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General Discussion

Can I reste my account that I have taken a certain course ?

Now if I have already taken a course (long time ago), its a bit tricky to take that course again. This in that (1) I don't get any scores that I have redone a part in the course and (2) if the course is part of a track I work on, the step to next course skip previous already taken courses.

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Most students have a Learning Progress page where you can reset your progress on a course or a whole track.

But if you want to do the opposite (mark a course taken without taking it), I don't think there's any mechanism for that. But if you know the material you should be able to breeze through it.

And you also don't have to take the courses in track order, just go back to the main page from the track and simply select the course you want to do next.

In my case I want to flag a course I've already taken as "not taken". So the Learning Progress page seems to do the job.

Thanks again.