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Ruby Ruby Blocks Working With Blocks Block Method Practice: Arrays

"The 'house' variable did not contain the correct elements"? Not sure what I'm doing wrong here

Here is my code:

array = ["Tree", "House"] house = [] house.push(array.select { |item| item.length > 4 })

Not sure why it's saying the 'house' variable doesn't contain correct elements. Ran the exact lines of code in my own IDE and it returns house array with 'house' as it's only item (as it should). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?

array = ["Tree", "House"]
house = []
house.push(array.select { |item| item.length > 4 })

1 Answer

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

I like your approach! However, the push statement is not needed here. This is what you are looking for:

array = ["Tree", "House"]
house = array.select{ |n| n.length > 4 }

Thanks Jeff! That makes a lot of sense now.