1 00:00:00,250 --> 00:00:03,863 The early days of the web was filled with lots of static pages. 2 00:00:03,863 --> 00:00:08,420 And these pages could display text and images but offered no interactivity. 3 00:00:08,420 --> 00:00:12,249 Most of the websites we visit nowadays are dynamic web pages. 4 00:00:12,249 --> 00:00:14,817 They do all sorts of crazy things in the background, and 5 00:00:14,817 --> 00:00:18,370 present us with new information that we can interact with. 6 00:00:18,370 --> 00:00:20,365 If you were to think of a web site right now, 7 00:00:20,365 --> 00:00:22,810 there's a high chance you thought of a dynamic one. 8 00:00:22,810 --> 00:00:26,700 Facebook, The New York Times, any blog, they're all dynamic. 9 00:00:26,700 --> 00:00:30,405 And the magic that goes on in the background that allows these pages to be 10 00:00:30,405 --> 00:00:33,530 dynamic is because of the work of web developers. 11 00:00:33,530 --> 00:00:36,895 Web development, like web design, is a vast topic and 12 00:00:36,895 --> 00:00:39,906 has evolved into somewhat two distinct fields. 13 00:00:39,906 --> 00:00:43,080 Front-end development and server side web development. 14 00:00:43,080 --> 00:00:45,767 To be a successful front-end developer, 15 00:00:45,767 --> 00:00:49,731 you need to have a thorough grasp of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 16 00:00:49,731 --> 00:00:52,491 On the server side, you should be good at programming and 17 00:00:52,491 --> 00:00:57,230 have a working knowledge of a scripting language like Ruby, and databases as well. 18 00:00:57,230 --> 00:01:01,420 Depending on the role you have, you will also be working with content management 19 00:01:01,420 --> 00:01:03,403 systems and e-commerce platforms. 20 00:01:03,403 --> 00:01:05,925 If you're out looking for a job as a web developer, 21 00:01:05,925 --> 00:01:10,250 you will sometimes run into roles such as programmer or back-end developer. 22 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:11,950 These all mean the same thing. 23 00:01:11,950 --> 00:01:16,970 You will also see language specific roles such as Ruby or PHP developer. 24 00:01:16,970 --> 00:01:20,798 You might even see a job called web designer with the job duties of a web 25 00:01:20,798 --> 00:01:21,529 developer. 26 00:01:21,529 --> 00:01:25,020 In this case, the people in charge of hiring don't really know the difference. 27 00:01:25,020 --> 00:01:27,872 So make sure you understand what you're applying for. 28 00:01:27,872 --> 00:01:31,677 Let's hear from a few of our teachers on their experiences of starting out in 29 00:01:31,677 --> 00:01:33,227 the world of web development. 30 00:01:33,227 --> 00:01:36,574 [MUSIC] 31 00:01:36,574 --> 00:01:41,486 >> I got started in web development just because I kind of just 32 00:01:41,486 --> 00:01:45,203 grew up with computers, and using the web. 33 00:01:45,203 --> 00:01:48,767 It was kind of the first programming environment that was really comfortable, 34 00:01:48,767 --> 00:01:51,493 and I never really did much programming in the normal sense. 35 00:01:51,493 --> 00:01:52,660 I just kind of got on the web, 36 00:01:52,660 --> 00:01:55,399 and I wanted to have a website and it kind of progressed from there. 37 00:01:55,399 --> 00:01:58,252 I dissected other software on the Internet so 38 00:01:58,252 --> 00:02:02,090 I've worked a lot with modifying forum software and stuff. 39 00:02:02,090 --> 00:02:05,735 And that's kinda where I learned PHP and JavaScript start off with, and 40 00:02:05,735 --> 00:02:07,119 it kind of grew from there. 41 00:02:07,119 --> 00:02:11,279 >> I got started in web development when I was working in telephone support for 42 00:02:11,279 --> 00:02:13,620 an Internet service provider. 43 00:02:13,620 --> 00:02:18,534 In between calls I started teaching myself PHP and 44 00:02:18,534 --> 00:02:23,331 MySQL, but it wasn't until after that job when I 45 00:02:23,331 --> 00:02:28,141 decided to go freelance when I quit university. 46 00:02:28,141 --> 00:02:30,949 Then I started doing it professionally. 47 00:02:30,949 --> 00:02:34,816 >> I got started in web development actually very, very early. 48 00:02:34,816 --> 00:02:39,153 I started programming when I was very, very young, and 49 00:02:39,153 --> 00:02:42,855 I sort of kept in sync with the web as it evolved. 50 00:02:42,855 --> 00:02:48,283 Started making webpages right around when Netscape 2.0 came out, 51 00:02:48,283 --> 00:02:52,791 and I actually sent in a bug report to Netscape at the time, 52 00:02:52,791 --> 00:02:55,005 telling them about pop ups. 53 00:02:55,005 --> 00:02:58,268 >> [MUSIC] 54 00:02:58,268 --> 00:03:03,020 >> My first professional job I actually got in college through the co-op program. 55 00:03:03,020 --> 00:03:07,115 And it was with a company nearby the school and I worked part time. 56 00:03:07,115 --> 00:03:14,190 And it was to build tools for hospitals to measure results. 57 00:03:14,190 --> 00:03:17,840 So as a survey company, and so I built a lot of tools that would help hospitals 58 00:03:17,840 --> 00:03:21,049 gauge where they were doing well and where they needed to improve. 59 00:03:21,049 --> 00:03:23,042 So it was a lot of fun. 60 00:03:23,042 --> 00:03:28,876 >> I kept on top of the web industry, and I started out writing scripts in Perl, 61 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:34,089 and then migrated over to PHP, and this was all personal projects. 62 00:03:34,089 --> 00:03:35,722 Then after college, 63 00:03:35,722 --> 00:03:41,430 I started doing consulting professionally with Ruby on Rails. 64 00:03:41,430 --> 00:03:47,380 >> Well, it was kind of scary because it was going freelance. 65 00:03:47,380 --> 00:03:53,288 So I was very green, very newbie, like with all these things. 66 00:03:53,288 --> 00:03:57,719 So I got this one client which was taken up most of my time and 67 00:03:57,719 --> 00:04:00,885 then I needed to find some other work, but 68 00:04:00,885 --> 00:04:06,144 that was quite quite difficult because you have to market yourself. 69 00:04:06,144 --> 00:04:11,591 And with a small portfolio from this one client, and it was quite difficult. 70 00:04:11,591 --> 00:04:16,077 So I felt like probably most people getting started in 71 00:04:16,077 --> 00:04:21,070 this industry very anxious and not very self-confident. 72 00:04:21,070 --> 00:04:27,288 So you try and lowball on prices, and that results in. 73 00:04:27,288 --> 00:04:32,621 I don't think this ever really stops but people coming to you, wanting you 74 00:04:32,621 --> 00:04:38,310 to build a website for them for free for a cut of potential profits in the future. 75 00:04:38,310 --> 00:04:43,130 And I tended to reject those just because if people have a business idea and 76 00:04:43,130 --> 00:04:44,918 they think it's worth it, 77 00:04:44,918 --> 00:04:50,700 then they should be willing to pay someone to build that site and product for them. 78 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:52,703 Being technically minded, 79 00:04:52,703 --> 00:04:57,548 you tend to do a lot of the heavy-lifting in those scenarios anyway. 80 00:04:57,548 --> 00:05:02,605 so it was quite difficult at first, but then I went to a small 81 00:05:02,605 --> 00:05:07,882 marketing agency and started my career path again as it were. 82 00:05:07,882 --> 00:05:11,183 Working through the industry from job to job, 83 00:05:11,183 --> 00:05:15,424 building a reputation for myself, and so where I am today. 84 00:05:15,424 --> 00:05:19,475 [MUSIC] 85 00:05:19,475 --> 00:05:23,200 So I was a PHP developer for a marketing agency. 86 00:05:23,200 --> 00:05:28,621 I got the position by, while I didn't have much of that portfolio 87 00:05:28,621 --> 00:05:33,168 because of my limited self-employment beforehand. 88 00:05:33,168 --> 00:05:38,109 So I created a site to go in my portfolio that 89 00:05:38,109 --> 00:05:42,505 would be particularly interested for 90 00:05:42,505 --> 00:05:47,587 that marketing company, which was I worked 91 00:05:47,587 --> 00:05:53,103 with the text or SMS API where it posted to a URL. 92 00:05:53,103 --> 00:05:56,886 So I thought that would be kind of good for 93 00:05:56,886 --> 00:06:02,300 the West with rugby companies and other sports teams. 94 00:06:02,300 --> 00:06:04,939 So I thought that would tie in well with them. 95 00:06:04,939 --> 00:06:07,936 So when I did start working for them, 96 00:06:07,936 --> 00:06:12,868 I started working on their sports sites and other sites, and 97 00:06:12,868 --> 00:06:19,640 there was even people had been working in a PHP developer role for a while. 98 00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:23,304 And I found that my self-taught skills and 99 00:06:23,304 --> 00:06:28,610 doing that stuff on my own, I was more skilled than they were. 100 00:06:28,610 --> 00:06:33,846 And they had been to university doing, not necessarily a programming degree, 101 00:06:33,846 --> 00:06:39,489 but they've been doing Macromedia director and then went into this PHP afterwards. 102 00:06:39,489 --> 00:06:44,666 So I quickly found myself feeling more confident 103 00:06:44,666 --> 00:06:49,978 with the skill set that I was able to learn myself. 104 00:06:49,978 --> 00:06:53,110 >> I would say the first thing that got any real usage was when 105 00:06:53,110 --> 00:06:55,260 I worked at an apartment complex. 106 00:06:55,260 --> 00:06:59,567 I wrote a program to automatically generate bills for 107 00:06:59,567 --> 00:07:03,502 people when they moved out of their apartments. 108 00:07:03,502 --> 00:07:07,879 So, I wrote a program to take all of our different inspections and 109 00:07:07,879 --> 00:07:10,912 automatically generate the bills for them. 110 00:07:10,912 --> 00:07:12,288 So that would be my first project. 111 00:07:12,288 --> 00:07:15,006 That's all I need, real light of day. 112 00:07:15,006 --> 00:07:19,431 Other than that, most of my personal projects were just kind of learning how to 113 00:07:19,431 --> 00:07:24,005 do things, like work with databases, nothing crazy, little guestbook apps. 114 00:07:24,005 --> 00:07:28,209 So yeah, that would, I guess, be my first real In the world project, 115 00:07:28,209 --> 00:07:32,437 even though I didn't start getting paid for consulting until later. 116 00:07:32,437 --> 00:07:36,490 [MUSIC] 117 00:07:36,490 --> 00:07:40,374 >> I'd say as a newbie, the best thing to be able to do is be able to read code and 118 00:07:40,374 --> 00:07:41,251 understand it. 119 00:07:41,251 --> 00:07:46,003 Because your first job isn't really going to be creating a new project from scratch, 120 00:07:46,003 --> 00:07:47,060 it very rarely is. 121 00:07:47,060 --> 00:07:49,183 Even after a lot of time in the industry, 122 00:07:49,183 --> 00:07:52,624 you're gonna spend a lot more time maintaining other projects. 123 00:07:52,624 --> 00:07:56,195 So being able to take a code base and start mentally modeling so 124 00:07:56,195 --> 00:08:00,041 you can actually get some work done in it, being able to read code, 125 00:08:00,041 --> 00:08:04,090 being able to read bad code, which a lot of the code is bad. 126 00:08:04,090 --> 00:08:05,706 And trying to understand it and 127 00:08:05,706 --> 00:08:09,496 figuring out as you go how you would make it better, is I think the biggest 128 00:08:09,496 --> 00:08:12,688 skill that and being able to communicate with other people. 129 00:08:12,688 --> 00:08:16,861 Because you're usually trying to fill a need, whether it's the need of a client or 130 00:08:16,861 --> 00:08:21,230 your employer or somebody else, you're usually building software to do something. 131 00:08:21,230 --> 00:08:25,908 So being able to communicate effectively with the people you're 132 00:08:25,908 --> 00:08:28,554 trying to help is really important. 133 00:08:28,554 --> 00:08:31,393 >> I would say probably the biggest skill to 134 00:08:31,393 --> 00:08:37,060 have as a web developer is being able to troubleshoot things quickly. 135 00:08:37,060 --> 00:08:38,772 When something goes wrong, 136 00:08:38,772 --> 00:08:42,993 it can be really tempting to check the same things over and over again. 137 00:08:42,993 --> 00:08:46,180 So learning how to troubleshoot things quickly and 138 00:08:46,180 --> 00:08:50,412 effectively is probably, I would say the number one skill to have. 139 00:08:50,412 --> 00:08:55,314 Not just with web development, but in any kind of development. 140 00:08:55,314 --> 00:08:59,749 It'll start with reading documentation and then experimenting and trying new things. 141 00:09:00,910 --> 00:09:04,925 I know it's kind of funny to say but Googling for the error message you're 142 00:09:04,925 --> 00:09:07,990 getting is usually a pretty quick way to troubleshoot. 143 00:09:07,990 --> 00:09:12,732 But that's, I would say probably the main one that separates the developer who can 144 00:09:12,732 --> 00:09:16,600 fix something quickly to from someone who can't. 145 00:09:16,600 --> 00:09:21,480 >> Start enough in the web industry, you need to at least know HTML and 146 00:09:21,480 --> 00:09:26,288 CSS, the front-end stuff, and really basic back-end stuff. 147 00:09:26,288 --> 00:09:30,181 You don't need to know a full web framework, 148 00:09:30,181 --> 00:09:33,771 like Ruby on Rails or anything like that. 149 00:09:33,771 --> 00:09:38,311 You can get away, if you can talk to a mySQL database with PHP and 150 00:09:38,311 --> 00:09:42,865 put information in and get it out, that's about it, really. 151 00:09:42,865 --> 00:09:48,059 That's what some of the client work that you'll work on in 152 00:09:48,059 --> 00:09:53,783 a in a small to medium sized agency are very much brochure sites, 153 00:09:53,783 --> 00:09:58,028 and you can secure those in very, very simply. 154 00:09:58,028 --> 00:10:02,691 [MUSIC] 155 00:10:02,691 --> 00:10:04,649 >> How hard was it to learn these skills? 156 00:10:04,649 --> 00:10:07,247 It's difficult to say because I'm still learning. 157 00:10:07,247 --> 00:10:12,197 I think, for me learning has been something that's been fun and 158 00:10:12,197 --> 00:10:13,670 pretty easy to do. 159 00:10:13,670 --> 00:10:18,206 I mean, I definitely struggle with things but I'm constantly learning, 160 00:10:18,206 --> 00:10:19,722 trying to learn better. 161 00:10:19,722 --> 00:10:22,020 And I think for me, one of the best ways for 162 00:10:22,020 --> 00:10:26,387 me to learn was to do it in a way where I had to teach other people or teach myself. 163 00:10:26,387 --> 00:10:29,769 Because then really helps you learn the material, and 164 00:10:29,769 --> 00:10:34,768 that's probably why I got into teaching as well as my learning style has a lot to do 165 00:10:34,768 --> 00:10:38,462 with being able to explain what I know, at least to myself. 166 00:10:38,462 --> 00:10:40,363 And then being able to take that and 167 00:10:40,363 --> 00:10:44,445 talk to other people has been really effective and me being able to teach. 168 00:10:44,445 --> 00:10:48,999 >> Like anything else, it starts off a lot harder than it is as you go on. 169 00:10:48,999 --> 00:10:52,937 When you first start programming, it can be very intimidating when you encounter 170 00:10:52,937 --> 00:10:56,290 an error message or some sort of problem in your program. 171 00:10:56,290 --> 00:11:00,386 And once you learn how to fix it, kind of the act of going through 172 00:11:00,386 --> 00:11:04,501 that struggle of encountering errors, learning to fix them. 173 00:11:04,501 --> 00:11:09,278 Learning to solve different types of problems starts to get much and much 174 00:11:09,278 --> 00:11:14,772 easier as you go on, because you are able to generalize everything that you learn. 175 00:11:14,772 --> 00:11:19,460 >> I made a conscious effort to learn CSS because it was the proper way to do it. 176 00:11:19,460 --> 00:11:23,561 Before, I was doing tables and table-based designs and 177 00:11:23,561 --> 00:11:28,090 things like that, and that can take quite some time to grasp but 178 00:11:28,090 --> 00:11:31,782 it's through actually trying it in your own time. 179 00:11:31,782 --> 00:11:35,690 It's okay reading a book or blog or a course. 180 00:11:35,690 --> 00:11:42,396 But you really need to start developing your own sites with these things. 181 00:11:42,396 --> 00:11:44,890 So that can take quite a while, but 182 00:11:44,890 --> 00:11:50,055 I would say I was comfortable within a couple of months of working at it. 183 00:11:50,055 --> 00:11:54,930 In terms of PHP and MySQL, it was fairly straightforward. 184 00:11:54,930 --> 00:11:59,960 But then again, it's like I started when I was in my teens doing basic 185 00:11:59,960 --> 00:12:05,614 programming using quickbasic, which is a doc based programming language. 186 00:12:05,614 --> 00:12:12,870 So I had some concepts of conditional statements and subroutines or functions. 187 00:12:12,870 --> 00:12:18,464 So once you've really cracked your first language like PHP, 188 00:12:18,464 --> 00:12:25,901 it's easy to jump off that onto other things like Ruby, JavaScript, Java even. 189 00:12:25,901 --> 00:12:30,128 So what once you know the basic building blocks of any programming language you 190 00:12:30,128 --> 00:12:32,701 can branch out into all these other languages. 191 00:12:32,701 --> 00:12:37,180 [MUSIC] 192 00:12:37,180 --> 00:12:42,403 The way I keep up to date, generally I used to be very 193 00:12:42,403 --> 00:12:48,846 religiously following certain podcasts and tutorial sites, 194 00:12:48,846 --> 00:12:53,721 but eventually it's just too much to process. 195 00:12:53,721 --> 00:12:58,456 And eventually,ibecause the industry is moving so fast, 196 00:12:58,456 --> 00:13:02,336 It's hard to keep on top of all these things, and 197 00:13:02,336 --> 00:13:07,744 what you learn this week may be out of date in two or three weeks time. 198 00:13:07,744 --> 00:13:11,500 Especially with all these open-source frameworks evolving and 199 00:13:11,500 --> 00:13:13,144 developing as new content. 200 00:13:13,144 --> 00:13:15,910 contributors come on board. 201 00:13:15,910 --> 00:13:18,238 It's really hard to keep up with that pace. 202 00:13:18,238 --> 00:13:23,049 So you need to kind of abstract and understand what's going on with nudges, 203 00:13:23,049 --> 00:13:27,470 that's good for many concurrent requests, is it asynchronous? 204 00:13:27,470 --> 00:13:32,684 Whereas Ruby on Rails is a nice crud stack of tools 205 00:13:32,684 --> 00:13:38,543 that you can build APIs with and simple websites with. 206 00:13:38,543 --> 00:13:42,814 So it's about choosing what battles 207 00:13:42,814 --> 00:13:47,642 you're gonna tackle with these things. 208 00:13:47,642 --> 00:13:51,676 If you want to land Ruby on Rails and it's particular to a project, 209 00:13:51,676 --> 00:13:55,870 follow the Ruby on Rails podcast and Ruby shows and things like that. 210 00:13:57,180 --> 00:14:01,500 But in a general sense, you keep looking at Hacker News, 211 00:14:01,500 --> 00:14:06,360 follow some of the frameworks' main contributors on Twitter, 212 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:11,409 get a feel for what's going on, rather than the granular detail. 213 00:14:11,409 --> 00:14:15,710 >> These days it's really important to stay on top of blogs and 214 00:14:15,710 --> 00:14:21,473 what's going on professionally, like with each new release of a web browser, 215 00:14:21,473 --> 00:14:24,158 more and more things are supported. 216 00:14:24,158 --> 00:14:28,982 It's important to stay on top of the latest specs with a framework such as 217 00:14:28,982 --> 00:14:30,340 Ruby on Rails. 218 00:14:30,340 --> 00:14:32,440 There are releases of it all the time. 219 00:14:32,440 --> 00:14:36,429 And with sites like GitHub, you can keep track of all the changes being 220 00:14:36,429 --> 00:14:41,530 added to Rails, and then there's always people writing about what's new. 221 00:14:41,530 --> 00:14:46,490 So by constantly staying on top of that, listening to podcasts, reading 222 00:14:46,490 --> 00:14:51,931 industry standard blogs, you can keep a pretty good handle on what's going on. 223 00:14:51,931 --> 00:14:56,087 Watching things like the Treehouse Show, that's a really good one to watch. 224 00:14:56,087 --> 00:14:57,063 >> How do I keep up? 225 00:14:57,063 --> 00:14:59,548 I don't know if I can keep up with the industry. 226 00:14:59,548 --> 00:15:03,777 Everything moves so fast it's really the valuable. 227 00:15:03,777 --> 00:15:06,625 The skill have is to be able to filter, 228 00:15:06,625 --> 00:15:11,882 because more new things come out every day than he could possibly use. 229 00:15:11,882 --> 00:15:15,995 And so, your time is best spent working on things that are going to pan out and 230 00:15:15,995 --> 00:15:19,595 be helpful, but knowing what those are is really the tough part and 231 00:15:19,595 --> 00:15:21,350 I don't always get that right. 232 00:15:21,350 --> 00:15:25,266 I've wasted my time learning tools that probably are very good, 233 00:15:25,266 --> 00:15:29,405 and I learned a new tool here and there, I just try to keep an eye on it. 234 00:15:29,405 --> 00:15:32,760 When I read about something, try to see if it's being used in practice, 235 00:15:32,760 --> 00:15:34,860 see if it's different from what I'm using. 236 00:15:34,860 --> 00:15:37,885 Different enough to solve new problems and 237 00:15:37,885 --> 00:15:42,430 the things you want to identify when learning something newer. 238 00:15:42,430 --> 00:15:45,279 If it solves the type of problem you have, or 239 00:15:45,279 --> 00:15:48,363 if it solves an entirely new class of problems. 240 00:15:48,363 --> 00:15:52,005 And both are good because you can either improve what you're doing now or 241 00:15:52,005 --> 00:15:56,126 open yourself up to entirely new solutions by learning something based on where it 242 00:15:56,126 --> 00:15:57,337 lies in that spectrum. 243 00:15:57,337 --> 00:15:59,950 [MUSIC] 244 00:16:01,810 --> 00:16:05,251 I definitely enjoy my job as a web developer because I get to build things, 245 00:16:05,251 --> 00:16:07,872 and that's always been my passion is building things. 246 00:16:07,872 --> 00:16:11,864 Whether they're physical things, I was huge into Legos as a child and 247 00:16:11,864 --> 00:16:15,248 built robots in high school, and software development and 248 00:16:15,248 --> 00:16:18,717 web development in general has been a really awesome thing. 249 00:16:18,717 --> 00:16:23,049 Because it allows you to build things very quickly with very low or 250 00:16:23,049 --> 00:16:28,168 possibly zero material costs, you can just come up with an idea some night and 251 00:16:28,168 --> 00:16:30,787 then just spend your time building it. 252 00:16:30,787 --> 00:16:35,233 And you've made this awesome thing just from your brain. 253 00:16:35,233 --> 00:16:40,384 >> I would say in general, I do like working as a web developer, 254 00:16:40,384 --> 00:16:45,636 because it is that instant feedback that you get from building 255 00:16:45,636 --> 00:16:52,990 a product that is either successful or interacts with the client and their users. 256 00:16:52,990 --> 00:16:57,928 And just seeing that story play out is really good. 257 00:16:57,928 --> 00:17:03,539 I would say the bits that I don't enjoy about, say us, sometimes the clients 258 00:17:03,539 --> 00:17:08,478 that you have to take on, out of necessity, to survive sometimes. 259 00:17:08,478 --> 00:17:13,310 But you've always learn something from those interactions. 260 00:17:14,630 --> 00:17:18,629 >> I've definitely had projects that confirm that web development 261 00:17:18,629 --> 00:17:20,307 is what I really like to do. 262 00:17:20,307 --> 00:17:23,497 When you wake up and you're energized to work on the project, and 263 00:17:23,497 --> 00:17:26,746 even tempted to work on it after hours or when you're not working. 264 00:17:26,746 --> 00:17:29,154 Or when you think about it later, 265 00:17:29,154 --> 00:17:33,633 for me that sort of let me know that I was doing the right thing. 266 00:17:33,633 --> 00:17:37,910 >> Like web design, web development is a fast-paced industry with a lot of demands, 267 00:17:37,910 --> 00:17:40,720 but you were definitely rewarded for it. 268 00:17:40,720 --> 00:17:45,513 An entry level developer with sufficient knowledge can expect to start at around 269 00:17:45,513 --> 00:17:47,073 40 to $50,000. 270 00:17:47,073 --> 00:17:50,456 Senior level developers with years of experience and 271 00:17:50,456 --> 00:17:55,201 leadership under their belt can earn upwards of $150,000 a year. 272 00:17:55,201 --> 00:17:58,963 If you like building things from scratch but don't like messing with physical 273 00:17:58,963 --> 00:18:02,497 things, or you love tech but prefer writing code to playing with pixels, 274 00:18:02,497 --> 00:18:05,480 then web development could definitely be the career for you.