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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Build a Quiz Challenge – One Solution

why this doesnt work?

// 1. Create a multidimensional array to hold quiz questions and answers const questionAnswer = [ ['What is your name?', 'Max'], ['What is your hobby?', 'Coding'], ['What is your shoe size?', '45'],


const question1 = prompt( questionAnswer[0][0]) const question2 = prompt( questionAnswer[1][0]) const question3 = prompt( questionAnswer[2][0]) let correctAnswers = 0; // 2. Store the number of questions answered correctly

for (let i = 0; i> questionAnswer.length; i++){ if (question1 === questionAnswer[0][1] ) { correctAnswers++; } else if (question2 === questionAnswer[1][1] ) { correctAnswers++; } else if (+question3 === questionAnswer[2][1]) { correctAnswers++; } } /*

  1. Use a loop to cycle through each question
    • Present each question to the user
    • Compare the user's response to answer in the array
    • If the response matches the answer, the number of correctly answered questions increments by 1 */

// 4. Display the number of correct answers to the user document.querySelector('main').innerHTML= You answered ${correctAnswers} correct questions.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

One issue I spotted offhand:

In this comparison :point_right: +question3 === questionAnswer[2][1]

The "+" symbol at the start converts question3 into a number, but the answer stored in questionAnswer[2][1] is a string. The type-sensitive equality operator (===) will not match a number to a string even if the value is correct. So you either need a standard comparison (==), or to not convert the answer to a number. or to store the correct answer as a number instead of a string.

For future questions, use Markdown formatting to preserve the code's appearance. You may also want to take Markdown formatting to preserve the code's appearance, and perhaps this one about sharing a snapshot of your workspace.