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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Store Multiple Values in an Array Review Adding, Removing, and Copying Array Elements

if ${attendees.length} is not the right answer, Whats the right answer?

if ${attendees.length} is not the right answer, Whats the right answer?

i asked gpt about it, and he responded

You can use the length property of the attendees array to get the number of elements in it. Here's the completed code:

const attendees = ['Anwar', 'Meg', 'Hope', 'Toni']; let message = There are ${attendees.length} attendees in the meeting.;

console.log(message); // Outputs: There are 4 attendees in the meeting.

In this code, the ${attendees.length} expression within the template string will be replaced by the actual number of elements in the attendees array when the code is executed.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

While it can be helpful, I wouldn't consider the GPT AI to be a definitive source for programming information. It may have potentially contributed to a bit of confusion in this case.   :see_no_evil:

You're right that attendees.length is indeed the correct answer to the quiz question. But note that the dollar sign and braces are provided outside the blank, so ${attendees.length} would not be the correct answer to fill in the blank. It that perhaps what you were entering?