1 00:00:00,520 --> 00:00:03,680 In this video, we'll begin building the large page header 2 00:00:03,680 --> 00:00:08,560 containing the Full Stack Conf headline, lead text, and call to action buttons. 3 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:12,810 This is an important section of the page, so we'll need to draw attention to it. 4 00:00:12,810 --> 00:00:15,960 Bootstrap has just the component for that, Jumbotron. 5 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:19,880 The Jumbotron component is ideal for showcasing key content and 6 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:20,960 calls to action. 7 00:00:20,960 --> 00:00:23,920 It gives important content the emphasis it requires. 8 00:00:23,920 --> 00:00:27,284 So, back in Index.html, right below the navbar and 9 00:00:27,284 --> 00:00:32,468 outside of the main container, I'll add comments for the Jumbotron component. 10 00:00:41,831 --> 00:00:44,729 I'm going to use the Fluid jumbotron shown here so 11 00:00:44,729 --> 00:00:49,790 that it extends the full viewport width without the rounded corners on each side. 12 00:00:49,790 --> 00:00:52,870 So I'll copy the fluid jumbotron snippet and 13 00:00:52,870 --> 00:00:55,959 paste it between my jumbotron comment tags. 14 00:01:04,110 --> 00:01:07,362 In my jumbotron, I want a larger heading, so 15 00:01:07,362 --> 00:01:10,590 I will change the h1 class to display-2. 16 00:01:10,590 --> 00:01:16,972 Then, between the h1 tags, I'll add the conference name, Full Stack Conf. 17 00:01:19,718 --> 00:01:22,850 Then I'll add a short description as the lead text. 18 00:01:22,850 --> 00:01:27,024 So I'll replace the paragraph text with 19 00:01:27,024 --> 00:01:32,556 A One-day Conference About All Things JavaScript. 20 00:01:38,442 --> 00:01:42,932 The jumbotron displays dark text against a light grey background by default, but 21 00:01:42,932 --> 00:01:47,100 you can change the colors using Bootstrap's color scheme classes. 22 00:01:47,100 --> 00:01:49,430 So let's use the same white text and 23 00:01:49,430 --> 00:01:53,620 light blue background combination we used earlier in the coming soon page. 24 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:58,608 So I'll give jumbotron the class bg-info. 25 00:02:02,646 --> 00:02:07,277 And I want to display white text against the blue background, so 26 00:02:07,277 --> 00:02:09,781 I'll add the class text-white. 27 00:02:13,972 --> 00:02:20,316 Finally, I'll center align the content inside the jumbotron starting 28 00:02:20,316 --> 00:02:27,400 in the small break point range by giving its container a class text-sm-center. 29 00:02:28,760 --> 00:02:33,521 And I'll increase the top padding of the jumbotron container by three rem 30 00:02:33,521 --> 00:02:36,605 using the utility class PT, or padding top 5. 31 00:02:40,128 --> 00:02:42,140 That was pretty quick and easy, right? 32 00:02:42,140 --> 00:02:46,310 So up next, we'll add call out buttons to the page using the button and 33 00:02:46,310 --> 00:02:47,570 button group components.