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Python Accessing an API with Python

Nicole Buckenwolf
Nicole Buckenwolf
8,720 Points

typo in video leading to a question

I was following the video exactly and at first couldn't figure out why my code wasn't working, so first please note there is no e between random and user in the api address - correct code is


But I also have a question about this, because I got a big old error, and the instructor's code appears to work, so I'm curious if anyone can explain why in the video they get Response [200] with the misspelled API?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

It just so happens that the domain with the misspelled name does actually exist, and will return a response regardless of any additional tree information added to the request.

:warning: Warning: Browsing this domain is not recommended, as it appears to belong to a domain squatter that is also using a "virus alert" phishing scam.   😱