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JavaScript JavaScript Numbers Working with Numbers Create a Program with Math

My Solution for totalSecondsAlive

const secsPerMin = 60;
const minsPerHour = 60;
const hoursPerDay = 24;
const daysPerWeek = 7;
const weeksPerYear = 52;

const secondsPerDay = secsPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay * daysPerWeek
* weeksPerYear;
console.log (`There are ${secondsPerDay} seconds in a day.`);

const yearsAlive = 35;
const totalSecondsAlive = secondsPerDay * yearsAlive;
console.log(`I've been alive more than ${totalSecondsAlive} seconds!`);

2 Answers

Mark Sebeck
Mark Sebeck
Treehouse Moderator 37,746 Points

Nice job Hung. My only suggestion is instead of naming your variable totalYearsAlive I would name it totalSecondsAlive since you are storing seconds. Also your first output should say seconds in an year. Instead of days per week * weeks i would use 365 days. And if you want to be more accurate 365.25 days to account for leap years

Thank you for the feed back. Make more sense

Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole
Courses Plus Student 15,809 Points

Doesn't this make the first statement wrong?

const secondsPerDay = secsPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay * daysPerWeek
* weeksPerYear;
console.log (`There are ${secondsPerDay} seconds in a day.`);

secondsPerDay now includes weeks per year.