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PHP Object-Oriented PHP Basics Building the Recipe Static

My array on preview shows 4 items when only has 2, is that an error on your teamtrehouse code???

My array on preview shows 4 items when only has 2, is that an error on your teamtrehouse code???


class Render {
 public static function displayDimensions($size){

   return print_r($size);

$roomSize= array(
'length'=> 12,
'width'=> 14


1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

You don't need to create an array in this challenge, the testing system does that part. What you're seeing is your array and the system's, where both have 2 elements.

You also don't need to print anything for task 2, it only wants you construct a string using the argument values and return it.