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Ruby Ruby Blocks Working With Blocks Implementing Block Methods

Elias Schroons
Elias Schroons
5,170 Points

There's a bug in the MyArray class! Modify the each method to return the member array.

Hi, I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong here.

According to other support threads, this code should work, but it doesn't.

It also seems that I'm entering it into a command-line like interface instead of a 'regular' code editor one.

class MyArray
  attr_reader :array
  def initialize
    @array = []

  def push(item)

  def each(&block)
    i = 0
    while i < array.length
      i += 1
    return array

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

It looks like there may be a bug in the challenge. You might want to report it to the Support staff.

Jay McGavren
Jay McGavren
Treehouse Teacher

Elias Schroons looks like you notified support? Thank you! Our devs looked at it and your code should work as-is now. (Works for me, anyway.) Sorry for the trouble!

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Jay McGavren β€” much better now!

And it sounds like Elias Schroons should be getting an "Exterminator" :beetle: badge. :+1:

Elias Schroons
Elias Schroons
5,170 Points

Works for me, too.

Thanks guys!