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HTML HTML Basics Going Further with HTML Links and Paths Challenge

Hello, can you tell me what is wrong with my code for this task?

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Portfolio Page</title>
    <img src="../img/logo.png" alt="Site logo">
      <li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="/#portfolio">Portfolio</a></li>                
    <h1 id="portfolio">My Portfolio...</h1>

1 Answer

Rick Gleitz
Rick Gleitz
47,413 Points

Hi Muriel,

It looks like you're working on the third challenge. Since you are navigating on the same page to the My Portfolio section, you don't need the / before the #portfolio. Hope this helps!

Oh my goodness !! Thank you so much, I was so baffled by that challenge, I had no clue why the code wasnt working properly. It seems like always the smallest things that can cause a large issue. Thanks again!