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General Discussion

Sultan X
Sultan X
530 Points

I want to schedule lessons in my calendar

How can I extract thw titles of all lessons in specfic track with their time? I need this so I can organise my learning in calendar or in . MS Word file so I can know which lessons I look at tomorrow for example and after that.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Since this information isn't readily copy-pasted, I took a look at the HTML code for the page.

If you've done any web scraping or are familiar with the browser's development tools and proficient with a good editor (there are courses/workshops here for each), you can extract this information from the HTML code for the page. The titles are in h3 elements that have the class "card-title", and the time estimates are in spans that have the class "card-estimate". These are all found in an unordered list within a div with the id of "track-steps".

Note that the estimate appears before the title for each card.

Also note that these estimates are general guides, your actual time to complete the course may vary greatly based on personal study habits.