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CSS CSS Flexbox Layout Flexbox Properties Wrapping Flex Items

My list items do not overflow at all, rather the body shrinks.

My interaction did not go the same way as the video, as my container never overflowed from the beginning.

I'm assuming this may be a difference of HTML/CSS versions as these videos are from 2016?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

I doubt anything has changed in HTML or CSS that would affect the lesson, but we would need to see your code to help identify the real issue. Take a look at this video about sharing a snapshot of your workspace.

1 Answer

Hi Steven,

Thank you for quick reply.

The code is directly from the workspace found in this video: https://teamtreehouse.com/library/css-flexbox-layout/wrapping-flex-items

(Just in case for convenience, it is unaltered from the original. https://w.trhou.se/xs8hy7ztiu )

I was perplexed by the issue, as whenever I shrunk the web page, rather than the contents overfilling, they would instead shrink the overall container, which had me slightly worried that I could not replicate the issue.

Fortunately, following through with the video, this entire error became dissmisable and I was able to continue.

Again, thank you for your quick reply, and apologies for my late reply.