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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Create a Function

Georgios Vivilakis
Georgios Vivilakis
Python Development Techdegree Student 3,020 Points

squaring cant give me an answer. I'm confused!

def square(number): return (number * number) result = square(25) print(result)

def square(number):
    square = 100
    return (number * number)
result = square(10)

1 Answer

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,491 Points

Hey Georgios Vivilakis ! :wave:

You're very close here! Your provided code snippet passes the first task in the Challenge, but for the second, notice it's asking to pass the argument of 3 and you're currently passing 10.

We don't need the print() statement either, that can sometimes throw things off in these challenges.

Also, the square variable inside of your function isn't currently being used, so we can remove that.

I hope this helps!

def square(number):
    return (number * number)
result = square(3)