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JavaScript JavaScript Loops Working with 'for' Loops Dynamically Display HTML with a Loop

Nik Oaks
Nik Oaks
8,056 Points

Exponential growth in loops

I tried making the sequence exponential instead of linear by typing "i*i" and Math.sqrt(i) but that didn't work so i'm wondering how or if you can do that.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

I would have thought i*i would have worked well, but you might also try something like Math.pow(2, i).

If that's also not what you are looking for, perhaps you could give an example of the sequence you're trying to generate?

Nik Oaks
Nik Oaks
8,056 Points

There could have been a syntax error in my code, because I was sure that both of those would have worked.