How Treehouse Works
Achieve your dreams and change the world
Learn from over 1000 videos created by expert teachers on web design, coding, business, and much more. Our library is continually refreshed with the latest on web technology so you'll never fall behind.
Practice what you've learned through quizzes and interactive Code Challenges. This style of practicing will allow you to retain information you've learned so you can apply it to your own future projects.
You'll earn badges as you journey through our extensive library of courses. These badges are an indicator of what skills you currently possess and are viewable by anyone (even recruiters from big companies!).
Some of the Awesome Stuff You'll Learn
The fast, easy, and affordable way to build your skills
Treehouse is trusted by 1.2 million students and companies worldwide
"Treehouse has a library of lessons that goes far beyond the surface, touching nearly every aspect of how to design and develop for the web."
$25/moFor industry professionals and those interested in brushing up on their skills with on-demand courses and workshops.
- 1000+ high quality video courses
- Interactive tools
- On-demand learning
- Supportive community of students
$199/moFor anyone who wants to earn a certification and launch a career.
- 1000+ high quality video courses
- Interactive tools
- On-demand learning
- Supportive community of students
- Custom curriculum
- A portfolio of real-world projects
- Exclusive Slack channel
- Peer project reviews
- Final exam
- Official Techdegree Certificate