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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements Boolean Values

Abigail Puckett
Abigail Puckett
2,111 Points

Displaying curly braces

("Sorry, The number was ${number}." ); my variable is labeled number and it's spelled correctly. my code looks the same but in the log it's not showing the variable instead it's showing literally "Sorry the number was ${number}" instead of inserting what I put the number variable as.

1 Answer

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,491 Points

Hey Abigail Puckett ! :wave:

Did you make sure to change the quotation marks to backticks? This will change it to a template literal and your ${number} should then instead display as number's value.