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Python Write Better Python Cleaner Code Function and Class Whitespace

Zachary Radcliff
Zachary Radcliff
4,062 Points

I think my spacing is correct, but it doesn't tell me what is wrong. Just keeps saying try again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

def first_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

def second_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

class MyClass:
    args = [1, 2, 3]

def class_func(self):
    return self.args

2 Answers

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,491 Points

Hey Zachary Radcliff ! :wave:

This is definitely a tricky one, and that "error message" is definitely not being helpful here, I'm sorry!

The issue is that the last function was originally nested inside the MyClass class. So highlight those last two lines of code and tab them to the right once. Also be sure there are not "empty spaces" on the empty lines. If you click on an empty line, the cursor should be all the way to the left :thumbsup:

I hope this helps!

def first_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

def second_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

class MyClass:
    args = [1, 2, 3]

    def class_func(self):
        return self.args
Joshua Moten
Joshua Moten
2,401 Points

I was just about to say that as well about the MyClass function. you can also use f-strings for formatting in case you did not know

   def first_function(arg1):
    return print(f'arg1 is {arg1}')