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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

Raymond Clark
Raymond Clark
2,497 Points

What am i doing wrong?

The code works fine when i throw it into my Workspace, but it fails in the quiz window.

def suggest(product_idea):
    num_of_characters = len(product_idea)
    if num_of_characters <= 3:
        raise ValueError("Too short. 3 characters of more")
    return product_idea + "inator"

    name = input("Type in a name: ")
    cool_name = suggest(name)
except ValueError as err:
    print("{} is your new Name.".format(cool_name))

1 Answer

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

Good work! Looks like you know something about programming.

The automated grader is a little "brittle" and looking for a very simple answer. Basically, it doesn't want the try/except/else block that is outside of the function. Otherwise, you're good if you delete that.