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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Build a Quiz Challenge – One Solution

Naoki Yoshida
Naoki Yoshida
6,984 Points

My answers are strings. ".toLowerCase" doesn't work.

My answers to the questions are strings type values. In the "if" statement, in the conditional part, when I add to the response variable ".toLowerCase", all the iterations result in false even when I answer the prompt correctly. Why is happening this? Please Help!

let questions = [
  ["Where is my mind?","in one place"],
  ["What drives humans?","love"],
  ["Are you happy?","yes"]

let correctAnswers = 0

 for (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
   let submit = prompt(questions[i][0]);
   if (submit.toLowerCase === questions[i][1]) {

document.querySelector('main').innerHTML = `You answered correctly ${correctAnswers} questions.`;

1 Answer

Tony Idehen
Tony Idehen
8,059 Points

Check the toLowerCase() I think it needs brackets.