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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements The Conditional Challenge Solution

Zaal Rottunda
Zaal Rottunda
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Student 1,796 Points

My code isn't generating the prompts after prompt 1, not sure why?


  1. Store correct answers
    • When quiz begins, no answers are correct */ let correct = 0

// 2. Store the rank of a player let rank=''

// 3. Select the <main> HTML element const main = document.querySelector('main');


  1. Ask at least 5 questions
    • Store each answer in a variable
    • Keep track of the number of correct answers */ const answer1= prompt("Why am I doing this to myself?"); if ( answer1 = "I dont quite remember"){ correct+= 1; } const answer2= prompt("What am I missing?"); if (answer2= "Maybe just more pracice"){ correct+= 1; } const answer3 = prompt("Do you think you need to spend more time daily?"); if (answer3= "Yes."){ correct+= 1; } const answer4 = prompt("Do you think you can commit to an hour a day?"); if (answer4= "Yes I'll try"){ correct+=1; } const answer5 = prompt("Do you think you still workout as often?"); if (answer5= "Yes I'll try"){ correct+=1; }


  1. Rank player based on number of correct answers
    • 5 correct = Gold
    • 3-4 correct = Silver
    • 1-2 correct = Bronze
    • 0 correct = No crown


if ( correct === 5 ) { rank = "Gold"; } else if ( correct >= 3 ) { rank = "Silver";
} else if ( correct >= 1 ) { rank = "Bronze";
} else { rank = "None :("; }

// 6. Output results to the <main> element

main.innerHTML= <h2>You got ${correct} out of 5 quesions correct.</h2> <p> Crown earned: <strong>${rank}</strong></p> ;

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

When you wrote if ( answer1 = "I dont quite remember"), you probably meant to use the equality operator (==) instead. A single equal sign is an assignment operator, and reassigning a constant is not allowed and causes the program to stop.

For future questions, a much better way to share your code is with a workspace snapshot (note: not "screenshot").
You might want to take a look at this video about
sharing a snapshot of your workspace.