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Python Python Basics All Together Now Handle Exceptions

Johannes Bizimis
Johannes Bizimis
1,332 Points

Different solution

Hey, so I wrote working code that runs good, but I used a different way: Instead of saying: if numb_tickets > tickets_remaining: raise ValueError ..... I just said: if if numb_tickets > tickets_remainin: print(name, ", you selected too many tickets. There are only", tickets_remaining, "left for sale"). Is this also okay or is there only one right way here?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

In real life development, there is hardly ever a single "right" way to solve a programming problem. But you may be given certain criteria that have to be met in your code.

The point of this particular lesson is handling exceptions, so just printing a message without raising an exception doesn't address the purpose of this exercise.