1 00:00:01,313 --> 00:00:07,534 The style for an expanded accordion panel is found in our components file. 2 00:00:07,534 --> 00:00:12,093 I'm only going to create one expanded panel for my demo. 3 00:00:12,093 --> 00:00:14,611 With Dispatcher Dulcea in mind, 4 00:00:14,611 --> 00:00:18,284 I'll choose "what if I need help understanding English?" 5 00:00:18,284 --> 00:00:24,286 As that's information I'd like to present as simply as possible. 6 00:00:24,286 --> 00:00:27,198 I'll start by expanding the mobile frame 7 00:00:33,005 --> 00:00:38,058 and by moving the bottom accordion panel out of the way to make room for 8 00:00:38,058 --> 00:00:39,462 my new information. 9 00:00:49,044 --> 00:00:52,730 I'll change the plus symbol to a minus to indicate 10 00:00:52,730 --> 00:00:57,137 that the accordion panel is expanded and can be collapsed. 11 00:01:28,129 --> 00:01:33,093 To create a smaller sized heading, I need to check the font 12 00:01:33,093 --> 00:01:38,273 size documentation of the United States Web Design System. 13 00:01:38,273 --> 00:01:43,261 The components document only shows a 22 pixel heading, 14 00:01:43,261 --> 00:01:47,227 but it looks like I could go up to 32 pixels for 15 00:01:47,227 --> 00:01:51,532 a larger heading or down to 17 for a smaller one. 16 00:01:51,532 --> 00:01:56,925 Since I've been designing already with the 22 pixel heading, 17 00:01:56,925 --> 00:02:00,758 I'll try 17 pixels for creating a subhead. 18 00:02:18,705 --> 00:02:21,998 Now, for my body copy, I'm noticing that 19 00:02:21,998 --> 00:02:26,852 the ACLU voting rights page contains duplicate information 20 00:02:26,852 --> 00:02:33,046 in that your right to bring an interpreter is explained in two different ways. 21 00:02:33,046 --> 00:02:36,614 The second paragraph uses plain language. 22 00:02:36,614 --> 00:02:41,228 So I'll copy that one and paste it under a heading that reads, 23 00:02:41,228 --> 00:02:43,283 Bringing An Interpreter. 24 00:02:46,121 --> 00:02:51,266 For the next two sections, Bilingual Election Assistance and 25 00:02:51,266 --> 00:02:56,120 Language Hotlines, my goal is to simplify the language and 26 00:02:56,120 --> 00:02:59,241 make key information easier to find. 27 00:02:59,241 --> 00:03:04,386 I'll use a bulleted list to present the language assistance requirements. 28 00:03:45,805 --> 00:03:50,770 This first phrase, "check whether your county is required", 29 00:03:50,770 --> 00:03:55,001 was hyperlinked on the original site. 30 00:03:55,001 --> 00:03:58,133 I want to change this to my blue color. 31 00:03:58,133 --> 00:04:03,843 And I'm realizing I never really sampled the blue color I'm using. 32 00:04:03,843 --> 00:04:06,911 I probably should have by now. 33 00:04:06,911 --> 00:04:11,925 I can get it from this Download PDF button that I took from 34 00:04:11,925 --> 00:04:16,739 the design system, press plus in my colors palette. 35 00:04:18,632 --> 00:04:24,310 And now I can highlight the desired text, change the color, 36 00:04:24,310 --> 00:04:29,443 make it underlined, so it's obviously a hyperlink. 37 00:04:31,343 --> 00:04:37,320 I'd like to create a table to make finding the appropriate language hotline easier. 38 00:04:51,971 --> 00:04:57,643 Unfortunately, Adobe XD doesn't include a tool for drawing tables. 39 00:04:57,643 --> 00:05:01,922 So I'll have to fake it by spacing the text out horizontally. 40 00:05:30,156 --> 00:05:36,340 This last longer list of languages won't fit very neatly in my table. 41 00:05:36,340 --> 00:05:41,054 But I think with some creativity, I can figure that out. 42 00:05:41,054 --> 00:05:46,310 There's a hyperlink here for Asian Americans Advancing Justice 43 00:05:48,742 --> 00:05:54,469 that provides help for all the languages detailed here. 44 00:05:54,469 --> 00:05:59,591 I will try changing the label here 45 00:06:00,938 --> 00:06:04,594 to read Asian and Pacific Islanders 46 00:06:25,320 --> 00:06:28,601 and include an asterisk explaining that 47 00:06:28,601 --> 00:06:33,336 these are the languages grouped under that designation. 48 00:06:46,980 --> 00:06:49,962 Fortunately, this table will be easy for developers 49 00:06:49,962 --> 00:06:55,512 to create when it comes time for the designer-developer handoff. 50 00:06:55,512 --> 00:07:00,050 I will make the text Asian and Pacific Islanders a hyperlink 51 00:07:08,192 --> 00:07:10,768 in case users want more information from 52 00:07:10,768 --> 00:07:13,960 the Asian Americans Advancing Justice website. 53 00:07:15,560 --> 00:07:17,814 I'll adjust the vertical spacing a bit. 54 00:07:35,693 --> 00:07:38,220 And that looks like a completed design. 55 00:07:39,840 --> 00:07:43,911 I hope you've enjoyed this exercise in using a design system. 56 00:07:43,911 --> 00:07:47,878 As you can see, implementing the rules of a design system 57 00:07:47,878 --> 00:07:51,608 involves really getting to know the documentation. 58 00:07:51,608 --> 00:07:56,627 But once you do, creating a product that matches the brand identity, 59 00:07:56,627 --> 00:08:01,486 and uses existing components becomes a straightforward process. 60 00:08:01,486 --> 00:08:05,871 And the development team will be on the same page as you when it comes time 61 00:08:05,871 --> 00:08:07,165 to build your designs.