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Python Introducing Tuples Getting to Know Tuples Creating Tuples

Devan Laton
Devan Laton
563 Points

Is what i'm trying to do changing the tuple?

I know this is really simple but I'm a little confused as to what I'm supposed to do. I imagine that I'm trying to change to tuple which I know can't be done, but I'm not sure as to what I'm supposed to do to make this work the way it's supposed to.

my_tuple = ('I', 'love', 'python',)
item3 = my_tuple(2)

1 Answer

Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 15,200 Points

Hi there, Devan Laton! Trust me when I say that you're doing a lot better than you think! Your code is only faulty by a single character. And no, you're not changing the tuple. Rather, you're creating a new variable named item3 then assigning it the third value in that tuple. And you've done so brilliantly!

The error actually lies in the tuple itself. You simply have an extra comma after 'python'. Erase that comma and your code should pass just beautifully!

Hope this helps! :sparkles:

Devan Laton
Devan Laton
563 Points

Thank you for your help but when i tried doing that its giving me this error. "TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable" I tried removing the quotation marks just to see if that was the problem but its not. also there aren't any hints for this challenge, although i could be wrong.

Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 15,200 Points

Devan Laton I wish I knew what your code looks like now. But the answer should have been to just remove a comma.

You had:

my_tuple = ('I', 'love', 'python',)
item3 = my_tuple(2)

And it wanted:

my_tuple = ('I', 'love', 'python')
item3 = my_tuple(2)

If that doesn't work, you may need to restart the challenge. There could be something in your browser's cache that is interfering in some way.

Devan Laton
Devan Laton
563 Points

I'm not sure what the problem is. I've gone back and changed it on here multiple times to what you told me, I tried restarting the challenge like you said and that didn't work either, and then i even went on my phone and tried to do it and that didn't work. So im not sure what i can do but i'll try to figure it out. If you have anything else to tell me than that would be greatly appreciated