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Python Introducing Lists Using Lists Iteration

miranda maposa
miranda maposa
Data Analysis Techdegree Student 1,074 Points

Not sure why this will not loop

I'm following along with the video but my work will not print attendee in attendees. Not sure what I'm missing:

attendees = ["Ken", "Alena", "Treasure"]
attendees.extend(["James", "Gill"])
optional_invitees = ["Ben","Dave"]
potential_attendees = attendees + optional_invitees                        
print("There are", len(potential_attendees), "potential attendees currently")
treehouse:~/workspace$ python -i meeting.py                                                                    
There are 8 potential attendees currently                                                                      
>>> attendees                                                                                                  
['Ken', 'Alena', 'Treasure', 'Ashley', 'James', 'Gill']                                                        
>>> for attendee in attendees:                                                                                 
...     print(attendee)                                                                                        

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

It works for me, I get this:

>treehouse:~/workspace$ python -i meeting.py    
There are 8 potential attendees currently   
>>> attendees   
['Ken', 'Alena', 'Treasure', 'Ashley', 'James', 'Gill']   
>>> for attendee in attendees:   
...     print(attendee)    
...                 <-- NOTE: it takes an extra newline to let Python know you are done typing
Kenny Hardcastle
Kenny Hardcastle
621 Points

I have been sitting here for 20 mins trying to figure out why my list wasn't printing out. Lo and behold, I was just a simple "enter" button away from getting it!

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

miranda maposa — Glad to help. You can mark a question solved by choosing a "best answer".
And happy coding!