1 00:00:00,634 --> 00:00:04,655 [MUSIC] 2 00:00:04,655 --> 00:00:09,196 Our table is looking pretty good, but there's more that we can do to add 3 00:00:09,196 --> 00:00:12,150 some additional structure to our table, this 4 00:00:12,150 --> 00:00:15,482 extra structure can be helpful for automated pieces 5 00:00:15,482 --> 00:00:18,282 of software, like search engines or screen 6 00:00:18,282 --> 00:00:21,992 readers, but it's also helpful for designers, because 7 00:00:21,992 --> 00:00:24,794 it adds some additional elements that can be 8 00:00:24,794 --> 00:00:27,550 targeted with CSS, so let's take a look. 9 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:33,740 Similar to the structure of an HTML document, where we have a head and 10 00:00:33,740 --> 00:00:39,280 a body, we can also add a head and a body to our table. 11 00:00:39,280 --> 00:00:42,710 Now, we won't use the same HTML elements, because that would 12 00:00:42,710 --> 00:00:48,400 be invalid syntax but we can add a table head element. 13 00:00:49,510 --> 00:00:58,280 So, I'm going to type this in here and this is going to wrap, the first row 14 00:01:00,990 --> 00:01:08,840 in our table and I'm just going to highlight this and indent it there we go. 15 00:01:10,280 --> 00:01:13,960 And the table head element is actually a 16 00:01:13,960 --> 00:01:20,670 completely different element, from the table header cell element. 17 00:01:20,670 --> 00:01:26,020 The table head element, warps a set of rows that defines the 18 00:01:26,020 --> 00:01:32,580 columns, for table, which is what these table header cell elements define. 19 00:01:32,580 --> 00:01:40,770 Now, the table head elements Is not 100% necessary, but it's nice to define 20 00:01:40,770 --> 00:01:43,710 this for search engine crawlers and access 21 00:01:43,710 --> 00:01:48,030 ability purposes, and it's also helpful for styling. 22 00:01:48,030 --> 00:01:53,430 So let's save this out, switch back to our preview, 23 00:01:53,430 --> 00:01:58,490 and now you'll notice that this is nicely styled and highlighted, and 24 00:01:58,490 --> 00:02:03,620 that's because there is some CSS included with this workspace, that will 25 00:02:03,620 --> 00:02:09,360 automatically target the table head and highlight it nicely. 26 00:02:09,360 --> 00:02:13,260 So let's go back to our workspace, and let's add a 27 00:02:13,260 --> 00:02:18,414 T body element, so I'm going to put that right here. 28 00:02:18,414 --> 00:02:25,870 And I will close it down 29 00:02:25,870 --> 00:02:32,070 here at the bottom, and the table body will wrap all of the content 30 00:02:32,070 --> 00:02:36,930 of our table, and not anything that actually labels our columns, like up here. 31 00:02:38,280 --> 00:02:45,260 So, I'll indent that by one tab, save that out, and switch back and refresh, 32 00:02:45,260 --> 00:02:50,154 and you shouldn't really notice anything different, but similar to the T-head, 33 00:02:50,154 --> 00:02:56,130 the T-body, just defines the body of table, and it should always wrap 34 00:02:56,130 --> 00:03:02,290 all of the data, Inside of your table and shouldn't include the first row. 35 00:03:02,290 --> 00:03:06,090 This element is also optional but it is nice to have