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PHP Integrating PHP with Databases Limiting Records in SQL LIMIT and OFFSET

Esmee Fulcher
Esmee Fulcher
923 Points

What's wrong with my code limit and offset task 2

I thought I did everything correctly what is wrong with my code? Question: Challenge Task 2 of 2 Note: We will be writing ONLY the SQL query for this challenge.

Imagine you're developing a Contacts application on a phone. You have a database with a phone_book table. It has the columns, first_name, last_name and phone.

The phone has a technical limitation to show 20 contacts on a screen at a time. Write the SQL query to retrieve the 3rd page of results from the phone_book table. Contacts are ordered by last name and then first name.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

And what was the query code that you wrote?