1 00:00:04,308 --> 00:00:06,398 Hello, Grants. 2 00:00:06,398 --> 00:00:07,462 >> Hello Ryan. 3 00:00:07,462 --> 00:00:08,638 >> Thank you so much for 4 00:00:08,638 --> 00:00:12,389 doing your main stage session that was tremendously valuable. 5 00:00:12,389 --> 00:00:16,070 Really excited to do another session with you here. 6 00:00:16,070 --> 00:00:17,302 >> Thank you. 7 00:00:17,302 --> 00:00:20,656 I had a lot of fun and I'm glad for what Treehouse has given me and 8 00:00:20,656 --> 00:00:22,822 I'm glad to give back to the community. 9 00:00:22,822 --> 00:00:24,086 >> Really appreciate that. 10 00:00:24,086 --> 00:00:26,109 It's just need to see all the practical tips. 11 00:00:26,109 --> 00:00:29,530 So we'll let people filter in and join us. 12 00:00:29,530 --> 00:00:34,013 And then what we'll do is take some questions from everyone that's here. 13 00:00:34,013 --> 00:00:35,263 Hey everyone that's joining us. 14 00:00:35,263 --> 00:00:40,338 Thanks for competent to chat with you and 15 00:00:40,338 --> 00:00:44,970 really ask a lot of great questions. 16 00:00:44,970 --> 00:00:49,680 I'm gonna stay in this session and just share it with you Grant, 17 00:00:49,680 --> 00:00:51,784 really excited about that. 18 00:00:51,784 --> 00:00:58,005 So, I have a couple quick questions. 19 00:00:58,005 --> 00:01:00,853 I know we're about to get started. 20 00:01:00,853 --> 00:01:06,490 But you said networking was really key for you, and as a CEO and 21 00:01:06,490 --> 00:01:11,822 someone that's hired a lot of people I can vouch for that. 22 00:01:11,822 --> 00:01:16,086 So I think we might wanna double-click on that a little bit and 23 00:01:16,086 --> 00:01:20,277 give people some specific tactics that they might wanna do. 24 00:01:20,277 --> 00:01:25,277 So why don't you think about that for a minute, what can people practically do? 25 00:01:25,277 --> 00:01:28,908 And also now that we're in, the pandemic, 26 00:01:28,908 --> 00:01:34,613 how could that be accomplished without physically meeting people. 27 00:01:34,613 --> 00:01:36,230 So let's think about that. 28 00:01:36,230 --> 00:01:40,980 The other thing I'd love to talk specifically about ,and I 29 00:01:40,980 --> 00:01:45,540 get this question all the time is, if you don't have paid 30 00:01:45,540 --> 00:01:50,494 experience as a developer, how do you bridge that first gap? 31 00:01:50,494 --> 00:01:55,098 And how do you explain that value to potential employers? 32 00:01:55,098 --> 00:01:57,898 I'd love to hear you talk specifically about that gap. 33 00:01:57,898 --> 00:02:02,863 I think that seems to be the one that plagues all of our students the most. 34 00:02:02,863 --> 00:02:03,710 >> Okay. 35 00:02:03,710 --> 00:02:06,512 >> Yeah, so we're here. 36 00:02:06,512 --> 00:02:10,648 I just wanna officially welcome you up to the stage. 37 00:02:10,648 --> 00:02:11,971 Everyone, as you know, 38 00:02:11,971 --> 00:02:15,632 this is Grant hopefully you've just joined his main stage session. 39 00:02:15,632 --> 00:02:20,201 But if you're just joining us today, Grant recently graduated from 40 00:02:20,201 --> 00:02:25,165 the Treehouse PHP tech degree program and has been given the opportunity to 41 00:02:25,165 --> 00:02:29,443 finally realize his lifelong dream of becoming a web engineer. 42 00:02:29,443 --> 00:02:34,254 He utilizes his past experience in being a successful retail store manager to 43 00:02:34,254 --> 00:02:39,065 bring a fresh take on a customer service oriented approach to development and 44 00:02:39,065 --> 00:02:40,115 team building. 45 00:02:40,115 --> 00:02:43,334 He enjoys the challenges presented as an engineer. 46 00:02:43,334 --> 00:02:46,774 There's always excited to learn new coding techniques, 47 00:02:46,774 --> 00:02:50,505 particularly in the realms of PHP, Python, and TypeScript. 48 00:02:50,505 --> 00:02:52,505 Welcome Grants. 49 00:02:52,505 --> 00:02:53,483 >> Hello, everyone. 50 00:02:53,483 --> 00:02:55,226 Thank you for joining. 51 00:02:55,226 --> 00:02:58,779 So one of the questions that Ryan brought up and it's a big question, 52 00:02:58,779 --> 00:03:00,628 I think everybody has his network. 53 00:03:00,628 --> 00:03:04,917 And just like anything else, networking is actually a skill. 54 00:03:04,917 --> 00:03:08,892 So when I was working in retail, and especially at home goods, 55 00:03:08,892 --> 00:03:13,841 we would have like it's a lot less face to face, but it's the same kind of thing 56 00:03:13,841 --> 00:03:18,947 where we would have these huge conferences where everybody would get together. 57 00:03:18,947 --> 00:03:24,213 And it was an opportunity to network with other managers and 58 00:03:24,213 --> 00:03:28,019 executives and CEOs and retail partners. 59 00:03:28,019 --> 00:03:31,779 And it was a skill to build and it was a skill that the company looked for. 60 00:03:31,779 --> 00:03:36,713 And so I learned those skills in my current role as a retirement and 61 00:03:36,713 --> 00:03:41,218 well, not my career, my previous role as retail manager. 62 00:03:41,218 --> 00:03:43,494 And it's something that I practice and 63 00:03:43,494 --> 00:03:48,048 it was very valuable because I remember hearing a story about one of these other 64 00:03:48,048 --> 00:03:50,745 store managers I was looking to get promoted. 65 00:03:50,745 --> 00:03:53,371 And they ran their store perfectly. 66 00:03:53,371 --> 00:03:56,153 They were doing great sales. 67 00:03:56,153 --> 00:03:58,841 And they were looking at to become a district manager. 68 00:03:58,841 --> 00:04:03,369 Well, the regional manager was observing them at one of these conferences and 69 00:04:03,369 --> 00:04:05,782 noticed that they weren't networking. 70 00:04:05,782 --> 00:04:10,750 And because they weren't going approaching people because they weren't going in and 71 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:14,779 making those connections, this person was passed up for promotion. 72 00:04:14,779 --> 00:04:17,691 That being said, I use that as an opportunity to network. 73 00:04:17,691 --> 00:04:22,214 So what do I feel like is a way to network? 74 00:04:22,214 --> 00:04:28,280 So, in person and sometimes even online it's almost like speed dating but 75 00:04:28,280 --> 00:04:32,243 without the chance of like breaking your heart. 76 00:04:32,243 --> 00:04:36,525 It is like you learn how to make these quick conversations. 77 00:04:36,525 --> 00:04:40,902 You kind of present yourself quickly and give you a little bit about yourself and 78 00:04:40,902 --> 00:04:42,288 then you ask questions. 79 00:04:42,288 --> 00:04:47,858 And the best way that I learned that leaves the biggest impression 80 00:04:47,858 --> 00:04:53,642 is not about what you say, it's about how you make the person feel. 81 00:04:53,642 --> 00:04:58,133 So those executives and those people that I was trying to get them to remember me so 82 00:04:58,133 --> 00:05:01,519 I got promoted is you make them feel great about themselves. 83 00:05:01,519 --> 00:05:05,639 You make them either laugh, make them do something and 84 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:09,052 they'll remember you, they'll stick by. 85 00:05:09,052 --> 00:05:13,603 Another thing that I was talking about with networking was the reverse example. 86 00:05:13,603 --> 00:05:18,273 So when I was a store manager, I went to help out another store, right? 87 00:05:18,273 --> 00:05:22,896 And this example of how one of my system managers came to be. 88 00:05:22,896 --> 00:05:25,518 I was there for a week making a little bit of help. 89 00:05:25,518 --> 00:05:30,322 And one of the team members there who was just a basic team member approached me and 90 00:05:30,322 --> 00:05:35,074 went, hey, I'm looking to get promoted, what kind of advice would you give. 91 00:05:35,074 --> 00:05:40,189 And I talked to him about, things you can do to get promoted the skills he needed. 92 00:05:40,189 --> 00:05:45,030 But that initial, five minute conversation you left with me left an impression. 93 00:05:45,030 --> 00:05:49,679 So a year from that point, I had an opening for a system manager and his name 94 00:05:49,679 --> 00:05:54,722 came up, and I was like, I remember him from that conversation a year ago. 95 00:05:54,722 --> 00:05:55,749 He seemed great, 96 00:05:55,749 --> 00:06:00,206 I don't even need to do an interview just given to me as an assistant manager. 97 00:06:00,206 --> 00:06:05,197 Here's opportunity and leave those impressions because you never know all 98 00:06:05,197 --> 00:06:09,099 those little seeds you plant are gonna make an impression. 99 00:06:09,099 --> 00:06:14,620 So when we're talking about now, online networking, LinkedIn is a great place. 100 00:06:14,620 --> 00:06:18,905 But there's ways that you when you go meet people even LinkedIn asked for 101 00:06:18,905 --> 00:06:20,669 ways to keep communicating. 102 00:06:20,669 --> 00:06:24,022 Ask for that help, ask for y how you can grow and 103 00:06:24,022 --> 00:06:28,077 get their advice because the environments different. 104 00:06:28,077 --> 00:06:31,920 And everyone is still looking for talent, we are always looking for talent, 105 00:06:31,920 --> 00:06:35,941 regardless if you say we're hiring or not because we never know when that opening 106 00:06:35,941 --> 00:06:38,212 is gonna open up so we'd like to have a bench. 107 00:06:38,212 --> 00:06:42,546 So if you get a chance to talk to people, you get a chance to introduce yourself, 108 00:06:42,546 --> 00:06:47,014 take that five minutes, learn those quick low speed getting pay taxes to kind of, 109 00:06:47,014 --> 00:06:49,668 plug yourself and then leave that impression and 110 00:06:49,668 --> 00:06:52,870 then you never know what will come from that opportunity. 111 00:06:52,870 --> 00:06:58,266 >> Absolutely, Grant, I wanna explain a methodology that I usually tell people and 112 00:06:58,266 --> 00:07:02,880 I'd like to hear your reaction to it, as someone who recently entered 113 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:06,262 the workforce without a computer science degree. 114 00:07:06,262 --> 00:07:11,391 So everyone that's in this session is most likely in a place where they haven't 115 00:07:11,391 --> 00:07:16,232 had a developer job before and they don't have a computer science degree. 116 00:07:16,232 --> 00:07:18,856 And they're probably about to finish learning, 117 00:07:18,856 --> 00:07:22,114 or just about to start to learning, or in the middle, right? 118 00:07:22,114 --> 00:07:24,466 But they're not job-ready yet. 119 00:07:24,466 --> 00:07:27,540 So usually, what I encourage people to do, 120 00:07:27,540 --> 00:07:31,362 is as you're going through your learning process, so 121 00:07:31,362 --> 00:07:36,347 say that you are 50% of the way through the tech degree at Treehouse, 122 00:07:36,347 --> 00:07:42,025 then what you start to do is identify the dream companies that you wanna work for. 123 00:07:42,025 --> 00:07:48,760 So you basically make a list of, I would encourage people up to 100 companies. 124 00:07:48,760 --> 00:07:53,922 And you basically say, okay, I theoretically would like. 125 00:07:55,737 --> 00:07:59,255 And then you do basically treat that like the top of the funnel. 126 00:07:59,255 --> 00:08:01,567 And you treat it like a sales experience, right? 127 00:08:01,567 --> 00:08:06,530 So you said it's my 100 targets, I'm actually gonna start 128 00:08:06,530 --> 00:08:12,072 building relationships with us hiring managers at those companies. 129 00:08:12,072 --> 00:08:16,079 So then what you have to do is basically do some detective work. 130 00:08:16,079 --> 00:08:20,987 So you start to dig around on LinkedIn for each company, and say, okay, who's 131 00:08:20,987 --> 00:08:26,283 an engineering manager, or who's a design manager if you're trying to get a UX job. 132 00:08:26,283 --> 00:08:31,681 Who are they actually, and then you'll come up with a list of probably 133 00:08:31,681 --> 00:08:36,916 depending on the company size, five to ten people at each company. 134 00:08:36,916 --> 00:08:40,340 You can also try to find people who are actually engineers there. 135 00:08:40,340 --> 00:08:42,339 And then you basically put them on a list. 136 00:08:42,339 --> 00:08:46,728 So at this point for 100 companies, five people at each company, 137 00:08:46,728 --> 00:08:48,706 you have about 500 people. 138 00:08:48,706 --> 00:08:52,500 And then what you start to do is just march through this every day. 139 00:08:52,500 --> 00:08:54,764 So you say, okay, each day, 140 00:08:54,764 --> 00:09:00,212 I'm going to make a LinkedIn connection request to these five people. 141 00:09:00,212 --> 00:09:06,092 But instead of saying something like, hey, I wanna work at your company someday, 142 00:09:06,092 --> 00:09:09,540 you instead say something positive about them. 143 00:09:09,540 --> 00:09:12,745 For instance, I may if I connect to you, I may say, Grant, 144 00:09:12,745 --> 00:09:15,905 I really respect the journey that you've made into tech. 145 00:09:15,905 --> 00:09:18,828 I've been following your progress, I'm a big fan. 146 00:09:18,828 --> 00:09:23,758 And a LinkedIn connection with a note is way more effective, right? 147 00:09:23,758 --> 00:09:25,726 It's much more likely to be accepted. 148 00:09:25,726 --> 00:09:31,491 So then five people a day, it'll take you 500, five people a day, 149 00:09:31,491 --> 00:09:36,496 that will take you 100 days to work through that, right? 150 00:09:36,496 --> 00:09:40,312 So every day you're contacting five, you'll eventually get through the 100. 151 00:09:40,312 --> 00:09:43,069 And then you basically go down the next stage in the funnel. 152 00:09:43,069 --> 00:09:48,502 So say two out of those 500, 50% accept your connection request, right? 153 00:09:48,502 --> 00:09:51,049 So you've got 250 connections now. 154 00:09:51,049 --> 00:09:55,395 And now you move to the next stage of the funnel, which is, 155 00:09:55,395 --> 00:10:01,006 again say something that's a compliment about them or praise their work. 156 00:10:01,006 --> 00:10:05,576 It's all about kind of giving And then, and it might be something like, 157 00:10:05,576 --> 00:10:08,603 Grant, thanks so much for connecting. 158 00:10:08,603 --> 00:10:13,766 I've noticed you have this GitHub repo that you contribute to a lot. 159 00:10:13,766 --> 00:10:16,631 I really appreciate your work on that. 160 00:10:16,631 --> 00:10:19,041 And then it's even more likely to respond. 161 00:10:19,041 --> 00:10:22,203 And what you're doing is just building this kind of seed, 162 00:10:22,203 --> 00:10:25,507 like you said, planting all these seeds of relationships. 163 00:10:25,507 --> 00:10:30,302 And you're not even gonna mention you're looking for a job until maybe the third or 164 00:10:30,302 --> 00:10:31,606 fourth interaction. 165 00:10:31,606 --> 00:10:36,231 And at that point, Grant might say, I kind of like Ryan, he seems to make an effort. 166 00:10:36,231 --> 00:10:38,952 He seems to be working hard. 167 00:10:38,952 --> 00:10:41,287 And then when I come back in and 168 00:10:41,287 --> 00:10:46,251 say I'm really looking forward for my first position in tech. 169 00:10:46,251 --> 00:10:47,291 I've worked really hard. 170 00:10:47,291 --> 00:10:49,179 Here's some of my projects. 171 00:10:49,179 --> 00:10:52,778 I'll keep you up to date on my job search as I go. 172 00:10:52,778 --> 00:10:57,420 And so you basically those 500 people and you probably end up with 173 00:10:57,420 --> 00:11:01,998 about 50 that you've actually developed a relationship with. 174 00:11:01,998 --> 00:11:06,794 And then at that point, you could say, okay, I'm ready to apply, 175 00:11:06,794 --> 00:11:08,237 here's my resume. 176 00:11:08,237 --> 00:11:12,103 And you're much more likely to be put forward for 177 00:11:12,103 --> 00:11:14,946 that job instead of applying cold. 178 00:11:14,946 --> 00:11:18,264 So, with what do you think of that methodology? 179 00:11:18,264 --> 00:11:20,168 How practical is that? 180 00:11:20,168 --> 00:11:21,854 >> I think that's very practical. 181 00:11:21,854 --> 00:11:27,340 It shows planning, it shows dedication, and it shows creating those seeds. 182 00:11:27,340 --> 00:11:30,801 It's almost like they get to see your journey and 183 00:11:30,801 --> 00:11:35,371 know more about you before you even get to that interview stage. 184 00:11:35,371 --> 00:11:39,467 And that can be, I think, is more important than the actual interview 185 00:11:39,467 --> 00:11:42,731 because I want my employees would ask me, hey, Grant, 186 00:11:42,731 --> 00:11:44,966 how do I become an assistant manager? 187 00:11:44,966 --> 00:11:48,369 I was like, they need to know your name before you even apply for the job. 188 00:11:48,369 --> 00:11:51,426 And that's the same method now but in different environment. 189 00:11:51,426 --> 00:11:55,623 These people need to know your name and know about you before you even apply for 190 00:11:55,623 --> 00:11:58,674 the position, and that is a great method of doing that. 191 00:11:58,674 --> 00:12:01,238 >> So I do wanna call out, right? 192 00:12:01,238 --> 00:12:03,427 I mean, I identify as white. 193 00:12:03,427 --> 00:12:05,683 I don't know if you identify as white. 194 00:12:05,683 --> 00:12:07,299 We're both men, right? 195 00:12:07,299 --> 00:12:11,178 We have a ton of privilege, right? 196 00:12:11,178 --> 00:12:16,246 And the thing, and what we're trying to encourage everybody here to do 197 00:12:16,246 --> 00:12:21,232 is you're essentially trying to navigate that systematic privilege 198 00:12:21,232 --> 00:12:25,555 by building a relationship first before you apply, right? 199 00:12:25,555 --> 00:12:31,256 So if you are someone that is underrepresented in tech, we do understand 200 00:12:31,256 --> 00:12:37,623 that you're going to have to work harder to build those initial relationships. 201 00:12:37,623 --> 00:12:45,653 But it's the initial relationship that will most likely get you the interview, 202 00:12:45,653 --> 00:12:50,153 because there is a system and it is a problem. 203 00:12:50,153 --> 00:12:53,855 But if you try to navigate that by building a relationship first, 204 00:12:53,855 --> 00:12:57,097 it's much more likely you'll be given that interview. 205 00:12:57,097 --> 00:13:02,004 Because they know you and it's not nice to admit but people tend to choose 206 00:13:02,004 --> 00:13:06,928 people that they are familiar with and they feel friendly towards them. 207 00:13:06,928 --> 00:13:11,374 So you want to open that door to make that first friendly interaction. 208 00:13:11,374 --> 00:13:16,841 >> Definitely, it's kind of weird but when you know the people, 209 00:13:16,841 --> 00:13:22,836 the interview becomes almost a formality and not a natural process. 210 00:13:22,836 --> 00:13:26,083 They're just doing that to check off a box on their list that they already know they 211 00:13:26,083 --> 00:13:28,359 wanna hire you because they've seen what you've done. 212 00:13:28,359 --> 00:13:28,879 >> Yeah. >> And 213 00:13:28,879 --> 00:13:33,521 that's a great way to overcome that because going and cold, 214 00:13:33,521 --> 00:13:38,629 we have to deal with some unconscious bias training at home goods. 215 00:13:38,629 --> 00:13:40,360 It is something that we all have. 216 00:13:40,360 --> 00:13:44,732 It's something we all need to consciously deal with but we don't because 217 00:13:44,732 --> 00:13:48,963 it is requires some sort, and everyone has some kind conscious bias and 218 00:13:48,963 --> 00:13:53,432 unfortunately, people who are underrepresented have to deal with that. 219 00:13:53,432 --> 00:13:57,310 And that is a great way to overcome that, battle their subconscious bias 220 00:13:57,310 --> 00:14:01,461 before we even get to that interview, because then you already have the job. 221 00:14:01,461 --> 00:14:04,423 >> Yes, so the other thing I want to by you and 222 00:14:04,423 --> 00:14:07,576 then we've got some questions I want to do. 223 00:14:07,576 --> 00:14:11,751 How do you overcome the lack of paid experience? 224 00:14:11,751 --> 00:14:16,683 And what I've been talking, what I've been encouraging people to do is as 225 00:14:16,683 --> 00:14:21,539 you're going through, say a tech degree or Coursera course or Udacity or 226 00:14:21,539 --> 00:14:26,736 wherever you're learning, you start to build a real world project, right? 227 00:14:26,736 --> 00:14:32,115 So it's a website at first and then it's probably a web app after that. 228 00:14:32,115 --> 00:14:37,332 As soon as you feel like you've built your first okay project 229 00:14:37,332 --> 00:14:42,051 that it works, that may not be amazing, but it works. 230 00:14:42,051 --> 00:14:44,471 Then I always ask people to say, 231 00:14:44,471 --> 00:14:49,417 go find friends in your local community who own a small business. 232 00:14:49,417 --> 00:14:52,596 A butcher, a hairdresser, an accountancy, 233 00:14:52,596 --> 00:14:57,729 somebody that's really small but they know you, and then basically say, 234 00:14:57,729 --> 00:15:02,470 hey, I just learned how to build websites or web apps or mobile apps. 235 00:15:02,470 --> 00:15:09,349 Can I build you a new website or a new web app for your business for 50 bucks? 236 00:15:09,349 --> 00:15:14,171 Like, as cheap as you could possibly say, to get them to say yes. 237 00:15:14,171 --> 00:15:16,990 And because you are friends, they'll probably go, yeah, sure. 238 00:15:16,990 --> 00:15:19,330 I mean, they may not even necessarily use it. 239 00:15:19,330 --> 00:15:24,855 But then you have your first payment [INAUDIBLE] paid project on your resume, 240 00:15:24,855 --> 00:15:26,682 and then you do it again. 241 00:15:26,682 --> 00:15:31,441 And then you go to another business and say, hey, I built the site for so and so. 242 00:15:31,441 --> 00:15:35,019 Can I build one for you for $100, right? 243 00:15:35,019 --> 00:15:37,524 And then they go, yeah, sure, that's nothing. 244 00:15:37,524 --> 00:15:38,986 Then you do it again and 245 00:15:38,986 --> 00:15:44,762 you kind of ladder up to the point where you charge your first like $1,000 project. 246 00:15:44,762 --> 00:15:46,352 And then on your resume, 247 00:15:46,352 --> 00:15:50,147 you have real paid projects that actually live in the wild. 248 00:15:50,147 --> 00:15:52,088 They have URLs. 249 00:15:52,088 --> 00:15:57,072 You've been paid, so you've kind of escaped that, 250 00:15:57,072 --> 00:16:00,846 I don't have paid experience barrier. 251 00:16:00,846 --> 00:16:04,787 What holes do you see that in that methodology? 252 00:16:07,130 --> 00:16:09,035 >> So I've actually done that. 253 00:16:09,035 --> 00:16:12,002 I actually built a website for a company friend for 254 00:16:12,002 --> 00:16:14,418 their business when I was starting off. 255 00:16:14,418 --> 00:16:18,708 And when I look back, I cringe but it was an early project. 256 00:16:18,708 --> 00:16:22,760 It is a good way to build that resume. 257 00:16:22,760 --> 00:16:26,686 There's also things like Fiverr and Upwork and 258 00:16:26,686 --> 00:16:32,291 other freelance jobs if you don't have someone in your community. 259 00:16:32,291 --> 00:16:37,688 But getting any kind of work experience, doing projects for other people 260 00:16:37,688 --> 00:16:43,714 not personally chose that someone trusted you to do something and you succeeded. 261 00:16:43,714 --> 00:16:45,544 Because it's different than a personal project. 262 00:16:45,544 --> 00:16:49,720 There's someone accountability, someone's livelihood on that. 263 00:16:49,720 --> 00:16:54,183 So that is a great way to show experience without actually having 264 00:16:54,183 --> 00:16:59,156 a paid experience or even kind of any kind of experience with projects. 265 00:16:59,156 --> 00:17:01,416 >> So, cool, thanks, Grant. 266 00:17:01,416 --> 00:17:06,353 I think both of you and I are trying to say, the moment not to show your 267 00:17:06,353 --> 00:17:11,914 imposter syndrome, which we all have like I literally have that as the CEO. 268 00:17:11,914 --> 00:17:15,671 The moment not to show it is on your resume, right? 269 00:17:15,671 --> 00:17:20,723 Because what you're doing that's you're exuding confidence that you 270 00:17:20,723 --> 00:17:25,620 know you don't have honestly, but it's important that you don't. 271 00:17:25,620 --> 00:17:29,837 You're not overly humble on your resume because you'll just shoot 272 00:17:29,837 --> 00:17:31,251 yourself in the foot. 273 00:17:31,251 --> 00:17:33,919 So let's take some quick questions though and make sure. 274 00:17:33,919 --> 00:17:37,179 Thanks for entertaining those two things. 275 00:17:37,179 --> 00:17:39,808 Those are the two biggest things I get over and over and 276 00:17:39,808 --> 00:17:41,164 over again from students. 277 00:17:41,164 --> 00:17:42,460 I want to make sure we cover them. 278 00:17:42,460 --> 00:17:45,640 [COUGH] So the first question from Nikolai was, 279 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:50,543 what do you think are the indicators that you are ready to look for a job? 280 00:17:50,543 --> 00:17:56,312 How do you know when you've gathered enough knowledge and 281 00:17:56,312 --> 00:17:59,147 worked on enough projects? 282 00:17:59,147 --> 00:18:05,064 >> That's sometimes a personal question but based on your level of confidence. 283 00:18:05,064 --> 00:18:09,549 I struggled with that early, so I was like, there's so much to learn. 284 00:18:09,549 --> 00:18:11,292 When will I know enough? 285 00:18:11,292 --> 00:18:16,548 And the answer I came up with was let the interviewer tell you, apply for 286 00:18:16,548 --> 00:18:21,821 those positions and see what you're lacking and then improve on that. 287 00:18:21,821 --> 00:18:26,765 Go through those interviews and then when they go, sorry, I didn't know that. 288 00:18:26,765 --> 00:18:28,792 Next time you bet that for the next interview, and 289 00:18:28,792 --> 00:18:31,463 then you keep going until you've answered all those questions. 290 00:18:31,463 --> 00:18:35,972 And then I think that's a great way to get the feedback because there's just so 291 00:18:35,972 --> 00:18:36,874 much to learn. 292 00:18:36,874 --> 00:18:40,326 It's impossible to do it in a timely manner. 293 00:18:40,326 --> 00:18:42,786 You need a job, but you don't need to know it all to get that. 294 00:18:42,786 --> 00:18:43,591 >> Yes. 295 00:18:43,591 --> 00:18:46,904 >> And those people are the best people to give you that advice on what's most 296 00:18:46,904 --> 00:18:47,606 left to learn. 297 00:18:47,606 --> 00:18:51,335 >> Amen, and I agree, and I'm saying, Grant, the thing that for 298 00:18:51,335 --> 00:18:56,034 everyone to understand is that all of the skills that are listed on a job listing, 299 00:18:56,034 --> 00:18:57,849 many of them are nice to haves. 300 00:18:57,849 --> 00:19:02,271 And so if you look at them and say you need a 100% of them, 301 00:19:02,271 --> 00:19:04,137 you'll never be ready. 302 00:19:04,137 --> 00:19:08,816 There's also research to prove that men are more likely to apply for jobs when 303 00:19:08,816 --> 00:19:14,003 they don't meet all the requirements and women are less likely, which hurts women. 304 00:19:14,003 --> 00:19:18,193 And so I want to encourage everybody to understand that everything that's listed 305 00:19:18,193 --> 00:19:19,357 is not a requirement. 306 00:19:19,357 --> 00:19:24,735 For instance, we built the tech degree to make sure that you're ready for 307 00:19:24,735 --> 00:19:26,489 a junior role, right? 308 00:19:26,489 --> 00:19:32,269 To complete a tech degree, you're going to have the practical knowledge to apply for 309 00:19:32,269 --> 00:19:35,415 a junior role, even if you don't feel ready. 310 00:19:35,415 --> 00:19:39,851 And so don't let yourself get discouraged by that. 311 00:19:39,851 --> 00:19:42,986 Next question from Mel. 312 00:19:42,986 --> 00:19:48,811 I have a very eclectic work history, including FedEx Office as well. 313 00:19:48,811 --> 00:19:53,742 I've done an extremely wide variety of jobs until now, none of which are in tech, 314 00:19:53,742 --> 00:19:55,252 in the tech field per se. 315 00:19:55,252 --> 00:19:58,333 How would you recommend that I build my resume without tech experience in 316 00:19:58,333 --> 00:20:00,317 a way that would appeal to a recruiter in tech? 317 00:20:00,317 --> 00:20:02,449 And we've touched on this a little bit, but 318 00:20:02,449 --> 00:20:04,502 why don't you answer a little bit more? 319 00:20:04,502 --> 00:20:08,980 Yeah, so think about the things that. 320 00:20:08,980 --> 00:20:13,126 So, in FedEx office, we had to do project management, time management. 321 00:20:13,126 --> 00:20:15,817 We would have seven to ten projects stands, so 322 00:20:15,817 --> 00:20:18,094 those are literally equal to tickets. 323 00:20:18,094 --> 00:20:20,940 And you have to prioritize, so show how you prioritize that. 324 00:20:20,940 --> 00:20:23,212 Show how you made your projects on time. 325 00:20:23,212 --> 00:20:27,567 Show how you did, if you weren't getting close to your projects on time. 326 00:20:27,567 --> 00:20:33,080 Show how you organize yourself, show how you can plan things and problem solve. 327 00:20:33,080 --> 00:20:34,856 That's what I did for my FedEx office experience. 328 00:20:34,856 --> 00:20:36,472 That's how I showed that. 329 00:20:36,472 --> 00:20:39,198 The other jobs are show your soft skills. 330 00:20:39,198 --> 00:20:40,782 Show how you teamwork. 331 00:20:40,782 --> 00:20:45,622 I work 100% remote from my current job, but there's so much teamwork that needs to 332 00:20:45,622 --> 00:20:50,016 happen and so much collaboration, that those are amazing things to show too. 333 00:20:50,016 --> 00:20:51,904 How did you communicate? 334 00:20:51,904 --> 00:20:57,137 Communication skills are so important right now, especially with Slack. 335 00:20:57,137 --> 00:20:59,272 The biggest issue I find, and 336 00:20:59,272 --> 00:21:04,741 this is something that I actually even practiced in the Treehouse program, 337 00:21:04,741 --> 00:21:10,654 was how you say something is almost more important than what you are trying to say. 338 00:21:10,654 --> 00:21:14,619 You might be telling somebody like, hey, your program is broken. 339 00:21:14,619 --> 00:21:19,353 But one way comes off as an attack and one way comes off as support. 340 00:21:19,353 --> 00:21:22,147 And so you can show that you practice on communication, 341 00:21:22,147 --> 00:21:26,376 you work on your customer service skills, you work on your timing task management. 342 00:21:26,376 --> 00:21:30,494 And highlight those big key things that you are doing today or 343 00:21:30,494 --> 00:21:35,095 you have done in the past, to show that you have these core skills for 344 00:21:35,095 --> 00:21:39,964 Scrum or agile or whatever you need, because the concepts is the same. 345 00:21:39,964 --> 00:21:42,123 >> Thank you, Eric and Grant. 346 00:21:42,123 --> 00:21:46,948 I think what Grant and I are saying though that, before you even answer that 347 00:21:46,948 --> 00:21:51,008 question, before you even apply for the job, you have to build 348 00:21:51,008 --> 00:21:55,781 a relationship with the company and the people that you're applying to. 349 00:21:55,781 --> 00:22:01,143 The brutal reality is that most jobs get filled by people that someone knows. 350 00:22:01,143 --> 00:22:04,728 It's the majority of hires are made that way, so 351 00:22:04,728 --> 00:22:08,324 you have to work on building that relationship. 352 00:22:08,324 --> 00:22:14,320 So, what Grant and I are saying is, approach this like a sales job, right? 353 00:22:14,320 --> 00:22:14,900 >> Yep. 354 00:22:14,900 --> 00:22:18,423 >> You make a list and you start working your way through it. 355 00:22:18,423 --> 00:22:23,040 But instead of asking for the job, what you're doing is building a relationship. 356 00:22:23,040 --> 00:22:24,181 >> Yep. 357 00:22:24,181 --> 00:22:28,019 >> And one course that we don't teach at Treehouse, and 358 00:22:28,019 --> 00:22:30,159 I think we will at some point. 359 00:22:30,159 --> 00:22:37,086 There's a masterclass by Chris Voss on negotiation. 360 00:22:37,086 --> 00:22:41,017 And the most valuable part of it is how to mirror. 361 00:22:41,017 --> 00:22:45,570 And so mirroring is something that humans can do to actually make 362 00:22:45,570 --> 00:22:47,267 someone like you more. 363 00:22:47,267 --> 00:22:50,782 And it sounds Machiavellian and evil, but it's not. 364 00:22:50,782 --> 00:22:54,803 All you're doing is, basically, asking a leading question. 365 00:22:54,803 --> 00:23:00,782 Like Grant, it sounds like you're really passionate about solving problems. 366 00:23:00,782 --> 00:23:02,848 And then you'll just talk, right? 367 00:23:02,848 --> 00:23:06,295 And then at some point, you'll say something like, yeah, 368 00:23:06,295 --> 00:23:08,199 I just just love helping people. 369 00:23:08,199 --> 00:23:10,748 And I'll say, you love helping people? 370 00:23:10,748 --> 00:23:12,962 And then you'll talk some more, right? 371 00:23:12,962 --> 00:23:18,857 And what I'm doing is just drawing you out and building that liking between you and 372 00:23:18,857 --> 00:23:24,334 me, and then it's more likely you'll have another conversation with me. 373 00:23:24,334 --> 00:23:28,735 And so everybody, what you're doing is really selling getting that next meeting 374 00:23:28,735 --> 00:23:33,068 with that person, and or that next email, and then and then after three or four, 375 00:23:33,068 --> 00:23:34,851 then you can say, you know what, 376 00:23:34,851 --> 00:23:37,873 I'm really passionate about working at your company. 377 00:23:37,873 --> 00:23:40,212 I'm not ready to apply yet, but just so you know, 378 00:23:40,212 --> 00:23:42,396 I'm gonna apply in probably a couple months. 379 00:23:42,396 --> 00:23:44,352 And then they'll say, you know what, 380 00:23:44,352 --> 00:23:46,850 I'm gonna talk to the hiring manager about that. 381 00:23:46,850 --> 00:23:51,926 And so everyone needs to understand this is how hiring really happens, 382 00:23:51,926 --> 00:23:56,673 right, and so the more you go with that process, the better, so. 383 00:23:56,673 --> 00:24:00,255 >> And even if you could do that and they don't hire you, you can ask them, 384 00:24:00,255 --> 00:24:03,019 I'm gonna give you a reference, you're so amazing. 385 00:24:03,019 --> 00:24:04,583 I wish I could hire you, but I can't. 386 00:24:04,583 --> 00:24:07,611 But because I am somebody at this level at this company, they'll take my word for 387 00:24:07,611 --> 00:24:08,959 it and somebody else will hire you. 388 00:24:08,959 --> 00:24:10,479 >> Yes, I love that, Grant. 389 00:24:10,479 --> 00:24:11,400 That's great. 390 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:14,159 So, some more great questions. 391 00:24:14,159 --> 00:24:21,189 How do you navigate sites like Indeed when they feel very overwhelming. 392 00:24:21,189 --> 00:24:25,901 >> I had to take a step back for a second and 393 00:24:25,901 --> 00:24:31,643 then just narrow it down to almost by zip code, 394 00:24:31,643 --> 00:24:34,302 and then by keyword. 395 00:24:34,302 --> 00:24:37,929 And then sometimes I would just stop looking for a minute. 396 00:24:37,929 --> 00:24:42,729 Just I'm gonna refocus back on myself, reset, then come back to it and 397 00:24:42,729 --> 00:24:44,175 see what else is new. 398 00:24:44,175 --> 00:24:45,871 I mean, there was brief periods of time. 399 00:24:45,871 --> 00:24:49,839 So, I studied PHP and everything that was coming to me was front end. 400 00:24:49,839 --> 00:24:53,496 And I was like, I'm not a front end developer, I'm a back end developer. 401 00:24:53,496 --> 00:24:54,829 But what should I do? 402 00:24:54,829 --> 00:24:56,237 And it kinda made me confused. 403 00:24:56,237 --> 00:25:00,231 So I have to stop and go back and focus on what I really wanted to do. 404 00:25:00,231 --> 00:25:05,114 And just let me only filter out those keywords that I really want. 405 00:25:05,114 --> 00:25:08,933 Too much information gives you decision overload, decision fatigue. 406 00:25:08,933 --> 00:25:11,097 So just filter to exactly, as I said, 407 00:25:11,097 --> 00:25:14,086 don't do the shotgun approach in my presentation. 408 00:25:14,086 --> 00:25:18,885 Do just what you want, know that you want that and go for that kind of position or 409 00:25:18,885 --> 00:25:19,559 company. 410 00:25:19,559 --> 00:25:22,679 >> Cool, and just remember everybody. 411 00:25:22,679 --> 00:25:28,727 Actually, the job listing sites are really the last step of your process, 412 00:25:28,727 --> 00:25:30,653 not the first, right? 413 00:25:30,653 --> 00:25:35,263 So what you should be doing first is building that relationship funnel. 414 00:25:35,263 --> 00:25:40,801 So, it's likely you're not even going to use sites like Indeed in the end, what's 415 00:25:40,801 --> 00:25:46,495 likely to happen is that you identify the 100 companies you wanna work for, you work 416 00:25:46,495 --> 00:25:51,957 your behind off to build relationships with 500 people are at those companies. 417 00:25:51,957 --> 00:25:56,360 And then a couple of months out from when you're actually ready you start to say, 418 00:25:56,360 --> 00:25:57,933 I'm gonna start applying. 419 00:25:57,933 --> 00:26:03,651 And then you're gonna hear about job offers from them that aren't even listed, 420 00:26:03,651 --> 00:26:08,293 or they will recommend you for the job and you'll jump the queue. 421 00:26:08,293 --> 00:26:11,578 So just remember if you start to feel overwhelemed by Indeed or 422 00:26:11,578 --> 00:26:15,512 any of those other things, you're probably approaching it backwards. 423 00:26:15,512 --> 00:26:17,551 You should be building relationships first. 424 00:26:17,551 --> 00:26:20,109 Now, someone did ask me a question, I just noticed what they said. 425 00:26:20,109 --> 00:26:23,284 Well, who are you building relationships with at the company? 426 00:26:23,284 --> 00:26:27,159 What job titles, Grant, should people be focusing on in those 500 or 427 00:26:27,159 --> 00:26:30,029 100 companies that they're looking to work for? 428 00:26:31,917 --> 00:26:34,510 >> Well, the higher up the better, but 429 00:26:34,510 --> 00:26:39,533 that doesn't necessarily mean that is the correct approach, because 430 00:26:39,533 --> 00:26:45,071 anyone at a company can at least lead you to the right person, and at any level. 431 00:26:45,071 --> 00:26:49,558 Whether it's the person who brings him coffee to all the way to the directors. 432 00:26:49,558 --> 00:26:53,342 Because they can go, hey, I know this great person, take a look. 433 00:26:53,342 --> 00:26:56,927 And because of that relationship they've built with someone else in the company who 434 00:26:56,927 --> 00:26:59,159 has the decisions, they'll give you that chance. 435 00:26:59,159 --> 00:27:00,732 >> Agreed. 436 00:27:00,732 --> 00:27:05,197 This is exactly the problem, do you sell top down or bottom up? 437 00:27:05,197 --> 00:27:07,739 >> Right. >> So do you go for the CEO or CTO or 438 00:27:07,739 --> 00:27:12,385 VP of engineering or VP of buying, or you just go for a designer and 439 00:27:12,385 --> 00:27:14,004 then work your way up? 440 00:27:14,004 --> 00:27:18,342 I would encourage everyone who is a new new person in the industry to sell 441 00:27:18,342 --> 00:27:19,074 bottom up. 442 00:27:19,074 --> 00:27:24,257 So, build relationships with other new junior developers at that company, right? 443 00:27:24,257 --> 00:27:28,259 Cuz they're gonna advocate for you, they're gonna have time to reply. 444 00:27:28,259 --> 00:27:33,134 If you're going in and trying to build a relationship with a VP of engineering, 445 00:27:33,134 --> 00:27:35,630 or VP of design, they're just so busy. 446 00:27:35,630 --> 00:27:39,029 They're also not gonna be excited about hiring a junior, so 447 00:27:39,029 --> 00:27:41,575 I think it might be better to work your way up. 448 00:27:41,575 --> 00:27:45,322 So, look for people that are junior developers or designers or 449 00:27:45,322 --> 00:27:47,453 first time engineering managers. 450 00:27:47,453 --> 00:27:52,225 Right, so, okay, I'm gonna, let me get to the questions. 451 00:27:52,225 --> 00:27:55,155 This is so much fun to talk about cuz this is really where the rubber 452 00:27:55,155 --> 00:27:56,287 meets the road, right? 453 00:27:56,287 --> 00:27:58,319 How do you get the job? 454 00:27:58,319 --> 00:28:06,623 Okay, may I ask, did all job interviews have a practical coding exercise? 455 00:28:06,623 --> 00:28:09,327 Any tips on preparing for them? 456 00:28:09,327 --> 00:28:12,769 >> Actually, all the ones that I interviewed for 457 00:28:12,769 --> 00:28:16,394 did have an initial practical coding exercise. 458 00:28:16,394 --> 00:28:18,698 How to prepare for that. 459 00:28:18,698 --> 00:28:22,270 It was something like, I was very nervous about it first, and honestly probably 460 00:28:22,270 --> 00:28:25,698 still nervous about it now, because you don't know what you're gonna get. 461 00:28:25,698 --> 00:28:30,384 What I realized is though, just like when you're working in programming, 462 00:28:30,384 --> 00:28:32,002 everything is open book. 463 00:28:32,002 --> 00:28:35,029 No one's gonna be at work going, hey, why are you googling how to solve that? 464 00:28:35,029 --> 00:28:36,370 You should have that memorized. 465 00:28:36,370 --> 00:28:38,210 [LAUGH] Are you on Stack Overflow? 466 00:28:38,210 --> 00:28:39,138 No, get off of that. 467 00:28:39,138 --> 00:28:41,187 >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] No one says that at work. 468 00:28:41,187 --> 00:28:41,725 >> [LAUGH] >> So 469 00:28:41,725 --> 00:28:44,564 those type of coding exercises have those. 470 00:28:44,564 --> 00:28:48,712 Now that being said, I wouldn't copy and paste an answer, but you can look up how 471 00:28:48,712 --> 00:28:52,678 to do things and figure out the problem yourself, and that's totally fine. 472 00:28:52,678 --> 00:28:58,358 So if you think of it that way, you should be all right. 473 00:28:58,358 --> 00:29:00,459 >> So a lot of companies, I would say, 474 00:29:00,459 --> 00:29:05,728 are not doing whiteboard style interviews as much, they're doing take home projects. 475 00:29:05,728 --> 00:29:08,330 >> Yeah, I would get an email and a website to do it in. 476 00:29:08,330 --> 00:29:14,395 >> Yeah, so I would encourage everybody, you might have both experiences. 477 00:29:14,395 --> 00:29:18,420 If you do a computer science problem on a whiteboard for 478 00:29:18,420 --> 00:29:23,857 a junior engineering role, it's probably not a good company to work at. 479 00:29:23,857 --> 00:29:24,534 >> Yeah. 480 00:29:24,534 --> 00:29:29,618 >> That does happen and honestly, I wouldn't spend your time killing 481 00:29:29,618 --> 00:29:35,236 yourself preparing for that, I would be prepared for a take home project, 482 00:29:35,236 --> 00:29:39,799 which then you can attack like any project you would tackle. 483 00:29:39,799 --> 00:29:43,802 So these are great, my gosh, there's so many questions here. 484 00:29:43,802 --> 00:29:46,297 Let me grab another one. 485 00:29:48,427 --> 00:29:52,819 Do you have any tips on how to present confidence when pursuing a tech career 486 00:29:52,819 --> 00:29:54,714 when it seems so intimidating. 487 00:29:56,974 --> 00:30:01,759 >> I used to tell my employees that you kind of just fake it till you make it. 488 00:30:01,759 --> 00:30:08,153 I mean, confidence comes from Your experience, right? 489 00:30:08,153 --> 00:30:10,188 So, if you practice enough, and 490 00:30:10,188 --> 00:30:13,750 you if you are confident in the knowledge of what you have, 491 00:30:13,750 --> 00:30:18,938 even if you don't know what else they're gonna ask, you be confident in that part. 492 00:30:18,938 --> 00:30:23,172 And it's also okay to be confident going, I don't know that answer, but 493 00:30:23,172 --> 00:30:26,264 I'm confident that I can learn that answer, right? 494 00:30:26,264 --> 00:30:29,543 That's important in tech, because we don't always have the answer. 495 00:30:29,543 --> 00:30:31,880 I mean, even our ponies, a senior developers, 496 00:30:31,880 --> 00:30:35,248 they don't know all the answers, they're always looking up stuff. 497 00:30:35,248 --> 00:30:39,400 But being able to figure things out, and being able to know that you're confident 498 00:30:39,400 --> 00:30:42,728 your ability to figure things out, that's the most important. 499 00:30:42,728 --> 00:30:46,697 So if you know you have that skill, and you're confident what you already do know, 500 00:30:46,697 --> 00:30:50,002 it's okay to say I don't know that, but I know I can figure that out. 501 00:30:50,002 --> 00:30:52,521 >> Amen, and again, this is why it's important to 502 00:30:52,521 --> 00:30:55,539 build a relationship before you even take the interview. 503 00:30:55,539 --> 00:31:00,370 If the interview is with someone that already has a liking towards you, because 504 00:31:00,370 --> 00:31:05,344 you've done the work of mirroring them, and supporting them, and building that 505 00:31:05,344 --> 00:31:10,634 relationship, they're much more likely to not try to make you fail in the interview. 506 00:31:10,634 --> 00:31:13,843 If they're not interviewing, they'll probably tell the hiring manager. 507 00:31:13,843 --> 00:31:14,801 You know what? 508 00:31:14,801 --> 00:31:17,997 This person shown all the right behavior they're proactive, 509 00:31:17,997 --> 00:31:19,451 they're interested in us. 510 00:31:19,451 --> 00:31:26,383 They ask great questions, they work real hard, I hope we can hire them. 511 00:31:26,383 --> 00:31:30,627 It's more likely that, that unconscious bias will then be in your favor. 512 00:31:30,627 --> 00:31:31,562 >> Yeah >> And 513 00:31:31,562 --> 00:31:34,824 Grant and I aren't saying the unconscious bias is a good thing, right? 514 00:31:34,824 --> 00:31:36,488 What we're saying is that it's a real thing. 515 00:31:36,488 --> 00:31:37,421 >> Yeah. 516 00:31:37,421 --> 00:31:42,156 >> You have to use the techniques in order to navigate it as a junior engineer, and 517 00:31:42,156 --> 00:31:44,611 especially if you're not a white male. 518 00:31:44,611 --> 00:31:47,578 Okay, more questions. 519 00:31:47,578 --> 00:31:55,665 Do you have any current mentors who helped you through this interview process? 520 00:31:55,665 --> 00:32:01,984 >> Interview process, so one of my friends is a developer. 521 00:32:01,984 --> 00:32:06,859 I was lucky enough for my sisters actually also an engineer, 522 00:32:06,859 --> 00:32:09,449 and I would ask them questions. 523 00:32:09,449 --> 00:32:14,117 But also I would also talk to the recruiters that at least shared with me. 524 00:32:14,117 --> 00:32:18,353 So in speaking with them, I asked them like, what are these questions like? 525 00:32:18,353 --> 00:32:21,640 What can I expect to these interviews? 526 00:32:21,640 --> 00:32:23,753 And those recruiters are happy to tell you, 527 00:32:23,753 --> 00:32:26,505 they'll coach you because they want you to get that job. 528 00:32:26,505 --> 00:32:28,708 And they'll tell you exactly what to expect, and 529 00:32:28,708 --> 00:32:30,236 they'll tell you how to prepare. 530 00:32:30,236 --> 00:32:34,951 Now, I have to solicit for those answers, but advocate for yourself, 531 00:32:34,951 --> 00:32:39,679 ask the questions, and make sure you get all the information you need. 532 00:32:39,679 --> 00:32:43,966 You're not bothering people, and if that person is bothered by you, 533 00:32:43,966 --> 00:32:46,955 then there's the wrong person to be talking to. 534 00:32:46,955 --> 00:32:50,655 Stand up for yourself, get all the information you need. 535 00:32:50,655 --> 00:32:56,282 That saying it's kind of like when the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. 536 00:32:56,282 --> 00:32:58,763 Well, this is the reverse, you wanna stick out. 537 00:32:58,763 --> 00:33:01,526 You want to be the nail this is like, I can't get this nail down and 538 00:33:01,526 --> 00:33:03,300 keep hammering, but they just stand up. 539 00:33:03,300 --> 00:33:04,146 >> Yeah. 540 00:33:04,146 --> 00:33:05,940 >> And that's what you wanna be, 541 00:33:05,940 --> 00:33:09,952 you want to be that person that is noticed as advocates for yourself. 542 00:33:09,952 --> 00:33:13,209 Ask those questions, get those resources, and those are great people to talk to him, 543 00:33:13,209 --> 00:33:15,089 >> Amen, that's great advice, Grant. 544 00:33:15,089 --> 00:33:22,200 I think what, Grant is saying is you wanna be building to relationship groups, right? 545 00:33:22,200 --> 00:33:27,583 And first is potential hiring, managers at companies, that's what we talked about. 546 00:33:27,583 --> 00:33:31,212 100 companies, 5 people each company, 500 people, 547 00:33:31,212 --> 00:33:34,510 in a march through a sales process to make them like you. 548 00:33:34,510 --> 00:33:37,659 But there's another group, which is mentors. 549 00:33:37,659 --> 00:33:42,030 And what Grant is saying is let's reach out to new junior 550 00:33:42,030 --> 00:33:44,820 engineers who have gotten the job. 551 00:33:44,820 --> 00:33:48,780 And say, I respect you, I follow your process, and 552 00:33:48,780 --> 00:33:51,213 I wanna be successful like you. 553 00:33:51,213 --> 00:33:56,169 Would you be willing to spend, 30 minutes with me on a Zoom call? 554 00:33:56,169 --> 00:34:00,272 So I can ask you everything I can about what it was like to go through 555 00:34:00,272 --> 00:34:02,670 the process, what questions we got. 556 00:34:02,670 --> 00:34:08,043 And most people are honored to be asked, if you say, 557 00:34:08,043 --> 00:34:14,903 I respect you, would you be willing to spend 30 minutes with me? 558 00:34:14,903 --> 00:34:17,084 People are honored by that, most people. 559 00:34:17,084 --> 00:34:17,920 >> Yeah. 560 00:34:17,920 --> 00:34:21,592 >> Right, and especially if that person's new in their job, and you're saying, 561 00:34:21,592 --> 00:34:22,512 I wanna be like you. 562 00:34:22,512 --> 00:34:26,095 People tend to wanna help them pull people up. 563 00:34:26,095 --> 00:34:27,266 >> Yeah. 564 00:34:27,266 --> 00:34:30,328 >> So yeah, then you can ask all the questions say, 565 00:34:30,328 --> 00:34:34,000 tell me the nitty-gritty details like what they ask you. 566 00:34:34,000 --> 00:34:35,151 What kind of experience they look for? 567 00:34:35,151 --> 00:34:36,501 What seemed to work? 568 00:34:36,501 --> 00:34:42,325 And the other thing to remember is, I came up with the exact stats, 569 00:34:42,325 --> 00:34:47,317 but most people give up when they're asking somebody for 570 00:34:47,317 --> 00:34:51,074 something after about two or three times. 571 00:34:51,074 --> 00:34:56,178 It tends to take at least seven tries to get someone to reply to you. 572 00:34:56,178 --> 00:35:00,930 So, I would encourage you whether you're trying to get a mentor, or trying to 573 00:35:00,930 --> 00:35:05,759 build a relationship with a hiring manager, don't give up after three times. 574 00:35:05,759 --> 00:35:10,430 So you may go to them and someone said, well, what's the question you can ask on 575 00:35:10,430 --> 00:35:13,318 LinkedIn to get someone to accept your request? 576 00:35:13,318 --> 00:35:18,088 You may say something, you need to be specific. 577 00:35:18,088 --> 00:35:21,496 Grant said, you got to do your homework, you don't want to shotgun it. 578 00:35:21,496 --> 00:35:26,405 So you may say, Grant, I've noticed that you went from 579 00:35:26,405 --> 00:35:30,280 home goods to being as a software engineer. 580 00:35:30,280 --> 00:35:35,160 I have massive respect for you, I've been cheering you on, 581 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:39,860 and on Twitter too, we've love to connect with you here. 582 00:35:39,860 --> 00:35:41,934 You're very likely to accept that. 583 00:35:41,934 --> 00:35:44,056 >> Yep. 584 00:35:44,056 --> 00:35:48,867 >> And so what you're doing is basically doing some research on somebody and 585 00:35:48,867 --> 00:35:51,748 figuring out, what are they doing online? 586 00:35:51,748 --> 00:35:55,652 And how can you give them a genuine compliment? 587 00:35:55,652 --> 00:35:58,339 It's very likely that they'll accept that they. 588 00:35:58,339 --> 00:36:00,141 Say they don't, you can't pester them again for a connection on LinkedIn. 589 00:36:00,141 --> 00:36:02,284 So then you need to go and find them, are they on Twitter? 590 00:36:02,284 --> 00:36:03,410 Are they on Instagram? 591 00:36:03,410 --> 00:36:04,950 Do they have a website? 592 00:36:04,950 --> 00:36:06,142 Are they in GitHub? 593 00:36:06,142 --> 00:36:10,453 And then you can ask a slightly different question over there. 594 00:36:10,453 --> 00:36:13,417 So on Twitter, you might say something like, 595 00:36:13,417 --> 00:36:17,455 I've been following on Twitter, love your posts about this. 596 00:36:17,455 --> 00:36:19,662 And then eventually we'll say, gosh, who is this person? 597 00:36:19,662 --> 00:36:22,316 They just seem so interested in me, I guess I'll finally pay attention. 598 00:36:22,316 --> 00:36:23,450 >> Yep. 599 00:36:23,450 --> 00:36:26,124 >> And then, you've got that first foot in the door. 600 00:36:28,566 --> 00:36:29,915 Okay, another question for you, Grant. 601 00:36:33,648 --> 00:36:35,387 How did you choose to format your resume? 602 00:36:35,387 --> 00:36:38,309 >> How did I choose to format my resume? 603 00:36:38,309 --> 00:36:40,169 So, I went through probably, 604 00:36:40,169 --> 00:36:43,899 three or four iterations of my resume before I settled on one. 605 00:36:43,899 --> 00:36:48,988 It's about, I started with, your always have to write it yourself. 606 00:36:48,988 --> 00:36:51,673 So you write which, 607 00:36:56,635 --> 00:37:01,235 But then my review I sent it to review, I sent it to these recruiters for review. 608 00:37:01,235 --> 00:37:03,260 And sometimes they wouldn't tell me but like the recruiters are like, hey, 609 00:37:03,260 --> 00:37:04,081 what do you think in my resume? 610 00:37:04,081 --> 00:37:09,174 And then focused on the things that they give you, that's good advice, 611 00:37:09,174 --> 00:37:12,694 and focus on what you think is what you wanna show. 612 00:37:12,694 --> 00:37:18,037 So with like the different kinds of resumes out there, 613 00:37:18,037 --> 00:37:20,833 I also researched, right? 614 00:37:20,833 --> 00:37:23,786 So, Google, back resumes, and see what are some good examples. 615 00:37:23,786 --> 00:37:27,205 It's fine to mimic things, but we all do every day, 616 00:37:27,205 --> 00:37:32,039 we look up answers on Stack Overflow, and copy that, and make it our own. 617 00:37:32,039 --> 00:37:35,189 Those resumes can be the same, you don't have to be unique and original. 618 00:37:35,189 --> 00:37:38,064 You have to just be able to present yourself in the best way, and 619 00:37:38,064 --> 00:37:39,053 find out the answer. 620 00:37:39,053 --> 00:37:43,860 So I would say, start with the base copy, look what other people are doing. 621 00:37:43,860 --> 00:37:47,029 And get lots of advice, polish it, polish it, 622 00:37:47,029 --> 00:37:51,403 polish it, because resumes is the easiest way for someone to go. 623 00:37:51,403 --> 00:37:54,736 I'm not gonna hire this person because they didn't take the time to do 624 00:37:54,736 --> 00:37:55,363 the resume. 625 00:37:55,363 --> 00:37:56,604 >> Yes, yeah, good call. 626 00:37:56,604 --> 00:38:01,376 So, I really liked what you said in the main session where you said, 627 00:38:01,376 --> 00:38:06,430 something around proactivity, and solving problems, and how it is. 628 00:38:06,430 --> 00:38:10,280 I've noticed that the things that I look for 629 00:38:10,280 --> 00:38:15,597 are almost extracurricular projects that they're doing. 630 00:38:15,597 --> 00:38:20,339 So for instance, I'm mentoring someone named Emmett, 631 00:38:20,339 --> 00:38:24,102 and he created a Slack group for developers. 632 00:38:24,102 --> 00:38:29,311 And actually, that was the one thing I saw on his resume that I thought. 633 00:38:29,311 --> 00:38:32,807 That shows productivity, that shows organization, 634 00:38:32,807 --> 00:38:37,142 that shows a level of social intelligence, that's interesting. 635 00:38:37,142 --> 00:38:42,487 And so, I think you can highlight passion projects, especially when say, 636 00:38:42,487 --> 00:38:48,102 I built the things, I'm passionate about it, I'm curating this community. 637 00:38:48,102 --> 00:38:51,649 It's very likely some will say, I want this person or that person to work here. 638 00:38:51,649 --> 00:38:55,051 So that's one thing that's not paid work you can put on. 639 00:38:55,051 --> 00:38:56,997 But I I do have to say, I'm pretty. 640 00:38:56,997 --> 00:39:03,157 When I see someone that just has GitHub repo links it's a red flag, 641 00:39:03,157 --> 00:39:07,892 because you think there's no real projects here. 642 00:39:07,892 --> 00:39:12,736 And that's why I think people need to figure out how to get those small, 643 00:39:12,736 --> 00:39:16,869 big projects basically as a freelancer to kinda bootstrap. 644 00:39:16,869 --> 00:39:18,535 So that when you click that URL, 645 00:39:18,535 --> 00:39:21,694 it's actually a live posted project instead of just a repo. 646 00:39:21,694 --> 00:39:23,986 What do you think about that? 647 00:39:23,986 --> 00:39:28,588 >> I agree, it's kinda showing the soft skills that 648 00:39:28,588 --> 00:39:33,529 people talk about, that you work with other people. 649 00:39:33,529 --> 00:39:36,066 One of the things that drew attention to people on my 650 00:39:36,066 --> 00:39:39,783 resume was actually my time as a Slack Champion in the tech degree program. 651 00:39:39,783 --> 00:39:45,395 Everyone loved that, that I gave back and did code reviews, and helped other people. 652 00:39:45,395 --> 00:39:47,549 Because honestly, most of my time I'm here, 653 00:39:47,549 --> 00:39:49,495 I'm helping my other teammates at work. 654 00:39:49,495 --> 00:39:52,552 I'm doing their code reviews, I'm giving them feedback. 655 00:39:52,552 --> 00:39:55,936 And being a Slack Champion I'll develop those skills of, 656 00:39:55,936 --> 00:39:59,817 how do you communicate through text in a way that is received well? 657 00:39:59,817 --> 00:40:01,248 And so those little projects, right? 658 00:40:01,248 --> 00:40:03,070 So it wasn't much my time. 659 00:40:03,070 --> 00:40:05,329 But it was something that stood out. 660 00:40:05,329 --> 00:40:10,305 Doing things that are extra or going above and beyond or showing that you're more 661 00:40:10,305 --> 00:40:14,422 than just the programming, you're a person with a personality. 662 00:40:14,422 --> 00:40:17,318 You can contribute to the culture of the team, 663 00:40:17,318 --> 00:40:20,741 because programming is something that can be taught. 664 00:40:20,741 --> 00:40:23,039 That teamwork, that care, 665 00:40:23,039 --> 00:40:27,646 that sense of being part of the company is harder to find. 666 00:40:27,646 --> 00:40:29,878 And that's what you can show you do with all the other things. 667 00:40:29,878 --> 00:40:31,310 >> Awesome advice. 668 00:40:31,310 --> 00:40:36,520 So what Grant's talking about is in the tech degree, once you pass unit three 669 00:40:36,520 --> 00:40:41,747 usually, then you're allowed to do code reviews on projects 1, 2 and 3. 670 00:40:41,747 --> 00:40:45,207 And then you can continue to do that. 671 00:40:45,207 --> 00:40:50,367 And showing that you can code review and that you put in 672 00:40:50,367 --> 00:40:57,032 the extra effort to do that is a massive green flag, a positive flag. 673 00:40:57,032 --> 00:41:01,604 So if you happen to be going through a tech degree, absolutely, 674 00:41:01,604 --> 00:41:05,600 grab the opportunity to do code review and do a ton of it. 675 00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:08,793 So that's one thing and then being the other thing is being a slack champion. 676 00:41:08,793 --> 00:41:11,859 We basically, promote people who work very hard and 677 00:41:11,859 --> 00:41:16,469 slack to say we wanna recognize you for that and give you more responsibility. 678 00:41:16,469 --> 00:41:21,288 And Mike and Grant said that instantly helps filter you above 679 00:41:21,288 --> 00:41:26,392 other people that are also new developers but don't have that, 680 00:41:26,392 --> 00:41:30,761 so those extra effort projects are a great thing to do. 681 00:41:30,761 --> 00:41:33,802 Okay, so let's get to some more questions. 682 00:41:33,802 --> 00:41:38,444 Thanks so much for dropping so much knowledge, man, this is great. 683 00:41:38,444 --> 00:41:42,718 Okay, gosh, there's so many questions. 684 00:41:42,718 --> 00:41:45,057 I may have to do another session at some point. 685 00:41:45,057 --> 00:41:48,608 I'm gonna go like some newer questions that just happened. 686 00:41:48,608 --> 00:41:53,921 Edlund said, how do you deal with, quote, but you're overqualified, end quote. 687 00:41:53,921 --> 00:41:57,828 Which is a question that comes up a lot for career changers, but 688 00:41:57,828 --> 00:42:00,497 we're not overqualified as developers. 689 00:42:00,497 --> 00:42:03,255 How do you deal with that? 690 00:42:03,255 --> 00:42:08,265 >> Well, I even at so when I was a retail store manager and had people apply, 691 00:42:08,265 --> 00:42:13,193 I had people who work entry level positions who had master's degree and 692 00:42:13,193 --> 00:42:16,831 at one point, I had someone who had a PhD in physics. 693 00:42:16,831 --> 00:42:21,114 [LAUGH] A lot of things and if they're saying 694 00:42:21,114 --> 00:42:26,368 you're overqualified, there's [INAUDIBLE]. 695 00:42:26,368 --> 00:42:31,055 It's not about the qualifications, it's about desire. 696 00:42:31,055 --> 00:42:33,865 So if they think you're overqualified, then 697 00:42:33,865 --> 00:42:38,848 show them that desire of why it's not my qualifications that I want to work there. 698 00:42:38,848 --> 00:42:43,448 It's that what I can bring to your company in your culture, 699 00:42:43,448 --> 00:42:46,862 in your teamwork and other things, right? 700 00:42:46,862 --> 00:42:50,059 So I don't think there's ever an over qualifications, 701 00:42:50,059 --> 00:42:54,601 you sometimes you do go like why does this person with a PhD want to work in retail? 702 00:42:54,601 --> 00:42:58,855 But you ask them, you can even address that initially. 703 00:42:58,855 --> 00:43:02,566 Hey, I just want to talk about I do have a PhD in physics, but 704 00:43:02,566 --> 00:43:04,991 I love retail, and I love customers. 705 00:43:04,991 --> 00:43:10,700 I need this experience or [INAUDIBLE] address that? 706 00:43:10,700 --> 00:43:14,273 What does that [INAUDIBLE] and how you can support that and 707 00:43:14,273 --> 00:43:16,487 is it gonna distract you, right? 708 00:43:16,487 --> 00:43:22,740 So an initial interview or your cover letter or whatever opportunity to have. 709 00:43:22,740 --> 00:43:24,257 >> Yeah, that's a good point. 710 00:43:24,257 --> 00:43:30,814 I'd also like to say sometimes that's someone being a coward and not saying no. 711 00:43:30,814 --> 00:43:36,382 They're trying to give you a nice way of saying they don't want to hire you, 712 00:43:36,382 --> 00:43:38,994 but they're not being honest why. 713 00:43:38,994 --> 00:43:44,023 So I think you can say, can you tell me more about that? 714 00:43:44,023 --> 00:43:47,698 Why do you think I'm overqualified to know more? 715 00:43:47,698 --> 00:43:52,981 And you may flash out that they're just being biased and or even worse. 716 00:43:52,981 --> 00:43:55,854 Or you may find that there's something that you didn't understand. 717 00:43:55,854 --> 00:43:59,658 You can say, yeah, well, I know that, I'm 54 and 718 00:43:59,658 --> 00:44:04,550 I've worked all across the world and it may seem like a step down to you that I 719 00:44:04,550 --> 00:44:08,140 want to be a junior software engineer, but it's not. 720 00:44:08,140 --> 00:44:09,271 I enjoy creativity. 721 00:44:09,271 --> 00:44:12,836 I enjoy building things and I'm being proactive about a career change and 722 00:44:12,836 --> 00:44:14,113 I'm excited about that. 723 00:44:14,113 --> 00:44:15,720 >> Yeah. 724 00:44:15,720 --> 00:44:18,864 >> So that's a tough, that's a good question. 725 00:44:18,864 --> 00:44:20,964 That's tough when it happens. 726 00:44:20,964 --> 00:44:22,753 A question from Caroline. 727 00:44:22,753 --> 00:44:29,771 How to find those companies that, we talked about those a hundred companies, 728 00:44:29,771 --> 00:44:34,785 specifically working with a text actor interested in? 729 00:44:34,785 --> 00:44:40,727 >> Most companies that I've researched, usually kind of talk about the tech stack. 730 00:44:40,727 --> 00:44:44,844 And if they don't, it's sometimes in the job posting. 731 00:44:44,844 --> 00:44:50,365 But I would say some of it like if it's a very big company, I found that that 732 00:44:50,365 --> 00:44:55,548 it's likely that they have a version of whatever you're studying. 733 00:44:55,548 --> 00:45:00,042 If it's a small startup, then they usually announce it because they don't 734 00:45:00,042 --> 00:45:03,074 have the options to filter through all that badly. 735 00:45:03,074 --> 00:45:07,146 >> Yep, but like what Graham said, just look at their job postings and 736 00:45:07,146 --> 00:45:09,661 you'll start to see some common things. 737 00:45:09,661 --> 00:45:14,049 If they're full stack JavaScript, or if they're a PHP shop or a Ruby shop, 738 00:45:14,049 --> 00:45:16,466 you'll start to see some similarities. 739 00:45:16,466 --> 00:45:19,323 But like Grant said, if it's Google or Facebook or 740 00:45:19,323 --> 00:45:23,120 something, they're gonna have a need for every kind of engineer. 741 00:45:23,120 --> 00:45:27,378 But again, this is why you got to build those relationships first, right? 742 00:45:27,378 --> 00:45:33,128 Once you identify, I think this company is using the stack that I've learned and 743 00:45:33,128 --> 00:45:36,272 you go and build those relationships, so. 744 00:45:36,272 --> 00:45:37,405 Okay, next up. 745 00:45:42,400 --> 00:45:45,781 All right, some of these we've covered already. 746 00:45:45,781 --> 00:45:50,879 Okay, question from Ryan, would you advice pursuing internship 747 00:45:50,879 --> 00:45:56,617 opportunities as an alternate to entry level software developing roles? 748 00:45:56,617 --> 00:45:58,781 >> I would say those are great but 749 00:45:58,781 --> 00:46:03,033 make your intentions also little known upfront, right? 750 00:46:03,033 --> 00:46:07,530 So if you have the opportunity to do a short term internship, and 751 00:46:07,530 --> 00:46:12,801 they're gonna maybe hire you afterwards, I think that's a great start. 752 00:46:12,801 --> 00:46:15,502 Even if it's maybe a summer thing, 753 00:46:15,502 --> 00:46:19,654 if you can afford to do that also show someone did that. 754 00:46:19,654 --> 00:46:22,438 When I was speaking to the recruiters, one point, 755 00:46:22,438 --> 00:46:24,721 I did apply to like an Amazon internship. 756 00:46:24,721 --> 00:46:28,118 But because of COVID, they weren't hiring. 757 00:46:28,118 --> 00:46:32,074 They said they might get back to me but it's not a bad avenue, 758 00:46:32,074 --> 00:46:33,635 I would say, pursuit. 759 00:46:33,635 --> 00:46:38,370 But you also look at your means, what is comfortable for you? 760 00:46:38,370 --> 00:46:43,569 Can you live off of an internship salary, or do you need to find a different way? 761 00:46:43,569 --> 00:46:47,668 You worked what your current job, continued supporting yourself. 762 00:46:47,668 --> 00:46:51,429 And then find different ways to build that experience, maybe do part time, 763 00:46:51,429 --> 00:46:52,209 work that out. 764 00:46:52,209 --> 00:46:56,505 So it's a personal question, if you can't do it, it's a great way to start, too. 765 00:46:56,505 --> 00:46:58,672 >> Yeah, I echo what Grant said. 766 00:46:58,672 --> 00:47:05,203 I mean, often, if you're privileged, you can afford to do an internship. 767 00:47:05,203 --> 00:47:06,751 Yep, that's not fair, right? 768 00:47:06,751 --> 00:47:11,039 So, clearly if you, if you can say, I can work for free for you, 769 00:47:11,039 --> 00:47:13,673 that's gonna build a lot of goodwill. 770 00:47:13,673 --> 00:47:17,883 It's more likely you'll get hired but that's just not possible for 771 00:47:17,883 --> 00:47:19,414 the majority of people. 772 00:47:19,414 --> 00:47:24,249 So, yeah, if you can get an internship and you can afford to, great, but 773 00:47:24,249 --> 00:47:25,655 most people cannot. 774 00:47:25,655 --> 00:47:26,464 >> Yeah. >> Also, 775 00:47:26,464 --> 00:47:31,432 be a little careful that they're not just looking for someone to make coffee. 776 00:47:31,432 --> 00:47:33,713 You actually want to be writing code and 777 00:47:33,713 --> 00:47:36,412 being actually a part of something to do that. 778 00:47:36,412 --> 00:47:39,257 >> Yeah, if it's free to make your own demands of, hey, this is free, but 779 00:47:39,257 --> 00:47:40,622 this is what I need to get out of it. 780 00:47:40,622 --> 00:47:42,093 >> Yeah, I love that. 781 00:47:42,093 --> 00:47:46,988 Yeah, my time is not free so this is all I got in return. 782 00:47:46,988 --> 00:47:51,540 Okay, so a question from Amir. 783 00:47:51,540 --> 00:47:57,703 What wait does Stack Overflow GitHub and hacker rank portfolio? 784 00:47:57,703 --> 00:48:02,787 How much is that worth and getting developer jobs? 785 00:48:05,727 --> 00:48:08,959 >> I don't really have a good answer. 786 00:48:08,959 --> 00:48:12,725 I would say anything that you can show that you've done work or 787 00:48:12,725 --> 00:48:14,034 contributed helps. 788 00:48:14,034 --> 00:48:16,951 But if you're not comfortable, I mean, if it's scary place, 789 00:48:16,951 --> 00:48:18,309 putting yourself out there. 790 00:48:18,309 --> 00:48:22,853 I know a lot of people even have a hard time contributing to open source GitHub 791 00:48:22,853 --> 00:48:23,575 projects. 792 00:48:23,575 --> 00:48:27,090 So anything you do helps, and if it's something that you can't do, 793 00:48:27,090 --> 00:48:29,344 then supplement that with something else. 794 00:48:29,344 --> 00:48:32,547 So it's a little personal issue. 795 00:48:32,547 --> 00:48:34,536 >> Agreed, I think as a junior engineer, 796 00:48:34,536 --> 00:48:38,170 you're just not gonna get a lot of rank on those sites, and it's okay. 797 00:48:38,170 --> 00:48:40,772 You're not expected. 798 00:48:40,772 --> 00:48:44,294 It could be a good idea to go on hacker and can just practice. 799 00:48:44,294 --> 00:48:45,102 >> Yeah. 800 00:48:45,102 --> 00:48:50,382 >> But I would say we don't look for those things to house so. 801 00:48:50,382 --> 00:48:55,267 Okay, so it's interesting is there's a theme that comes up over and 802 00:48:55,267 --> 00:48:57,977 over again which is around projects. 803 00:48:57,977 --> 00:49:01,466 This is a good one from Alexandra. 804 00:49:01,466 --> 00:49:04,775 I've been working at multiple jobs at the same time, 805 00:49:04,775 --> 00:49:09,565 working as a server and doing freelance internships and personal projects. 806 00:49:09,565 --> 00:49:14,054 Do I need to add on LinkedIn, my server experience as a waiter or 807 00:49:14,054 --> 00:49:19,084 waitress or bring it up during interviews or leave it out completely? 808 00:49:19,084 --> 00:49:24,075 Also, who do I need to talk to a network with 809 00:49:24,075 --> 00:49:27,977 hiring managers HR, etcetera? 810 00:49:27,977 --> 00:49:30,976 >> So I would not leave that out. 811 00:49:30,976 --> 00:49:34,382 That is your past that talks about what you've done. 812 00:49:34,382 --> 00:49:39,236 In my presentation, I highlighted, show what you're using in that job that's gonna 813 00:49:39,236 --> 00:49:41,841 translate to what you're going to do in tech. 814 00:49:41,841 --> 00:49:44,956 As a server, you're constantly helping customers, 815 00:49:44,956 --> 00:49:49,642 bring out those experiences where you went out of the way to make a customer happy. 816 00:49:49,642 --> 00:49:50,591 What does that show? 817 00:49:50,591 --> 00:49:52,960 Well, when I'm working with my team members, 818 00:49:52,960 --> 00:49:55,928 I have the personality to go out of my way to make them happy. 819 00:49:55,928 --> 00:49:57,309 That's what you're showing there. 820 00:49:57,309 --> 00:49:59,390 You're working in a team and you're going out your way. 821 00:49:59,390 --> 00:50:04,031 To make someone's life better, to make someone's job easier, show that you saw 822 00:50:04,031 --> 00:50:08,471 some something as simple as Hey, I noticed this customer was having trouble, 823 00:50:08,471 --> 00:50:13,063 even asked me for help, but they needed this thing, so I even brought it to them. 824 00:50:13,063 --> 00:50:17,211 Find examples that you are being proactive, you can find problems and 825 00:50:17,211 --> 00:50:20,248 solve them before they've even been shown to you. 826 00:50:20,248 --> 00:50:25,129 Show that how you want to become promoted if you wanted to, whatever you're doing in 827 00:50:25,129 --> 00:50:29,187 that to excel, those are great things to highlight in your LinkedIn, 828 00:50:29,187 --> 00:50:33,974 your resume, things that show you got the qualities that people are looking for. 829 00:50:33,974 --> 00:50:34,788 >> Great answer. 830 00:50:34,788 --> 00:50:35,910 >> Yeah. 831 00:50:35,910 --> 00:50:40,825 >> So obviously, how do you show that, so do you list like I was a server 832 00:50:40,825 --> 00:50:45,829 at Red Robin from this day to this day, then you add text after that and 833 00:50:45,829 --> 00:50:50,520 say, here's how I solved some problems while I was doing that? 834 00:50:50,520 --> 00:50:54,222 Or here's some of the things I did there versus just listing the job and the dates, 835 00:50:54,222 --> 00:50:55,038 is that how they? 836 00:50:55,038 --> 00:50:57,820 >> Yeah, so if you look at my retail resume, 837 00:50:57,820 --> 00:51:01,397 it's very different than my programming resume, so 838 00:51:01,397 --> 00:51:06,976 I picked out the things that I felt like would be great, that I'm a problem solver. 839 00:51:06,976 --> 00:51:11,007 So in the retail resume, I showed I handle KPIs and I handled scheduling and 840 00:51:11,007 --> 00:51:14,399 all these things that I'm not gonna be doing as a developer, so 841 00:51:14,399 --> 00:51:16,452 I don't need to put that on my resume. 842 00:51:16,452 --> 00:51:19,761 I did show that I helped grand open the Hillsborough store, so 843 00:51:19,761 --> 00:51:23,327 I helped solve all these issues and overcame like, teamworking, 844 00:51:23,327 --> 00:51:27,228 challenging and time task management, which just translates to tech. 845 00:51:27,228 --> 00:51:32,223 So bring those things over, talk about the things that are teamwork, 846 00:51:32,223 --> 00:51:35,526 time and task management, problem solving, 847 00:51:35,526 --> 00:51:41,213 what's called thinking outside of the box, coming up with unique solutions. 848 00:51:41,213 --> 00:51:42,934 Those are all the things that translate into tech, so 849 00:51:42,934 --> 00:51:44,131 bring those things over and listen. 850 00:51:44,131 --> 00:51:49,033 >> Yeah, what Grant is saying, show your real experience but highlight 851 00:51:49,033 --> 00:51:54,702 the emotional intelligence that you've demonstrated why [INAUDIBLE], right? 852 00:51:54,702 --> 00:51:59,051 Don't just list server but say specifically how you actually solve new 853 00:51:59,051 --> 00:52:02,104 problems for that employer- >> Yeah. 854 00:52:02,104 --> 00:52:06,983 >> While you're there, it shows a pattern, right, and that's why doing 855 00:52:06,983 --> 00:52:11,464 a ton of code reviews in your tech degree or being a Slack champion, 856 00:52:11,464 --> 00:52:15,783 again shows that every employer what they really are looking for 857 00:52:15,783 --> 00:52:19,473 is someone who practically solves problems, right? 858 00:52:19,473 --> 00:52:22,833 So if you're demonstrating that behavior, even if you're a server, 859 00:52:22,833 --> 00:52:26,474 they're gonna say, my gosh, well, imagine what he'll do as an engineer 860 00:52:26,474 --> 00:52:27,293 >> Yeah. 861 00:52:27,293 --> 00:52:31,640 >> So, another big question from Rose, so let's say you're ready to go to 862 00:52:31,640 --> 00:52:36,063 the interview and this is probably gonna be a resume during the pandemic, 863 00:52:36,063 --> 00:52:38,944 do people still wear suits to tech interviews? 864 00:52:38,944 --> 00:52:44,091 No, tell me what you're supposed to wear or how you're supposed 865 00:52:44,091 --> 00:52:48,973 to present yourself physically to the first Zoom interview. 866 00:52:48,973 --> 00:52:53,367 >> So I would actually research the company, so I would look at, 867 00:52:53,367 --> 00:52:57,772 go through a website, I would dig in through all their links. 868 00:52:57,772 --> 00:53:01,615 I would even like read through like some of the contract pages and terms or 869 00:53:01,615 --> 00:53:04,200 conditions because they have different tips and 870 00:53:04,200 --> 00:53:06,611 you can assert what kind of company they are. 871 00:53:06,611 --> 00:53:09,366 And then, I was still say dress to step up, but 872 00:53:09,366 --> 00:53:13,967 I don't think unless the company looks like they're a suit and tie company, 873 00:53:13,967 --> 00:53:17,046 don't wear a suit, but you wanna be dressed nice. 874 00:53:17,046 --> 00:53:18,228 You wanna be clean, 875 00:53:18,228 --> 00:53:21,982 you wanted to be professional in a sense that you're hygienic, 876 00:53:21,982 --> 00:53:27,071 you've got nice clothes on, you wanna be there, you're presenting your best self. 877 00:53:27,071 --> 00:53:31,907 The other side effect to that though, is when you dress nice, 878 00:53:31,907 --> 00:53:37,499 you subconsciously feel nice and that is presented in your interview. 879 00:53:37,499 --> 00:53:41,726 So if you look like you feel good, you're gonna be talking much more confident. 880 00:53:41,726 --> 00:53:42,773 >> Yeah. 881 00:53:42,773 --> 00:53:45,050 >> And you're gonna be having much better interview, so 882 00:53:45,050 --> 00:53:46,395 take that into account as well. 883 00:53:46,395 --> 00:53:49,310 >> Agreed, now, Grant and I are white men, 884 00:53:49,310 --> 00:53:54,222 like what looks professional to us is related to white culture, and so 885 00:53:54,222 --> 00:53:58,970 we're not saying it's important to be white in your interview or, 886 00:53:58,970 --> 00:54:02,912 if say if you're Black, to not wear your hair natural. 887 00:54:02,912 --> 00:54:07,752 What we're saying is, and what Grant is saying is, come dressed in something that 888 00:54:07,752 --> 00:54:11,987 makes you feel confident, something that you you feel good at, right? 889 00:54:11,987 --> 00:54:16,078 That's thing one, number two is if you think, 890 00:54:16,078 --> 00:54:20,269 I have tattoos, right, so a bunch of tattoos and 891 00:54:20,269 --> 00:54:25,487 if I'm not sure how someone's gonna feel about my tattoos, 892 00:54:25,487 --> 00:54:30,394 I tend to cover them up just in that first interaction, so 893 00:54:30,394 --> 00:54:34,620 I don't give them excuse to weed me out somehow. 894 00:54:34,620 --> 00:54:39,235 And then once I build a relationship, then I'll be more transparent about who I am, 895 00:54:39,235 --> 00:54:43,134 there may be things about your body that you feel the same way, you may or 896 00:54:43,134 --> 00:54:44,054 may not do that. 897 00:54:44,054 --> 00:54:46,038 But again, it's about confidence, 898 00:54:46,038 --> 00:54:49,944 if you feel confident with your tattoos, or your hair or the way you dress, 899 00:54:49,944 --> 00:54:53,672 that's more important than worrying about if you'll fit in exactly. 900 00:54:53,672 --> 00:54:59,238 And also, if you're gonna be at a company where they judge you for 901 00:54:59,238 --> 00:55:04,099 being Black and having natural hair or for your tattoos, 902 00:55:04,099 --> 00:55:08,068 then maybe it's not a good place to be anyway. 903 00:55:08,068 --> 00:55:08,844 >> Yeah. 904 00:55:08,844 --> 00:55:11,598 >> But I know sometimes when you need that first job, 905 00:55:11,598 --> 00:55:16,122 sometimes, you just need to get in, so there's a hard balance there to walk, but 906 00:55:16,122 --> 00:55:20,016 I love Grant's advice of just being comfortable, being confident. 907 00:55:20,016 --> 00:55:27,344 We're almost gonna be out of time, I'm sure to grab a couple more questions. 908 00:55:30,776 --> 00:55:31,542 All right. 909 00:55:34,479 --> 00:55:39,341 How do you identify red flags, such as too much work for 910 00:55:39,341 --> 00:55:43,478 too little pay or red flags in a job interview? 911 00:55:43,478 --> 00:55:46,096 It seems hard to know when you're being taken advantage of. 912 00:55:48,184 --> 00:55:52,773 >> So red flags in a job interview, now going through all these interviews, 913 00:55:52,773 --> 00:55:57,213 sometimes, you might have to go with your gut because what your gut is, 914 00:55:57,213 --> 00:56:01,504 is basically your subconscious taking all your past experiences and 915 00:56:01,504 --> 00:56:06,328 telling you hey, something's not right here, I just don't know what yet. 916 00:56:06,328 --> 00:56:10,580 The other part to that is look at what their requirements are and 917 00:56:10,580 --> 00:56:13,240 don't let them take advantage of you. 918 00:56:13,240 --> 00:56:17,217 If you've done your research, the market rates for salary, 919 00:56:17,217 --> 00:56:19,205 you know what the demands are, 920 00:56:19,205 --> 00:56:24,496 then you know you've got your knowledge as someone who's got your back, right? 921 00:56:24,496 --> 00:56:26,525 That's what you have, that's your power, and 922 00:56:26,525 --> 00:56:28,664 then you know if they're taking advantage of you. 923 00:56:28,664 --> 00:56:33,271 You have to be an advocate for yourselves and you have to stand up and 924 00:56:33,271 --> 00:56:37,470 fight for what is yours, you know it's difficult process, 925 00:56:37,470 --> 00:56:40,452 it's hard to have that conflict, right? 926 00:56:40,452 --> 00:56:42,930 So any kind of negotiation is basically conflict, so 927 00:56:42,930 --> 00:56:47,008 when you're in the interview and you're negotiating, you're trying to find terms, 928 00:56:47,008 --> 00:56:50,441 it's a skill to have, but it's also something that needs to be learned. 929 00:56:50,441 --> 00:56:55,151 If you feel like the company themselves is trying to take advantage of you, 930 00:56:55,151 --> 00:56:59,881 then you might need to just keep going because that's not the right place. 931 00:56:59,881 --> 00:57:03,522 Even if you get the job at a disadvantage, you're not gonna be happy and 932 00:57:03,522 --> 00:57:06,027 it's not gonna be what you want or what you need. 933 00:57:06,027 --> 00:57:10,347 >> Yeah, I agree with that, it's a hard thing to walk when you're looking for 934 00:57:10,347 --> 00:57:12,657 that first job and you just wanna get in. 935 00:57:12,657 --> 00:57:16,923 Let's talk about salaries for a little bit, so if you don't have a computer 936 00:57:16,923 --> 00:57:21,459 science degree and you don't have any chunky paid experience, what do you think 937 00:57:21,459 --> 00:57:25,754 people should be looking for, for that first salary as a junior developer? 938 00:57:25,754 --> 00:57:28,444 And I know it varies if you're in San Francisco and whatnot- 939 00:57:28,444 --> 00:57:29,495 >> Yeah. 940 00:57:29,495 --> 00:57:30,820 >> But talk me through that a little bit. 941 00:57:30,820 --> 00:57:36,073 >> So knowledge is valuable, don't undervalue yourself, that being said, 942 00:57:36,073 --> 00:57:40,927 experience is also valuable, but there isn't like a starting rate. 943 00:57:40,927 --> 00:57:45,876 So depending on the market in the city, I would say anywhere that makes you less so 944 00:57:45,876 --> 00:57:51,098 40 to 60,000, depending on the city, is a good starting rate for a junior engineer. 945 00:57:51,098 --> 00:57:55,916 If you, and I live in Portland, so it was a little higher because it's hard to 946 00:57:55,916 --> 00:57:59,641 pay for stuff here, but in smaller cities, it's easier. 947 00:57:59,641 --> 00:58:03,270 And what's even better if you work remote and you live in a small city or work for 948 00:58:03,270 --> 00:58:06,845 a company in big city, they might even pay more because you go, hey, all your 949 00:58:06,845 --> 00:58:10,662 employees are remote, why are you paying less because I live in a different city? 950 00:58:10,662 --> 00:58:11,306 >> Yes. 951 00:58:11,306 --> 00:58:13,221 >> I needed the pay to be the same. 952 00:58:13,221 --> 00:58:17,620 >> We pretty consistently place people between 60 and 953 00:58:17,620 --> 00:58:22,418 65K in our apprenticeship program across the country. 954 00:58:22,418 --> 00:58:25,763 Again, it will vary, but the most important thing for 955 00:58:25,763 --> 00:58:30,420 everybody to realize is that once you have that true paid job on your resume, 956 00:58:30,420 --> 00:58:32,702 then the sky's your limit, right? 957 00:58:32,702 --> 00:58:33,413 >> Yeah. 958 00:58:33,413 --> 00:58:37,424 >> Then you can be jumping after that pretty quick, so 959 00:58:37,424 --> 00:58:43,210 I would say if you're paid, like Grant said, somewhere between 40 and 960 00:58:43,210 --> 00:58:47,623 65 for that first role, it's a good foot in the door. 961 00:58:47,623 --> 00:58:51,349 And then you should be looking for raises after that, is that same for front end and 962 00:58:51,349 --> 00:58:51,901 back ends? 963 00:58:51,901 --> 00:58:57,870 They don't vary, I mean, but yes, roughly. 964 00:58:57,870 --> 00:58:58,843 >> Yeah. 965 00:58:58,843 --> 00:59:03,785 >> And again, most of the high paying jobs, high growth jobs are in back end, so 966 00:59:03,785 --> 00:59:07,592 I think you should be thinking about full stack in general, 967 00:59:07,592 --> 00:59:10,197 front end is a great way to start though. 968 00:59:10,197 --> 00:59:15,719 So okay, we are almost out of time, Grant, this has been amazing for 969 00:59:15,719 --> 00:59:22,408 you just dropping all your knowledge, all of your experience, thank you so much. 970 00:59:22,408 --> 00:59:25,825 >> I appreciate it, thank you for giving me the opportunity, it's been so 971 00:59:25,825 --> 00:59:28,022 much fun and I love sharing, I love teaching. 972 00:59:28,022 --> 00:59:31,071 I did that as a retail manager, and this has been amazing for 973 00:59:31,071 --> 00:59:34,006 me to be able to do that here, it's just been wonderful. 974 00:59:34,006 --> 00:59:38,891 >> So there's a massive demands for another session and I'm just wondering 975 00:59:38,891 --> 00:59:43,855 how about, why don't we consider this, so everyone that's listening, 976 00:59:43,855 --> 00:59:48,424 if you go into Slack, so we've created Treehouse Festivals Slack, 977 00:59:48,424 --> 00:59:52,394 we'll post the links everywhere, so you can get in there. 978 00:59:52,394 --> 00:59:57,285 And there is a channel in there that I created, 979 00:59:57,285 --> 01:00:01,299 it's called Getting Your First Job, 980 01:00:01,299 --> 01:00:06,075 so please go in there and ask more questions. 981 01:00:06,075 --> 01:00:12,126 And Grant, you're busy, you have a job so you don't have to do this, 982 01:00:12,126 --> 01:00:17,882 but if you feel like being in there, I think then I'll be in there. 983 01:00:17,882 --> 01:00:21,999 And if there's just so many questions, then theoretically, I can chit chat to 984 01:00:21,999 --> 01:00:25,932 Grant about doing another kind of off-the-cuff session maybe tomorrow or 985 01:00:25,932 --> 01:00:27,604 Friday or something like that. 986 01:00:27,604 --> 01:00:31,460 But I'm not gonna put you on the spot, Grant, say yes or no, but maybe if you 987 01:00:31,460 --> 01:00:34,980 could message me later and let me know if you'd be willing to do that. 988 01:00:34,980 --> 01:00:39,787 But regardless, if you're watching this, please go into that Slack channel and 989 01:00:39,787 --> 01:00:44,597 post more questions, I know that this is a very scary part of switching into tech, 990 01:00:44,597 --> 01:00:46,705 and we wanna be here to support you. 991 01:00:46,705 --> 01:00:51,352 So with that, thanks again, Grant, congrats on all your hard work and 992 01:00:51,352 --> 01:00:54,762 thank you for giving back by sharing the knowledge, 993 01:00:54,762 --> 01:00:58,499 I really appreciate it, and I'll keep cheering you on. 994 01:00:58,499 --> 01:01:00,056 >> Thank you, Ryan, thank you, guys. 995 01:01:00,056 --> 01:01:00,898 >> Take care, see you, bye. 996 01:01:00,898 --> 01:01:01,530 >> Bye-bye.