Agung Julian Perkasa

Agung Julian Perkasa

Courses Plus Student

south sumatra

my goal is to can build cool android and website aplication. so it is good decision who i made to learn them in it so fun play and explore all about tecnology in this website. hope can enjoy it !!!


Total Points

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Skills & Experience

  • Company


  • Job Title


  • Spoken Languages

    • english
    • indonesian

21 Achievements

  • Harnessing the Power of Objects
  • Ruby Strings (Ruby Basics)
  • How Ruby Works
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Meet Objects
  • Perfecting the Prototype
  • Using your New Tools
  • Getting Started with Java
  • User Input
  • Publishing on Google Play
  • Using Git for Android
  • Getting Started with Genymotion
  • Getting Started with Android Studio
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Improving Our Code
  • Coding the Fun Facts
  • Basic Android Programming
  • Creating the Initial Screen Layout
  • Getting Started with Android
  • Newbie