarify orders, 23 00:01:43,290 --> 00:01:46,682 that's a legitimate reason to be asking. 24 00:01:46,682 --> 00:01:49,798 But provide an alternative method of contact for 25 00:01:49,798 --> 00:01:52,084 users who can't answer your call. 26 00:01:52,084 --> 00:01:57,166 Questions about gender could also frustrate your audience. 27 00:01:57,166 --> 00:02:02,684 If your website or app has an extremely compelling reason to ask about gender, 28 00:02:02,684 --> 00:02:06,196 such as trying to gather accurate demographics, 29 00:02:06,196 --> 00:02:11,808 check out the teacher's notes for tips on designing inclusive form language. 30 00:02:11,808 --> 00:02:16,911 You'll need to either give the user plenty of response options or 31 00:02:16,911 --> 00:02:21,850 provide a text input rather than a list of predefined options. 32 00:02:21,850 --> 00:02:26,421 Assure your users their information will be private, anonymous, and safe. 33 00:02:29,776 --> 00:02:34,223 But again, if the question isn't absolutely essential, don't ask it. 34 00:02:34,223 --> 00:02:39,046 Avoiding unnecessary questions will also reduce the number of 35 00:02:39,046 --> 00:02:41,052 overall form questions. 36 00:02:41,052 --> 00:02:46,153 Which brings us to the next principle of accessible form design, 37 00:02:46,153 --> 00:02:51,173 minimizing the number of questions that appear on each screen. 38 00:02:51,173 --> 00:02:55,684 Limiting the number of tasks presented to the user on 39 00:02:55,684 --> 00:02:58,872 each screen has multiple benefits. 40 00:02:58,872 --> 00:03:02,971 In addition to faster loading time, a big plus on mobile, 41 00:03:02,971 --> 00:03:07,840 it helps screen readers jump straight to the relevant information. 42 00:03:07,840 --> 00:03:12,101 Correcting errors will also be easier since the number 43 00:03:12,101 --> 00:03:16,001 of fields facing the user at once will be limited. 44 00:03:16,001 --> 00:03:22,237 And simplifying the presentation of information can reduce cognitive load: 45 00:03:22,237 --> 00:03:27,621 in other words, the amount of information the user has to process or 46 00:03:27,621 --> 00:03:29,143 remember at once. 47 00:03:29,143 --> 00:03:33,948 This one-task-per-page approach benefits all users, but 48 00:03:33,948 --> 00:03:38,855 especially those with cognitive disabilities or dementia. 49 00:03:38,855 --> 00:03:45,964 To further assist such users, make sure your form provides context clues. 50 00:03:45,964 --> 00:03:51,741 Chunking, a term used to describe breaking a form into steps, 51 00:03:51,741 --> 00:03:56,658 only works if all the following are perfectly clear: 52 00:03:56,658 --> 00:04:01,750 the purpose of the form, what step the user is on, 53 00:04:01,750 --> 00:04:08,929 how many tasks have been completed, and how many steps still remain. 54 00:04:08,929 --> 00:04:11,515 While users with cognitive and 55 00:04:11,515 --> 00:04:16,098 memory impairments benefit most from context clues, 56 00:04:16,098 --> 00:04:20,666 distracted users, who may have received a phone call in the middle of 57 00:04:20,666 --> 00:04:25,893 attempting to complete a mobile form, will appreciate the reminder as well. 58 00:04:29,018 --> 00:04:33,752 Grouping related questions visually further reduces cognitive load. 59 00:04:33,752 --> 00:04:37,913 If some questions deal with personal information, 60 00:04:37,913 --> 00:04:43,500 some with account information, and some with contact information, 61 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:47,722 and if it's necessary to keep each group on the same screen 62 00:04:47,722 --> 00:04:51,515 rather than splitting the form into smaller steps, 63 00:04:51,515 --> 00:04:55,672 make an obvious visual distinction between each group. 64 00:04:55,672 --> 00:05:01,107 Using clear form labels and not just placeholder text 65 00:05:01,107 --> 00:05:07,521 is another important step in guiding users through your form. 66 00:05:07,521 --> 00:05:12,470 Placeholder text is sometimes used to clue the user as to what 67 00:05:12,470 --> 00:05:16,461 content is expected and how it can be formatted. 68 00:05:16,461 --> 00:05:21,109 But placeholder text disappears once the user begins typing, and 69 00:05:21,109 --> 00:05:25,846 the user can easily lose track of which field they were filling out. 70 00:05:25,846 --> 00:05:30,179 Labels should be placed close to the field they belong to. 71 00:05:30,179 --> 00:05:35,823 And on mobile screens, labels should go above the input, not beside it. 72 00:05:35,823 --> 00:05:41,213 Speaking of form inputs, one of the guidelines we covered 73 00:05:41,213 --> 00:05:48,034 under the Operable WCAG principle was making focus indicators obvious. 74 00:05:48,034 --> 00:05:54,042 Each browser comes with its own default focus indicator style, 75 00:05:54,042 --> 00:05:57,053 but the cues are pretty subtle. 76 00:05:57,053 --> 00:06:01,877 Making the focus indicators stand out will be a big help to users 77 00:06:01,877 --> 00:06:05,257 who can't operate a mouse or touchscreen. 78 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:14,697 Finally, you'll hopefully recall a WCAG guideline called Input Assistance. 79 00:06:14,697 --> 00:06:19,067 Don't forget to make form errors easy to spot and correct and 80 00:06:19,067 --> 00:06:22,159 your error messaging easy to understand. 81 00:06:25,503 --> 00:06:30,510 If designing an accessible form seems daunting, it definitely can be, but 82 00:06:30,510 --> 00:06:35,454 I've included a number of resources in the teachers' notes to guide you. 83 00:06:35,454 --> 00:06:41,196 And I recommend referring to them whenever you're faced with designing a form. 84 00:06:41,196 --> 00:06:42,287 In our next video, 85 00:06:42,287 --> 00:06:46,390 we'll apply these principles to design an accessible form of our own.