1 00:00:00,330 --> 00:00:01,040 I'm Nick Pettit. 2 00:00:01,040 --> 00:00:01,870 >> I'm Jason Seifer. 3 00:00:01,870 --> 00:00:05,060 >> And you're watching the Treehouse Show, your weekly dose of Internets where we're 4 00:00:05,060 --> 00:00:07,730 talking about all things web design, web development and more. 5 00:00:07,730 --> 00:00:13,010 >> In this episode, we'll be talking about icons, cheat sheets, fonts and more. 6 00:00:13,010 --> 00:00:14,492 >> Let's check it out. 7 00:00:14,492 --> 00:00:19,151 [MUSIC] 8 00:00:19,151 --> 00:00:22,300 First up is an icon set called. 9 00:00:23,310 --> 00:00:25,780 ICONO, ICONO. 10 00:00:25,780 --> 00:00:26,960 >> I, I, ICONO. 11 00:00:26,960 --> 00:00:28,620 I, I, I don't ICONO. 12 00:00:28,620 --> 00:00:29,680 >> Oh, I see. 13 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:31,210 Oh, no. 14 00:00:32,320 --> 00:00:33,280 >> I co, yes. 15 00:00:34,660 --> 00:00:35,750 >> I, co, no. 16 00:00:35,750 --> 00:00:40,810 Okay, well anyway, it's pure CSS icons with only one element. 17 00:00:40,810 --> 00:00:43,210 So each one of these things you see here. 18 00:00:43,210 --> 00:00:44,030 >> I can't believe it. 19 00:00:44,030 --> 00:00:45,873 Is the element surprise? 20 00:00:45,873 --> 00:00:49,392 [BLANK_AUDIO] 21 00:00:49,392 --> 00:00:50,500 Get it? 22 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:51,620 >> I, I got it. 23 00:00:51,620 --> 00:00:55,710 So, all of these elements here, all of these icons here are comprised of 24 00:00:55,710 --> 00:00:59,800 one element, and they're just styled with CSS. 25 00:00:59,800 --> 00:01:02,250 So, that's pretty amazing. 26 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:05,670 And if you want to use it in your website, 27 00:01:05,670 --> 00:01:11,120 you can just download icono.min.css and 28 00:01:11,120 --> 00:01:17,580 then link it into your web page, and then you can go ahead and use these. 29 00:01:17,580 --> 00:01:23,430 You can also check out the GitHub repo, and if you want to watch that and see. 30 00:01:23,430 --> 00:01:27,030 I don't know what new icons come out in this icon set or don't. 31 00:01:27,030 --> 00:01:28,060 I mean, it's, it's up to you. 32 00:01:28,060 --> 00:01:29,030 >> Yeah, we're not the boss of you. 33 00:01:29,030 --> 00:01:32,480 We just, we just politely suggest links, it's up to you if you wanna go to them. 34 00:01:32,480 --> 00:01:33,360 >> I'm not here to judge. 35 00:01:33,360 --> 00:01:35,900 >> Yeah, we support your decision either way. 36 00:01:35,900 --> 00:01:40,460 But those icons are on GitHub, and next up is a great segway into a GitHub 37 00:01:40,460 --> 00:01:45,680 cheat sheet, and you can also find this cheat sheet on where else? 38 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:46,780 GitHub. 39 00:01:46,780 --> 00:01:48,180 >> GitHub,. 40 00:01:48,180 --> 00:01:51,010 >> I know you're expecting me to say CNN.com. 41 00:01:51,010 --> 00:01:52,020 Nope. 42 00:01:52,020 --> 00:01:56,550 Anyway, this is a wonderfully cool collection of hidden and not so 43 00:01:56,550 --> 00:01:59,710 hidden features of Git and GitHub. 44 00:01:59,710 --> 00:02:05,230 Now, a lot these start with things that you can add to the url of something and 45 00:02:05,230 --> 00:02:08,080 you could do things like ignore whitespace. 46 00:02:08,080 --> 00:02:14,820 So if you add a question mark and w equals one to any dif the URL will remove 47 00:02:14,820 --> 00:02:20,040 any changes only in white space which lets you just see the code that has changed. 48 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:26,830 You can also do fun things like adjust the spacing of tabs from 4 spaces, to 2 49 00:02:26,830 --> 00:02:30,750 spaces, to 8, you know, whatever, whatever your little heart desires you can do. 50 00:02:30,750 --> 00:02:35,050 More URL tricks, you can see the commit history by author, 51 00:02:35,050 --> 00:02:38,570 just put author in the query string. 52 00:02:38,570 --> 00:02:42,570 Alright, and we're not going to get to far into this because there are an absolute 53 00:02:42,570 --> 00:02:47,740 ton of different items on here because this is a very impressive cheat sheet, but 54 00:02:47,740 --> 00:02:51,770 we will have a link in the show notes that you can check out right below this video. 55 00:02:51,770 --> 00:02:52,420 >> Very nice, Duff. 56 00:02:52,420 --> 00:02:57,364 Well, next up is the challenge for web designers in 2015 parenthesis or 57 00:02:57,364 --> 00:03:00,050 how to cheat at the future. 58 00:03:00,050 --> 00:03:05,700 That's the title of this blog post and it's basically about how 59 00:03:05,700 --> 00:03:10,670 this person thinks we're at an inflection point very similar to Ajax. 60 00:03:10,670 --> 00:03:13,740 So when Ajax first came around it was all new and 61 00:03:13,740 --> 00:03:18,370 different and now, Ajax is everywhere. 62 00:03:18,370 --> 00:03:19,650 So. 63 00:03:19,650 --> 00:03:23,460 If you kind of look around at the technology available to us now, 64 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:28,620 particularly in phones, a phone can do all of these things, and, 65 00:03:28,620 --> 00:03:32,070 in fact, a laptop can do many of these things, as well. 66 00:03:32,070 --> 00:03:36,310 So you can capture the screen, the phone could listen, or 67 00:03:36,310 --> 00:03:39,960 record video and audio, can respond to ambient light, 68 00:03:39,960 --> 00:03:45,210 can vibrate, you can work off line, you could use the camera, all sorts of stuff. 69 00:03:45,210 --> 00:03:50,430 And basically, looking a couple of years in to the future, 70 00:03:50,430 --> 00:03:56,230 kind of based on what we've seen in the App Store, and the Android stores, 71 00:03:56,230 --> 00:04:00,240 you can kind of look in to the future and look at these design patterns, and 72 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:04,880 get a sense of where the web might be going in a couple of years. 73 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:09,130 So the challenge is not to just wait around and 74 00:04:09,130 --> 00:04:14,100 do this, but instead of waiting five years, just try to work at some of 75 00:04:14,100 --> 00:04:19,040 these things right now and, kind of, I guess, design what is lacking. 76 00:04:19,040 --> 00:04:20,560 That's what they say in the article. 77 00:04:20,560 --> 00:04:23,710 >> The future is today. 78 00:04:23,710 --> 00:04:25,950 >> Only if you make it today. 79 00:04:25,950 --> 00:04:28,180 >> Yesterday, already happened. 80 00:04:29,670 --> 00:04:30,490 >> That's always true. 81 00:04:32,250 --> 00:04:35,960 >> Next up we have a collection of essential JavaScript links. 82 00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:41,710 This is a wonderfully large collection of you guessed it, links about JavaScript. 83 00:04:41,710 --> 00:04:44,660 Now, this is opinionated and 84 00:04:44,660 --> 00:04:49,800 the author also would like to say that hey it has no bearing on whether or 85 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:52,900 not the links make the lists, some of them are affiliate links. 86 00:04:52,900 --> 00:04:57,910 So that's just a little little disclaimer that we have upfront and 87 00:04:57,910 --> 00:05:00,860 also not not in cahoots with the treehouse show. 88 00:05:00,860 --> 00:05:04,450 Anyway there are a lot of great reading materials if you are looking to 89 00:05:04,450 --> 00:05:08,870 learn JavaScript there is great reading learning JavaScript essentials. 90 00:05:08,870 --> 00:05:11,670 This is for all skill levels. 91 00:05:11,670 --> 00:05:16,630 There is required viewing, this is a small collection of different 92 00:05:16,630 --> 00:05:21,570 videos about JavaScript and how to do great coding. 93 00:05:21,570 --> 00:05:23,465 Interesting things like immutable data and 94 00:05:23,465 --> 00:05:28,160 react.js, which is a really cool library that we haven't gone too far into. 95 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:30,280 Even links to the different specs and 96 00:05:30,280 --> 00:05:34,600 the ecma six script draft there's a collection of books and 97 00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:38,690 different tools and libraries, just a ton of different things, so if your looking to 98 00:05:38,690 --> 00:05:43,238 get a little bit further into JavaScript coding this is a great list to start with. 99 00:05:43,238 --> 00:05:44,450 >> Very nice, Duff. 100 00:05:44,450 --> 00:05:46,220 Well next up is Font Pair. 101 00:05:46,220 --> 00:05:50,320 This is a website that helps you pair Google fonts together. 102 00:05:50,320 --> 00:05:55,370 So, if I just scroll down the page here you can see, oh, okay, so 103 00:05:55,370 --> 00:06:00,330 the heading is this font and then the body is just average. 104 00:06:00,330 --> 00:06:02,390 Oh, that's the name of the font, okay. 105 00:06:02,390 --> 00:06:08,240 And here we have ice talk web and then the body's Laura. 106 00:06:08,240 --> 00:06:11,530 And here the heading is Lato and Merriweather. 107 00:06:11,530 --> 00:06:12,250 It's pretty cool. 108 00:06:12,250 --> 00:06:14,620 These fonts actually look really nice together. 109 00:06:14,620 --> 00:06:17,020 And, so, if you're preparing papyrus and 110 00:06:17,020 --> 00:06:19,780 comic sans together, then maybe this is the website for you. 111 00:06:19,780 --> 00:06:20,640 If I- 112 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:22,100 >> This, this is a nice website. 113 00:06:22,100 --> 00:06:28,190 I would like it to also suggest like maybe cheese and, and burger pairings. 114 00:06:28,190 --> 00:06:29,790 You know, get a little burger menu on here. 115 00:06:29,790 --> 00:06:30,380 >> Yeah. 116 00:06:30,380 --> 00:06:31,110 >> Sounds delicious. 117 00:06:31,110 --> 00:06:32,950 >> That would, that would be a nice website. 118 00:06:32,950 --> 00:06:34,570 >> I wish to make that. 119 00:06:34,570 --> 00:06:35,570 >> I, I- >> Wanna make that? 120 00:06:35,570 --> 00:06:36,840 You wanna make a website together? 121 00:06:36,840 --> 00:06:38,570 >> Yeah, yeah. >> You want a weird website journey? 122 00:06:38,570 --> 00:06:39,530 >> Yeah, I like websites. 123 00:06:39,530 --> 00:06:40,125 >> I like websites. 124 00:06:40,125 --> 00:06:45,840 >> If you click here, you can say maybe you want a cursive font and then a serif 125 00:06:45,840 --> 00:06:50,770 font but, you're not quite sure which ones of those will look good together. 126 00:06:50,770 --> 00:06:56,540 Well, you can click on that and here we have some cursive fonts and 127 00:06:56,540 --> 00:06:59,920 then we have some serif fonts. 128 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:01,820 So, pretty cool. 129 00:07:01,820 --> 00:07:06,240 It's very helpful if you just need to pick some fonts real quick and 130 00:07:06,240 --> 00:07:08,380 you have maybe one font that you like but 131 00:07:08,380 --> 00:07:12,940 you're not sure what font might go with it, so pretty cool, pretty helpful. 132 00:07:12,940 --> 00:07:14,020 >> Yeah I'm really hungry now. 133 00:07:14,020 --> 00:07:15,505 >> Yeah for the hamburgers. 134 00:07:15,505 --> 00:07:16,160 >> Mm-hm. 135 00:07:16,160 --> 00:07:18,130 But anyway, that's all we have time for this week. 136 00:07:18,130 --> 00:07:18,798 Nick who are you on Twitter? 137 00:07:18,798 --> 00:07:19,816 >> I am at @nickrp. 138 00:07:19,816 --> 00:07:20,770 >> And I am at @jseifer. 139 00:07:20,770 --> 00:07:23,660 For more information on anything we talked about check out the show notes right below 140 00:07:23,660 --> 00:07:24,160 this video. 141 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:26,806 We want to thank everybody for watching and we'll talk to you next week. 142 00:07:26,806 --> 00:07:28,168 See you later. 143 00:07:28,168 --> 00:07:34,809 [MUSIC]