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PHP Object-Oriented PHP Basics Building the Recipe Static

Jaroslav Bílek
Jaroslav Bílek
9,415 Points

Why is it not possible to discuss problems with others and get hints in teamtreehouse?

I am currently working on a task in OO PHP Basics. I would expect that people would give some kind of assistance when they get stuck. But nothing like that exists. There are no direct forums or hints connected to individual tasks. I cannot even discuss it directly with others. Instead I am forced to write questions to some anonymous place via this Ask a Question thing.


class Render {
   public static function displayDimensions($size)
     $size = array(
        "length" => $length,
        "width" => $width);
     $output = $size["length"] . " x " . $size["width"];
     return $output;



1 Answer

Jason Anders
Jason Anders
Treehouse Moderator 145,858 Points

Hi Jaroslav Bílek

You're not actually writing a question to "some anonymous place." With the "Ask a Question" link By using that link, you are posting your question, problem, confusion, etc. here in the Treehouse Community, which is exactly where one goes to talk to people for assistance or "get hints" when one is stuck or confused. The threads in the Community are often very active and many conversations are on going at any given time.
When you post your question, it is best to use a short but descriptive title as to what you are experiencing. Then in the body of the post, be very specific with that you are having problems with, what you have tried, what the desired outcome is, and include any code or error messages you have or have received. Just make sure when sharing code to use Markdown or provide a Snapshot.
Additionally, you can posit a general question simply by going to the community and click the "Ask" button.

So, anytime you feel stuck or need a hint. Please, feel free to visit the Treehouse Community, where many are waiting and willing to help. Incidentally, you can search the Community too. More than likely, you are not the only one that experiences the same problem. Searching the Community can yield your answers without even having to post.

Keep Coding! :) :dizzy:

Jason ~Treehouse Community Moderator