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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Improve the Quiz – One Solution

Is this javascript implentation okay?

I created this code for the class of Javascript Arrays - Improve-the-quiz-one-solution Is this ok?

// 1. Create a multidimensional array to hold quiz questions and answers const questions = [ ['How many continents are there?', 7], ['What year was Javascript created?', 1995], ['How old are you?', 22] ] const correctArray = [] const wrongArray = [] // 2. Store the number of questions answered correctly let correctlyAnswer=0;


  1. Use a loop to cycle through each question
    • Present each question to the user
    • Compare the user's response to answer in the array
    • If the response matches the answer, the number of correctly answered questions increments by 1
      */ for(let i=0;i<questions.length; i++){ let answer = prompt(`${questions[i][0]}`); if(answer== questions[i][1]){ correctlyAnswer++; correctArray.push(questions[i]); } else{ wrongArray.push(questions[i]); } } // 4. Display the number of correct answers to the user const main = document.querySelector('main') main.innerHTML = `<p> You have answered ${correctlyAnswer} questions</p>`

function testFunction (arr,status){ let response = <h2>You answered ${status} these questions:</h2> for(let i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ response += `<li>${arr[i]}</li>` } return response } main.innerHTML += testFunction(correctArray,'correctly') main.innerHTML += testFunction(wrongArray, 'wrongly' )

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

This code is probably fine, but it's hard to read here. When posting code, always use Markdown formatting to preserve the code's appearance and retain special symbols.

An even better way to share code is to make a snapshot of your workspace and post the link to it.