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PHP Object-Oriented PHP Basics Understanding Classes Methods of a Class

Sam Katz
Sam Katz
2,986 Points

why is Getinfo() undefined?

In this OOP PHP code, this method is not within scope, and cannot be reached. why? It says it is undefined? getInfo


class Fish {
    public $common_name;
    public $flavor;
    public $record_weight;


function __construct($common_name, $flavor, $record_weight) {
$this ->$common_name;
$this ->$flavor;
$this ->$record_weight;
public function getInfo() {
  return "A ". $this->common_name . " is an ". $this->flavor . " flavored fish. The world record weight is " . $this->record_weight . ".";

//$bass = new Fish();
//$bass->common_name = "Largemouth Bass";
//$bass->flavor = "Excellent";
//$bass->record_weight = "22 pounds 5 ounces";

$bass = new Fish("Largemouth Bass". "Excellent", "22 pounds 5 ounces");



1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

The instructions say "Create a method on Fish named getInfo …", but the function above is not part of the definition of "Fish".

Also, the instructions don't ask for a "__construct" function to be created, or for a Fish to be instantiated, or for the function to be called. To avoid confusing the challenge checking system, always do only what the instructions ask for!