Lauren Morris

Lauren Morris


As a front-end developer I am constantly striving to improve the knowledge I have about web development. Team Treehouse is a great way to attain this goal! Using this tool, I am able to learn new techniques to stay up-to-date with current trends.


Total Points

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119 Achievements

  • Going Further with Routing
  • Navigating, Nesting and Redirecting Routes
  • Getting Started with React Router
  • React Component Patterns
  • Stateful Components and the Effect Hook
  • Managing State
  • Data Flow
  • Build Modular Interfaces with Components
  • Treehouse Festival (December 2020)
  • Adding a New Web Page
  • Make It Beautiful with CSS
  • HTML: The Structural Foundation of Web Pages and Applications
  • Getting Familiar with HTML and CSS
  • Stateful Components
  • Introducing Props
  • Thinking in Components
  • First Steps in React
  • Access for Everybody
  • Getting to Know Bootstrap 4
  • Angular Form Validation
  • Angular Basic Forms
  • Services in Angular
  • Angular Components
  • Add Reusable Logic to Your Sass
  • Write Smart and Efficient CSS with Sass
  • Improve Your Workflow with Sass
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Building a Layout with Flexbox
  • Flexbox Properties
  • Understanding Flexbox
  • Setting Up an Angular Application
  • Modules and Themes
  • Site Building with the Drupal Interface
  • Learn About Drupal
  • AJAX Concepts
  • Traversing and Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
  • Selecting Elements and Adding Events with JavaScript
  • JavaScript and the DOM
  • Using a jQuery Carousel
  • Add a Sticky Navigation Bar
  • Introducing jQuery Plugins
  • Creating a Simple Drawing Application
  • Creating a Password Confirmation Form
  • Creating a Mobile Drop Down Menu
  • Creating a Simple Lightbox
  • Creating a Spoiler Revealer
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • The Internet
  • JavaScript Objects
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • CSS Box Model
  • Text, Fonts, and Lists
  • Advanced Sass Concepts
  • Speeding up Workflow With Sass
  • Variables, Mixins, and Extending Selectors
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Customizing WordPress Themes
  • WordPress Themes
  • Installing Wordpress
  • What's New in Foundation 5
  • Build a Website With Foundation
  • Prototyping With Foundation
  • Build a Website With Bootstrap
  • Prototyping With Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Managing Comments
  • Adding and Editing Content in WordPress
  • Configuring WordPress
  • Getting Started with WordPress
  • Values and Units
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Form Validation and Manipulation
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • Advanced Techniques
  • Responsive Design
  • Adaptive Design
  • Fluid Foundation
  • Introduction to Responsive Web Design
  • Storyboards
  • Automatic Reference Counting
  • JavaScript Strings
  • Introduction Variables
  • Functions
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Control Structures
  • Basics
  • Animate This
  • Shaking Things Up
  • Making It Pretty
  • Learning the Language
  • Getting Started with iPhone
  • Page Layout
  • Box Model
  • Text
  • Data Types
  • Selectors
  • Introduction
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Objects
  • Links
  • Lists
  • Text
  • Introduction
  • Launching the Website
  • Styling Content
  • Creating a Website Structure
  • Text Editors and HTML
  • Website Basics
  • Treehouse Scholarship
  • Newbie