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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

Gabriella Villareal
Gabriella Villareal
229 Points

There are a bunch of random errors that pop up and I have no idea what an indentation error is.

Also, if anything else in my code is off, please tell me.

def suggest(product_idea):
    return product_idea + "inator"
 understand = input("put a name idea here  ")
if understand != len(stringToCheck):
    if product_idea  <= 3:
        raise ValueError("please put a longer name  ")

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Indentation is a common way to indicate program structure and flow. In other languages, this is typically a "best practice" but technically optional; but in Python it is mandatory.

Indentation per level should be consistent throughout the program. In the starter code provided, you can see that the indentation used is 4 spaces. So every line of code added should be indented by some multiple of 4 spaces (or none).

A few additional hints:

  • the instructions ask for code to be added to the function, which means it must come before the return
  • anything inside the function will also be indented
  • the instructions do not ask for anything to be input, just work with the parameter
  • you'll want to test the length of the idea, not the numeric value of the idea
  • the error should occur when the length "is less than 3 characters", so 3 would be OK