1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,330 Another thing you have to do is part of the sales process is write proposals. 2 00:00:05,870 --> 00:00:08,470 Not very easy thing to do especially if really 3 00:00:08,470 --> 00:00:10,330 you're a designer or a developer at heart. 4 00:00:10,740 --> 00:00:13,670 But it's really important is your opportunity to standout from the crowd, 5 00:00:13,670 --> 00:00:18,880 it's your opportunity to grab the perspective client's attention. 6 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:23,370 The first thing to do before you even start writing a proposal, 7 00:00:23,370 --> 00:00:27,340 is talk to the client, pick up the phone 8 00:00:27,340 --> 00:00:30,690 and have a chat with him before putting pen to paper. 9 00:00:31,161 --> 00:00:33,860 It's a chance to ask questions 10 00:00:33,860 --> 00:00:38,110 and a chance to show your expertise and start a conversation. 11 00:00:38,860 --> 00:00:40,950 It's a chance to build a relationship. 12 00:00:41,860 --> 00:00:44,920 Just receiving a printed document through is one thing 13 00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:49,000 but having a conversation with the client is quite another. 14 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:51,680 It changes the whole dynamic of the relationship 15 00:00:51,680 --> 00:00:56,130 and increases the chances of you winning the work a hundredfold 16 00:00:56,680 --> 00:00:59,230 because you show that you care about the project, 17 00:00:59,230 --> 00:01:02,410 you ask intelligent questions, and you come across as the expert. 18 00:01:03,410 --> 00:01:05,370 You build a relationship. 19 00:01:05,370 --> 00:01:10,340 Don't be afraid to challenge the client when you have those conversations as well. 20 00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:14,170 Clients actually want you to provide alternative approaches. 21 00:01:14,170 --> 00:01:18,700 They don't want to spoon feed you. They want you to be the expert. 22 00:01:18,700 --> 00:01:24,540 So it's perfectly okay to may be suggest the old alternative approach to things. 23 00:01:25,850 --> 00:01:29,990 So, when it actually comes to writing the proposal, 24 00:01:29,990 --> 00:01:32,670 how detailed should that proposal be? 25 00:01:32,670 --> 00:01:36,840 Well the answer as with all things is it depends. 26 00:01:36,840 --> 00:01:40,160 It depends on the size of the project for a start. 27 00:01:40,160 --> 00:01:44,650 If it's a massive project, then they can expect the fairly detailed proposal. 28 00:01:44,930 --> 00:01:47,130 If on the other hand it's small piece of work, 29 00:01:47,130 --> 00:01:49,870 then really an email probably is enough. 30 00:01:50,840 --> 00:01:54,390 It doesn't just depend on the size of the project, however, 31 00:01:54,390 --> 00:01:59,710 it also depends on the depth of the brief that you've received. 32 00:02:00,070 --> 00:02:03,910 If you received an invitation to tender or request a proposal, 33 00:02:03,910 --> 00:02:06,970 whatever you want to call it and it's really detailed, 34 00:02:06,970 --> 00:02:10,710 then probably your proposal should be very detailed as well. 35 00:02:11,050 --> 00:02:14,170 If they've not included so much detail, then fine. 36 00:02:14,170 --> 00:02:16,450 You don't respond with this much detail. 37 00:02:17,450 --> 00:02:20,580 It's important to understand the aims of the proposal. 38 00:02:20,580 --> 00:02:23,160 Why are you creating one? 39 00:02:23,160 --> 00:02:26,620 Well, first is to demonstrate your expertise. 40 00:02:26,850 --> 00:02:30,940 It's about giving a sense that you know what you're talking about 41 00:02:30,940 --> 00:02:34,550 and a sense of what it would be like to work with you. 42 00:02:34,550 --> 00:02:37,630 Ultimately, it's all about providing confidence. 43 00:02:37,630 --> 00:02:42,550 A confidence to the client that you can deliver on their project. 44 00:02:43,550 --> 00:02:46,070 So what goes into a proposal? 45 00:02:46,070 --> 00:02:50,350 Well, there's so many things that could go into a proposal 46 00:02:50,350 --> 00:02:53,350 but they don't only to go in there for single one. 47 00:02:53,350 --> 00:02:56,720 Like I said, it depends but some other things would include 48 00:02:57,350 --> 00:02:59,690 a summary of the tasks. 49 00:02:59,690 --> 00:03:03,070 You need to write out what you're going to do for the client. 50 00:03:03,070 --> 00:03:05,510 Fairly obvious. Isn't it really? 51 00:03:05,670 --> 00:03:07,580 But you also need to cover your suitability. 52 00:03:07,580 --> 00:03:10,400 What makes you the right choice for the client? 53 00:03:10,590 --> 00:03:15,510 You need to talk about time scales. And don't be afraid to be honest here. 54 00:03:15,510 --> 00:03:20,350 You're better off saying if you're going to go over that time set scales 55 00:03:20,350 --> 00:03:22,970 rather making promises you can't keep. 56 00:03:23,350 --> 00:03:28,270 Clients are often very grateful for the honesty in the documentation. 57 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:33,070 And if you are saying that it's going to take longer than your competitors, 58 00:03:33,960 --> 00:03:36,680 then they might begin to wonder what the competitors are up to 59 00:03:37,830 --> 00:03:41,710 but if you are going to go over on the time scale, you need to justify why that is, 60 00:03:41,710 --> 00:03:44,090 otherwise, they're not going to believe you. 61 00:03:44,830 --> 00:03:47,010 Then there is pricing. Of course, I've already mentioned that. 62 00:03:47,010 --> 00:03:50,280 That needs to be in your proposal as well. 63 00:03:50,280 --> 00:03:52,680 You also need to cover things like project management. 64 00:03:52,730 --> 00:03:54,780 How often is the client going to hear from you? 65 00:03:54,780 --> 00:03:56,850 How is the relationship going to work? 66 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:00,790 Is it going to be via email? Will there be meetings? What's going on there? 67 00:04:00,790 --> 00:04:04,430 You need some back testing. What devices are you going to test on? 68 00:04:04,430 --> 00:04:06,040 Set some kind of parameters there; 69 00:04:06,040 --> 00:04:08,530 otherwise, they're going to be wondering why their website 70 00:04:08,530 --> 00:04:10,160 isn't working in all sense. 71 00:04:11,190 --> 00:04:14,550 Hosting, we need to talk about that as well. That's a really important thing. 72 00:04:14,550 --> 00:04:17,149 Are they going to be hosting it or are you going to be doing that. 73 00:04:17,430 --> 00:04:19,700 Who's going to be managing that process 74 00:04:19,700 --> 00:04:22,320 and what costs that are associated with that? 75 00:04:22,560 --> 00:04:24,830 Discuss technologies as well. 76 00:04:24,830 --> 00:04:28,460 That's a really important area because you don't want to suggest the technology 77 00:04:28,460 --> 00:04:31,200 that their hosting environment can't support. 78 00:04:31,830 --> 00:04:36,090 Most proposals also should include references. That's a really important thing. 79 00:04:36,090 --> 00:04:39,900 So that the client can go and talk to your existing customers 80 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:43,070 and find out whether you're really as good as you claim. 81 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:46,600 Finally, try and say a little bit about the team 82 00:04:46,600 --> 00:04:48,330 that would be working on the project. 83 00:04:48,560 --> 00:04:50,220 Why those people are suitable? 84 00:04:50,220 --> 00:04:54,430 If it's you--Why you are a great web designer? What makes you different? 85 00:04:54,680 --> 00:04:57,160 If it's with other people, make sure you show exactly 86 00:04:57,160 --> 00:05:00,360 who's going to be working on the project. 87 00:05:00,360 --> 00:05:06,100 Most of all, make sure your proposal is well written and visually engaging. 88 00:05:06,100 --> 00:05:11,150 Put as much work into your proposals as you do into your website. 89 00:05:11,150 --> 00:05:15,470 It is massively important that these documents are really, really good. 90 00:05:15,470 --> 00:05:19,920 Get somebody else to check it as well because that makes a huge difference. 91 00:05:20,620 --> 00:05:23,570 Ultimately, a proposal is your page. 92 00:05:23,570 --> 00:05:26,530 It's how you're presenting yourself to the client. 93 00:05:26,800 --> 00:05:30,280 So it needs a lot of time and lot of intention.