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JavaScript Interacting with the DOM Responding to Events Functions as Parameters

Farai Tanekha
Farai Tanekha
5,500 Points

Indentation & differentiating between regular function and arrow function

Great presentation! I just thought there were 2 things that could be added to make it better:

  1. Include indentation withing the function body
  2. Make clear the difference between a regular anonymous function vs an (anonymous) arrow function, as some beginners watching the video may not be aware of this.

For example:

  • Anonymous regular function (declaration):

    function (){
    \s console.log("I am an anonymous function with clear indentation in my function body.")
  • Arrow function

    ()=> {
    \s console.log("I am an arrow function with clear indentation in my function body.")

Please, note that I have used the JS metacharacter \s to indicate space/ indentation as I couldn't find the right markdown for it.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

He had to insert new lines from the bottom to prevent the editor from auto-indenting!   :see_no_evil:

And spaces are not collapsed inside a Markdown code section. So you can just put the actual number of spaces that you want displayed.
For example:

  <-- two spaces
        <-- eight spaces