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HTML HTML Basics Images, Text and Links Understanding File Paths

when i preview workspace the article and index show same webpage

Even though i have followed the video correctly both article and index display the same webpage EVEN though they are programmed completely differently!!



Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

We can take a look if you make a snapshot of your workspace and post the link to it here.

Rajvinder Singh
Rajvinder Singh
3,936 Points

Most likely the issue is that the url needs to be changed like how they discussed in the course. For an example, if you want to view the article.html page, then add article.html to the end of the port url in the browser which displays your work. This should open up the intended page.

If Visual Studio Code did this i think the alot of people would choose another platform.. What if we end up with like 5 pages, for each one we keep needing to change the url?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

The "Articles" link in the header is indeed pointing to the same page. Later in the course it will be changed to go to a different part of the page, but it will still be the same page.

But if you go further down the page you will see the "Read more" links which do go to the other page.