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Databases SQL Basics Finding the Data You Want Finding Data that Matches a Pattern

Nameer Jamal
Nameer Jamal
309 Points

n the e-commerce database we have a products table. The columns are id, name, description and price. Find all the produ

In the e-commerce database we have a products table. The columns are id, name, description and price. Find all the products where the pattern 't-shirt' can be found anywhere in the product name.

Nameer Jamal
Nameer Jamal
309 Points

In the e-commerce database we have a products table. The columns are id, name, description and price. Find all the products table. Use any valid values you want. All columns are required. The id column is auto incrementing. Answer please

1 Answer

Mark Sebeck
Mark Sebeck
Treehouse Moderator 37,750 Points

Hi Nameer Jamal. Do you have a specific question about this Challenge? If you post your code someone can help. If you need a hint to get started I think you will need to use the keyword "LIKE" with a wild card.