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Diego Hidalgo
Diego Hidalgo
Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 7,064 Points

I didn’t understand margin collapsing

I didn’t understand the margin collapsing well, the margin of h1 exits outside the container because it doesn’t inconvenience the padding and the Boder of the parent container. I tried with a div and p using the same "settings" css and what was explained does not happen, the p you take the space inside the parent div. It is explained that the margin collapses because of incotra the body’s margin, but if the body has margin:0; actually there is no margin with which the h1 margin can meet and then collapse so that the one with a larger value is set

1 Answer

Jamie Reardon
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Jamie Reardon
Treehouse Project Reviewer

Hi Diego Hidalgo margin-collapse refers to the top / bottom margins of elements sometimes combining (collapsing) into a single margin if they are equal. You can read more here on the concept.