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Python Python Basics All Together Now Handle Exceptions

except valueerror as err problem


On line 14 and 15 I can see what seems to be a placeholder or infact very similar to a function parameter. I took err out and used qqq in both circumstances and works just as well. question is what is that err for? In both instances?

A very good exercise Craig, I've been away ill for a year and occasionally was reading python material, followed your lesson today and thoroughly enjoyed it.


1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

The term "err" is just a variable name, you can use any name you like instead. Naming it "err" is just a common practice.

The variable you specify after "as" will be assigned an object when the exception occurs that will contain information about the exception, including a string describing the cause. For more details, see the Handling Exceptions section of the Python online documentation.