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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Loop Through Arrays Loop Through an Array

do we need to use function to create a " li " to pass in the array?

Do we need to use function to create a " li " to pass in the array so every result will be in a white line?

If there is no function made for the " li ", everything gets stored into 1 line. Is there a way around it?

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

As used in the video, the list items do more than just make each entry on a separate line, they also affect the foreground and background coloring, and provide item numbers.

But if you only wanted to put the items on different lines, you could put a <br> element after each one.

The way the lists present themselves in the final webpage, is defined by the style.css, which you will see has some code that describes how a list items should behave and appear when viewed in the browser. So by declaring that this lists is full of 'li' items, and passing that to the HTML, you get a neatly defined list, with a visual representation that fits the 'li'-type