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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raising Exceptions

Alexandra Wakefield
Alexandra Wakefield
Courses Plus Student 382 Points

err is calling class, but is not finding raise within the function

While using err allowed me to clean up the error message within the console, it is not grabbing the message prompted after raise within the function. Instead, it only calls <class 'ValueError'> and similarly with ZeroDivisionError. What is preventing the message from showing and how do I unblock this prevention?

def splitCheck(totalAmount, totalCustomers):
    amountDue = round(totalAmount / totalCustomers, 2)
    if totalAmount <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Remember: Insert the number needing to be paid.")
    if totalCustomers <= 1:
        raise ValueError or ZeroDivisionError("Remember: You need more than 1 person to split a check.")
    print("Each person will pay ${}.".format(amountDue))

    totalAmount = float(input("How much is the check?  "))
    totalCustomers = int(input("How many people are paying?  "))
    splitCheck(totalAmount, totalCustomers)
except ValueError or ZeroDivisionError as err:
    print("Oh no! That didn't look like a valid number.\nPlease, try again.")

Thanks, in advance.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

I'm not sure what you were intending the "or" to do, but it will return the first operand that is not "falsey" (so in this case, ValueError β€” with no message).

You have a similar issue with the except, but there you can catch multiple exceptions by using a tuple:

except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as err: