1 00:00:01,860 --> 00:00:02,360 Hi. 2 00:00:04,410 --> 00:00:07,240 And welcome to the Treehouse Club. 3 00:00:07,240 --> 00:00:10,460 I'm Joy, and in this course, My First Webpage, 4 00:00:10,460 --> 00:00:14,810 you're going to expand your learning about HTML structure and begin to 5 00:00:14,810 --> 00:00:20,090 explore how your style sheet can help you make your page look the way you want. 6 00:00:20,090 --> 00:00:24,050 To begin, we're gonna connect the style sheet to your HTML document. 7 00:00:24,050 --> 00:00:28,740 And then learn about a few new tags to make your text colorful, choose fonts, 8 00:00:28,740 --> 00:00:30,550 upload pictures, and more. 9 00:00:30,550 --> 00:00:31,150 Let's check it out! 10 00:00:32,730 --> 00:00:36,830 You can begin by clicking on the Launch Workspace button next to the video. 11 00:00:37,850 --> 00:00:42,670 If these files don't come up right away, here I'll show you. 12 00:00:42,670 --> 00:00:47,118 If it looks like this or if you have a welcome page you can 13 00:00:47,118 --> 00:00:52,850 just click on the index.html and style.css and they'll reappear. 14 00:00:52,850 --> 00:00:57,660 Here's a preview of the code and here's the preview when I view it in the browser. 15 00:00:57,660 --> 00:01:01,200 I chose to do a purple theme because I was inspired by the polka dots in 16 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:02,780 the background in my image. 17 00:01:02,780 --> 00:01:06,900 You can choose whatever color or picture that suites your taste. 18 00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:10,950 As always, you have full artistic license here, so do whatever you want. 19 00:01:10,950 --> 00:01:12,210 Dabbing into the code, 20 00:01:12,210 --> 00:01:16,180 the first thing you're gonna wanna change is my picture to your picture. 21 00:01:16,180 --> 00:01:18,940 Here, in the body, is our image tag. 22 00:01:18,940 --> 00:01:21,350 And to change the picture, I'm gonna have to have a new picture. 23 00:01:22,430 --> 00:01:27,520 So, I've put one here on my desktop, and I'm gonna upload it to my workspace. 24 00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:30,430 You know you've hit the right area at the bottom of the file tree 25 00:01:30,430 --> 00:01:32,990 when that green plus sign appears. 26 00:01:32,990 --> 00:01:35,570 Once it's uploaded, like mine, 27 00:01:35,570 --> 00:01:38,700 you might need to change the name of your picture right away. 28 00:01:38,700 --> 00:01:42,670 Now I'm gonna press Ctrl and click on it. 29 00:01:42,670 --> 00:01:46,400 And in the menu, you can see down here it says Rename. 30 00:01:46,400 --> 00:01:49,720 I definitely want the .jpg still there. 31 00:01:49,720 --> 00:01:51,235 All of these numbers are gonna go. 32 00:01:51,235 --> 00:01:55,628 [SOUND] And I'll make it joy1. 33 00:01:55,628 --> 00:01:59,458 Then in my index.html file, under the image, 34 00:01:59,458 --> 00:02:04,260 the path to the image with src, I'm gonna change to joy1. 35 00:02:05,610 --> 00:02:10,400 And my name's still Joy, but you should change the Alt to your name. 36 00:02:10,400 --> 00:02:13,930 Then I'll save it, and refresh the page. 37 00:02:13,930 --> 00:02:15,560 And my new picture's there. 38 00:02:15,560 --> 00:02:16,810 Great. 39 00:02:16,810 --> 00:02:22,130 Back in the HTML document, most things inside the body should look familiar. 40 00:02:22,130 --> 00:02:26,770 Like our level one and level two headlines, and our paragraph tag. 41 00:02:26,770 --> 00:02:29,260 Level three and four headlines are new. 42 00:02:29,260 --> 00:02:31,060 And you should play around with those and see what they do. 43 00:02:32,290 --> 00:02:34,900 Inside the head element, there are some new tags. 44 00:02:34,900 --> 00:02:38,830 And I promise, we will go over those in more detail later on. 45 00:02:38,830 --> 00:02:42,460 However, for now, let's get into our style sheet. 46 00:02:42,460 --> 00:02:45,930 I've broken it up with comments, as you can see here. 47 00:02:45,930 --> 00:02:49,380 This is the top bar color and here's the body styling. 48 00:02:49,380 --> 00:02:51,330 I tried to make them really clear, so 49 00:02:51,330 --> 00:02:55,380 that while you're styling this page, you can see where everything is. 50 00:02:55,380 --> 00:02:58,660 Back up at the top of our style sheet it says, Top Bar color. 51 00:02:58,660 --> 00:03:03,720 And here on our webpage, there's a color at the top of our webpage. 52 00:03:03,720 --> 00:03:07,770 When we scroll over this hexadecimal color, and I'll tell you more about those 53 00:03:07,770 --> 00:03:12,630 later, you can see that there's a nice picture of what that color's gonna be. 54 00:03:13,670 --> 00:03:16,780 Down here is a three digit hexadecimal color. 55 00:03:16,780 --> 00:03:19,140 Again, we'll talk more about those in the future. 56 00:03:19,140 --> 00:03:21,190 But you should try changing these number and 57 00:03:21,190 --> 00:03:24,730 letter combinations around and see what they do. 58 00:03:24,730 --> 00:03:29,870 There's also a few more down here in our headlines. 59 00:03:29,870 --> 00:03:32,560 And the last one is the h4 headline. 60 00:03:32,560 --> 00:03:36,800 Something else you're gonna wanna do is change the border radius on our image. 61 00:03:36,800 --> 00:03:40,980 I made it 100% which almost makes it look like a circle. 62 00:03:40,980 --> 00:03:46,510 But if I changed it to 10%, saved it and refresh the browser. 63 00:03:46,510 --> 00:03:49,820 You can see it's much more squared off and 64 00:03:49,820 --> 00:03:52,100 it's just the little corners that are rounded out. 65 00:03:53,110 --> 00:03:56,010 The last thing I'll point out before letting you get to 66 00:03:56,010 --> 00:03:57,810 editing is the font size. 67 00:03:57,810 --> 00:04:01,940 Try and change these around in the body and 68 00:04:01,940 --> 00:04:05,580 the headlines to see what different sizes they make. 69 00:04:05,580 --> 00:04:09,610 These are called ems, and again, we'll talk more about those in the future. 70 00:04:09,610 --> 00:04:13,940 But for now, play around with them, see what they do. 71 00:04:13,940 --> 00:04:15,290 All right, it's your turn. 72 00:04:15,290 --> 00:04:18,240 Change everything in the workspace to make it your own. 73 00:04:18,240 --> 00:04:21,930 And when you're ready, I'll explain each element in detail. 74 00:04:21,930 --> 00:04:26,220 Just a reminder, if you ever want to revert back to the original code, you 75 00:04:26,220 --> 00:04:31,030 can copy and paste the line you need, or the whole code, from the teacher's notes. 76 00:04:31,030 --> 00:04:31,530 Have fun