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Nicole Buckenwolf
Nicole Buckenwolf
8,720 Points

Question about data types and MIN/MAX

I was just playing around with the SQL playground for this video and noticed that selecting for MIN(START_TIME) from the PERIODS table returns 10:44. Is that because this column has a TEXT datatype? If it were DATETIME instead, would it return the first period of the day?

2 Answers

Rohald van Merode
Rohald van Merode
Treehouse Staff

That is correct Nicole Buckenwolf 💯😃

Since the type of START_TIME is set to a TEXT type it will order the values in alphabetical order. Because of that the 10 comes before the 9:. If START_TIME was of the DATETIME datatype instead the MIN() function would have operated in the context of time comparison rather than alphabetical

Nicole Buckenwolf
Nicole Buckenwolf
8,720 Points

Awesome, thank you for confirming!