1 00:00:00,480 --> 00:00:04,830 Thanks for joining Treehouse, and continuing your lifelong learning journey. 2 00:00:04,830 --> 00:00:08,200 If you're like me, you've got a lot of things going on in your life, and 3 00:00:08,200 --> 00:00:11,370 it can be difficult to find the time to study. 4 00:00:11,370 --> 00:00:15,880 To learn most successfully, we recommend making learning a habit, 5 00:00:15,880 --> 00:00:19,820 here are three tips to help you make learning a part of your life. 6 00:00:19,820 --> 00:00:21,990 Spread your learning over the week. 7 00:00:21,990 --> 00:00:27,500 Trying to cram six hours of study, in on a Sunday afternoon isn't always easy, 8 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:30,600 and it isn't very effective either. 9 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:33,120 Research shows that learning more frequently, but for 10 00:00:33,120 --> 00:00:38,150 less time is better than cramming your studies into one long session. 11 00:00:38,150 --> 00:00:40,950 To be more successful, spread out your learning time over the week, 12 00:00:42,010 --> 00:00:46,680 the more often the better, but three times in a week is great. 13 00:00:46,680 --> 00:00:48,350 Set a weekly schedule. 14 00:00:48,350 --> 00:00:51,860 Schedule at least three time in the next week for learning, 15 00:00:51,860 --> 00:00:56,540 it doesn't have to be a lot of time, 15 to 30 minutes as session is reasonable, 16 00:00:56,540 --> 00:01:00,760 spending an hour is great, but don't burn yourself out, you are creating 17 00:01:00,760 --> 00:01:04,967 a lifetime commitment to learning, which is a marathon not a sprint. 18 00:01:04,967 --> 00:01:07,770 Pause this video, open your calendar, and 19 00:01:07,770 --> 00:01:12,050 schedule this week's learning now, make it a habit. 20 00:01:12,050 --> 00:01:14,140 Once you've set aside the time to learn, 21 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:18,605 stick to your schedule, the more you make learning a routine part of your life, 22 00:01:18,605 --> 00:01:22,835 the easier it will become, and the more natural it will feel. 23 00:01:22,835 --> 00:01:26,045 Creating a learning habit is only the first step 24 00:01:26,045 --> 00:01:27,735 towards becoming a lifelong learner.