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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

while raising the ValueError, do I need to use print() for text?

Im also not sure if im using right syntax, did I place 'raise' value error in correct place?

def suggest(product_idea):
    if len(product_list) > 3:
        raise ValueError('its too short my friend')
    return product_idea + "inator"

1 Answer

Mark Sebeck
Mark Sebeck
Treehouse Moderator 37,763 Points

Hi Henry. So I ran you code and got an error that said "product_list was undefined". You are checking the length of product_list but what is that? I see you are passing in product_idea. You may want to check the length of product_idea instead.

After I fixed that I got that error that when "I passed in 'a' i did not get an error and should. After looking at you code you are checking if length is greater (>) than 3. But don't we want to check if lenght is less than 3?

Hope this helps Henry. Be sure to post back to the community if you are still stuck

Worked like a dream! THANKS!