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Python Flask REST API API Protection Password hashing

Really not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Can anyone clear this up for me?

I keep getting this message and not sure what it's talking about:

cannot import name 'User'

import datetime
from peewee import *

from argon2 import PasswordHasher

DATABASE = SqliteDatabase('recipes.db')

HASHER = PasswordHasher()

class Meta:
    database = DATABASE

def create_user(cls, username, password):
    except cls.DoesNotExist:
        user = cls(username=username)
        user.password = cls.hash_password(password) 
        return user
        raise Exception("user already exists")  

def hash_password(password):   
    return HASHER.hash(password)

def verify_passowrd(self, password):
    return HASHER.verify(self.password, password)

class Recipe(Model):
    name = CharField()
    created_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)

    class Meta:
        database = DATABASE

class Ingredient(Model):
    name = CharField()
    description = CharField()
    quantity = DecimalField()
    measurement_type = CharField()
    recipe = ForeignKeyField(Recipe)

class Meta:
    database = DATABASE

def initialize():
    DATABASE.create_tables([User, Recipe, Ingredient], safe=True)

1 Answer

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

You are close! But somehow key parts of the code were deleted.

In particular--

You are missing the User class definition code that was given to you in step 1.

Also, some of the indentations of the class Meta, @classmethod, @staticmethod, and def verify_password blocks should indent these to be part of the User class you are adding.